At my wits end, Please help me!

I know that I was told not to pay attention to the scale during two things, 1) muscle building and 2) my period. Yet I just can't wait that long to step back on, but when I do and I see the numbers higher than I wanted them to be, I just can't help but feel like a failure. I hate that I see the inches going down, but since I don't see the numbers going down I feel like ****. I hate mu body, when will all of this be over? When will I finally be able to look into the mirror and like what I see?

I have my first appointment with a nutritionist on Monday. This week cannot go by fast enough. I need to know how to drop more weight, and fast! I know that I will be happier once the weight is gone, I just don't know how much weight needs to go. I look at myself and see the chubby high-schooler with no life and no self-confidence.

I just want this to be over with already! I'm eating low calorie (1340 I believe), I'm exercising an average of two hours a day (EVERY DAY!) - I just don't know what else I can do!

Please, help me! How can I drop the weight (even during my T.O.M)?


  • DinahKyle
    DinahKyle Posts: 186 Member
    Bump! Please help!
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    You are not eating enough for that much exercise.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Bump! Please help!

    The help you need has nothing to do with your weight and everything to do with your panic over your weight. You didn't put the weight on overnight, it's not coming off overnight.
  • RejoicingL
    RejoicingL Posts: 95 Member
    If you "can't resist" the scale, throw it out! Don't let it's numbers rule your thoughts.

    Just from what I've been learning, and not from personal experience, I'd say maybe you need to increase your calories.
  • DixiedoesMFP
    DixiedoesMFP Posts: 935 Member

    I just want this to be over with already! I'm eating low calorie (1340 I believe), I'm exercising an average of two hours a day (EVERY DAY!) - I just don't know what else I can do!

    Please, help me! How can I drop the weight (even during my T.O.M)?

    Sorry, but it just doesn't work that way. Any advice that you receive to drop it fast isn't going to help you keep it off. Slow and steady generally results in maintainable. Calm down, breathe, relax......and throw the darn scale away for a while.
  • kmillar1224
    kmillar1224 Posts: 91 Member
    Someone once asked me - what's more important, the number on the scale or how your body looks? When I was asked that everything changed for me...I realized that I would be freaking HAPPY if I weighed 200 pounds, but was a size 2. That was enough to get me away from the scale forever and just concentrate on dropping inches. If you think about it, no one will ever no how much you weigh, but they will SEE how small you are ;0) Good luck and stay positive - you're awesome :0)
  • juwan24
    juwan24 Posts: 27
    you need to eat more for one, and then pick a day and time that you plan to weigh yourself every week. Currently I'm working a system that gives me a bout a 1 pound deficit every week and if I weight myself throughout the week, it's anywhere from even to +3 pounds, but every monday morning after basketball i've been down every week. Consistent weigh in time and conditions are crucial, especially since you're at that 33 pound mark and getting close to the tough time. You have to remember that we get to a point where it might only be .6 or .8 for a particular week and it may not even show up on the scale based on whether you just drank a glass of water or not
  • Meggles63
    Meggles63 Posts: 916 Member
    You are not eating enough for that much exercise.
    ^^^This! Per your diary, you are eating around 1600, and then burning is 600-800! If you're working that hard, you need to eat to fuel your body.
  • juwan24
    juwan24 Posts: 27
    You are not eating enough for that much exercise.
    ^^^This! Per your diary, you are eating around 1600, and then burning is 600-800! If you're working that hard, you need to eat to fuel your body.

    It sounds dumb, but I'm a stats kind of guy and tracked everything for the last 6 months in excel and I can see wherever my net calories gets too low, the weight loss stops
  • HausfrauB
    HausfrauB Posts: 104 Member
    I hate mu body, when will all of this be over? When will I finally be able to look into the mirror and like what I see?

    Do not hate your body. Respect all that it does for you. When you take care of it (instead of punishing it), you'll begin to love it again. I've spent almost 20 years hating my body and it's never helped me to lose weight and keep it off. You have the power to choose whether you will treat it kindly or will respond accordingly.

    The only way for YOU to like what you see in the mirror is to like what YOU see inside of yourself. Trust me...losing weight is only a short-term boost to self-confidence. The secret is to love yourself unconditionally and the secondary effects (weight loss, happier demeanor, confidence) will follow.

    You are so young....Please don't hate on yourself!
  • RejoicingL
    RejoicingL Posts: 95 Member
    Also, I remember reading one of the newbie threads about eating back your excersize calories is important? Maybe look into that?
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    Get yourself a tape measure and use it. The scale is only one indication of size.
  • Tappanga
    Tappanga Posts: 7
    Although I can relate to that frantic, impatient feeling, you need to stop and realize something:

    According to your profile, you've dropped 40lbs and are 12lbs away from your UGW. The pounds are coming off, and if you can't see that, can I recommend looking at your Before and After photos again? I can see the change and I don't even know you.

    Oh and BTW, stressing about weight loss will keep the weight from coming off. Stop worrying about it and enjoy the body you've worked this hard for.
  • Laurie1267
    Laurie1267 Posts: 169 Member
    I looked at your diary over the past week and you are consistently low in protein. You need the protein especially when exercising like you do. Also, your nutritionist will probably limit fruit to two a day. You're great with fresh veggies! I saw two bananas in one day which is a lot of sugar; yes it natural sugar but still high in sugar.

    I know there will be a lot of disagreements with this, but when I was drinking 10+ glasses of water daily (especially with a high consumption of sodium) I tended to gain water weight. Very frustrating considering a low calorie count overall and exercise.

    Good luck to you! Keep going - you're almost there :happy:
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    I need to know how to drop more weight, and fast! I know that I will be happier once the weight is gone, I just don't know how much weight needs to go. I look at myself and see the chubby high-schooler with no life and no self-confidence.

    This part of your post is what concerns me most as the odds are quite good that even when you get to that magic number, fast or not, you're still going to see that chubby high-schooler.

    Losing weight will not fix your internal view.
  • mwoods4146
    mwoods4146 Posts: 30 Member
    Don't Panic!!!!! As someone else said, you did not gain this weight overnight and you will not lose it overnight. From the sounds of it you are not eating enough, if you workout that much you are not eating enough and giving your body the fuel it needs. This was very hard for me to overcome when I first started cause my thinking was " Well I need to workout and eat less" I was proven wrong!! Have you ever seen that picture that has a picture of Marilyn Monroe with a little chub on her and a very underweight model with her bones visible? The picture asks " Which one looks better" of course it is the chub. You need to stay away from the scales cause muscle weighs more than fat and the scale can't tell you that, it will just discourage you! You can do it keep it up!!
  • DinahKyle
    DinahKyle Posts: 186 Member
    Thanks everyone who responded. I know that they weight didn't go on overnight, and I know that this is definitely a self issue more than a weight issue. I have been referred to a dietician by my doctor and he is going to help me go about this in a better way. Thank you all for your thoughts and input. I will try to up my calories, I just worry that they counter isn't accurate and that I am not burning that many, so if I eat more I will just gain or remain the same.
  • Dedicatediva
    Dedicatediva Posts: 32 Member
    You have to avoid the scale during TOM because you will see different numbers due to all the factors that comes from that TOM so waiting until it goes away then get on or you will be cheating yourself of your true results!
  • LindaCWy
    LindaCWy Posts: 463 Member
    Please stop hating your body, it's the only one you are going to get so treat it right and stop putting it under so much pressure. If you don't like your body, guess what? No refunds.

    The problem is not in what you are doing, it's how you are thinking. You have a skewed perception of how you look. You will lose weight and get down to a ridiculous size and still see a chunkster in the mirror. I know because sometimes I feel that way. Some mornings I wake up and feel like I did before the weight loss and even see myself that way in the mirror.

    Good luck with the nutritionist but you may need to see more doctors than that.
  • QuirkyPanda
    QuirkyPanda Posts: 44 Member
    IMO, self-esteem and confidence come from within. Perhaps you should work on changing your perspective. Losing weight doesn't necessarily make people love themselves or their bodies. Best of luck to you on your journey.