Why am I not losing?

I have been tracking everything with myfitnesspal for a few weeks and while I admit I'm not doing it consistently every day, everytime I do track all my food and exercise it says I should be losing weight. I always end up with extra calories at the end of the day and I yet I have not lost one pound.

I used to have at least one soda each day and I have given that up completely. I have added 20 minutes of jogging to my exercise routine at least twice a week. I'm sure I could be doing a lot more but I am so extremely frustrated that nothing seems to be working.


  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    You said it yourself, you're not being consistent. Also, looking from your ticker it seems you don't have much to lose. It usually takes longer to lose a smaller amount as opposed to having to lose say 100 lbs. You also say that you have extra calories at the end of the day. The point is to try to reach the number that MFP sets for you, not under it. I would suggest being more consistent, try to get as close to the number as possible, and have some patience. You'll get there.
  • rose313
    rose313 Posts: 1,146 Member
    It would help if you opened your diary so we can see what kind of food you're eating, also, on the days that you don't log, could you be eating more calories than you think?
  • tlblood
    tlblood Posts: 473 Member
    You said it yourself, you're not being consistent. Also, looking from your ticker it seems you don't have much to lose. It usually takes longer to lose a smaller amount as opposed to having to lose say 100 lbs. You also say that you have extra calories at the end of the day. The point is to try to reach the number that MFP sets for you, not under it. I would suggest being more consistent, try to get as close to the number as possible, and have some patience. You'll get there.

    I agree with everything said here. You have to be consistent in tracking to know that you're eating the right amount. You could be undoing the days when you eat fewer calories on the days you don't track and you wouldn't even know it. Also, depending how many calories you have left over, you could be UNDER eating. When I've had 200 calories left, I get a little message warning me about not eating enough, which will eventually slow down your metabolism and put you into starvation mode. If you get that little message under your report for the day, then you actually need to eat MORE to keep your metabolism going.
  • lg3703
    lg3703 Posts: 190
    I know. I ate whatever crap I wanted for 10 years and maintained a size 12 with no exercise. Now I eat cleaner with 1/2 the cals and am more active and its dropping at a snails pace! I YES, COMPLETEY,ABSOLUTELY expect it to NOT BE SO HARD! Sorry - I can so relate. :grumble:
  • funpilot56
    funpilot56 Posts: 100
    The body is an amazing animal. It takes 21 days for the body to adapt to changes....job, diet, exercise, change of routines, etc. You may not see any measurable results for the first 3 weeks but if you continue to 6 weeks, measurable results will occur as long as you are putting out more energy than you are bringing in and fueling yourself enough. That's why most people do P17X....they don't make it to 90 days because they don't see the results fast enough. Be more consistent with your nutritional and activity levels. Good luck and keep it going!
  • thedove34
    thedove34 Posts: 28 Member
    Not loosing is frustrating.. we all want to see a little reward for all our hard work. I suggest that you log your food everyday... you have to for a while... this will make you more committed. Secondly, as people have suggested to me... drink more water... that should speed things up a bit.