Why do we want to eat so much?

kais79 Posts: 41 Member
Portion Control. Its a big problem of mine. I just don't understand why I feel the need to eat so much of one thing when I'm eating a meal including multiple items? Is it like a drug or an addiction? I've considered the possibility that I could be addicted to food or types of food but I mentioned it to a psychologist once and it was dismissed with the wave of a hand. Is this how others feel? I'm very interested in hearing others' take on this.


  • Renae_Nae
    Renae_Nae Posts: 935 Member
    I think of this when I go to a place like IHOP that has all types of foods and I want EVERYTHING. Some times I catch myself thinking that I'm going to miss out and not have the chance to eat XYZ later so I want it now. I've learned it helps me to focus on 1 thing and keep my meals simple to keep from over eating.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Eating the wrong stuff. Try shifting the balance to more lean proteins and fibrous veggies. They are filling and nutritious. I find that when I eat lots of simple carbs, I get hungry again faster....
  • ladyfox1979
    ladyfox1979 Posts: 405 Member
    CUZ I'M HUNGRY!!!!!!!!And still hungry:tongue:
  • nuclearbanana
    Gah, this is what I've been taught, I don't know much, so anyone with more knowledge should correct me.

    Because eating releases happy chemicals. See, it's hard to rewire thousands upon thousands upon thousands of years of evolution to say, "Hey, we're not constantly looking for food all the time, so maybe I shouldn't eat when I don't get the chance." It's honestly an incredibly complex system of chemicals that I don't fully understand, but I can get the oversimplified tl;dr version.

    See, the feeling of absolutely needing to eat as much as we can, and crave specifically salt and fatty foods, is what kept hunter-gatherers alive for long enough to pass on their genes. Food wasn't as easily as accessible before the invention of agriculture; it was always a hunt for the next meal, always a desire, and a need to consume as much as you could, because you had no idea where the next meal would come from. Pack up as much energy as you could, and continue on.

    It's that kind of mentality. Plus eating releases happy hormones, so could definitely get psychologically addicted to eating (so I've been told by a psychologist).
  • EvanKeel
    EvanKeel Posts: 1,904 Member
    I don't know if my appetite has adjusted over time, or if I'm just not paying attention to it in the same way as I was before. In part, I'd guess it's just habit. You're used to a certain amount of food so your body expects it. When it isn't getting what it thinks it should be getting, it makes sense that it would give a signal that you haven't consumed enough. I don't think that means you're addicted.

    It may take some experimentation, but try to find foods that are more satisfying than others for you. Take your time when you're eating if possible so that you're giving your body enough time to realize it's getting food. Try to drink a fair bit of whatever low calorie beverage you prefer with your food. It may help you feel sated.
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    Because food tastes good and is fun to eat, that's why!!! I know it sucks but its true.
  • MarkGrasso
    I know I use food for my pleasure zone as a person uses drugs. Any time a problem comes up around my home I open the frig and get a fix.
  • Romans624
    Romans624 Posts: 822
    Because its so freaking delicious and for that 4 minutes it takes to inhale it our brains think that we must have more now or it will be gone forever? LOL

    Carbs and sugar are almost like an addiction for me. I have to be really careful. I got fat eating mostly "bad" foods, and not necessarily in huge quantities but oftentimes I did. I don't overeat on chicken or veggies ever! (unless they are coated in sugar like SESAME Chicken with RICE). I will totally overdo those. lol.
  • GaidenJade
    GaidenJade Posts: 171
    I just love to eat until I burst. Portion control has been an issue for me too. I'm a tall woman and a big strong girl, so I had it in my head that I needed more food than others did. And then it got to the point where I didn't care. I figured that if it killed me, I would at least not have to die deprived of my favorite foods. Until I realized that I had become my mother. *shivers*

    Now I rely a lot on the portions the packages give then double or triple them depending on the calories.

    Though I would love to hear what others think about it as well. I do think you can be addicted to food or certain foods. Perhaps not physically, but mentally. It takes a lot of will to break that addiction, but it can be done. With the right determination and will.
  • breakthecycle
    breakthecycle Posts: 64 Member
    I too have a HUGE problem with portion control!!! I feel 100% I am addicted to food. I have been known to eat to the point I want to throw up. I know sad but the truth is ugly sometimes. I've used the smaller plate trick, filled up with low calorie foods at a meal first(broccoli, lettuce, cauliflower, cabbage)(steamed) The thing that has helped me the most is the moment everyone has their food on the plate I take the food OFF the table!! I also try to make ONLY the amount of servings we need. I deal with chips, snacks etc.. by weighing them out and putting the bags away and STILL there are times NONE of this helps and I pig out. It truly has gotten better over the years. I use to binge for WEEKS at a time and put back on 20-40 lbs back on but now I rarely binge more than a day or two and I get right back on track and try not to beat myself up. I also look at before pictures A LOT and constantly ask myself IS THIS FOOD WORTH IT and normally it isn't!! NEVER give up every day gets a little better!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • nikkiprickett
    nikkiprickett Posts: 412 Member
    yeah, it definitely sucks and requires A LOT of self-control.
    What I've noticed helps is eating slower, it gives your body more time to digest the
    food you've already eaten and you realize you're fuller sooner rather than after you've eaten
    a 2nd or 3rd helping and are miserable :)
  • alumpoflard
    alumpoflard Posts: 95 Member
    Yep, I know where you are coming from, and even when you know your full you still carry on :noway:
    I use a smaller plate nowadays and it does seem to work. I also never buy the large bags of crisps ( chips) as cant stop til they are gone, it's gotta be psychological, hasn't it?
  • PinkyFran
    PinkyFran Posts: 54
    i constantly feel hungry and it drives me insane, i believe it was triggered by some anti depressants i was prescribed some years back, as before that i had never been skinny but i was not huge like i am now either, and i didnt feel a constant hunger!

    im finding that whilst calorie counting i can actually add more bulk to my dinner( bulk isnt the right word) for example, if i have turkey instead of chicken i can have more for the same calories but more turkey, and therefore am not so hungry,.

    I also eat a punnet of strawberries in the evening, this seems to stop my craving for sweet food so much. i dont know about other people but although i eat a large green salad every day it really doesnt fill me for more than about 20 minutes, and on a bad day thats just soul destroying!
  • viki1123
    viki1123 Posts: 30 Member
    I still eat huge quantities of food. I'm just better about my decisions.

    I bring party bowl sized salads to work and with dinner I'll eat entire heads of broccoli, bunches of asparagus, multiple squashes, or a full bag of green beans along with my (ordinary, human sized) serving of protein and serving of carbs.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    now that a lot more of my cals are from protein i dont really feel that way. its when i was eating pasta, bread, etc..as my main source of cals that i felt like i could eat it all.
  • viki1123
    viki1123 Posts: 30 Member
    i dont know about other people but although i eat a large green salad every day it really doesnt fill me for more than about 20 minutes, and on a bad day thats just soul destroying!

    You're salads probably aren't packing enough punch!

    Start with a base of greens. Add as many veggies as you want. Add a serving of protein. Add a serving of something fun like avocado, cheese, quinoa, or crunchy noodles, whatever.
    I don't use dressing, it doesn't have enough depth or mouth feel. Try half a cup of Greek yogurt, 2 tablespoons of hummus, 1/2 cup of salsa, cottage cheese, OR double up on the fun, skip the dressing, and go with some vinegar or lemon juice.
  • 1smemae94
    1smemae94 Posts: 365 Member
    I think that you could be addicted to certain foods because when you eat your brain gives off a good feeling chemical that makes you want to eat more. Mainly it's just will power and determination that will make you change your habits.
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    I still eat huge quantities of food. I'm just better about my decisions.

    I bring party bowl sized salads to work and with dinner I'll eat entire heads of broccoli, bunches of asparagus, multiple squashes, or a full bag of green beans along with my (ordinary, human sized) serving of protein and serving of carbs.

    That's so smart :smile:
  • BeSophisticate
    There is a lot of controversy around the idea of food addictions. Personally, I fall in the 'you can't be addicted to a substance your body requires for survival' camp.

    Having said that, the existance of eating disorders is well document and over eating, taken to an extreme, falls in that category. Eating disorders aren't limited to anorexia and bulemia. Disordered eating comes in mutliple varieties.

    Another perspective - in an effort to bring in more customers and, therefore, make more profits, the food industry creates ads and runs specials of the 'get more for your money' variety. If you compare the average serving size (meaning, what people actually eat) today to what it was 50 years ago, the difference is astronomical. The reality is that most people have completely lost perspective with serving sizes.

    For me, it's taken quite some time to feel satisfied with a reasonable portion. Once you feel, on a gut level, that a reasonable portion size is adequate, you'll stop feeling deprived when you have only that. I believe it's entirely psychological. When your instincts tell you (because they've now been conditioned to tell you) that a serving size hamburger is really a half pound or a serving is really two hamburgers, instead of one, you aren't going to be satisfied with anything less. It doesn't matter that your BODY doesn't need that much. Your MIND thinks it does.

    It just takes time to re-wire the thought process. At first, measure everything. After a while, once you've fully internalized what your body ACTUALLY needs, you'll no longer need to measure everything. Be careful though, the advertising that tought you the wrong serving size will still out there.
  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    there are just certain foods I know I cannot keep in the house. the kids hate it, but we have compromised. I dont eat ice cream much, dont ask, but if there are brownies in the house or anything homemade it doesnt last a day. so the foods i should eat, i make sure are always on hand. that way, i dont over eat them. over time you will learn which foods they are. in ww they called them red light foods, for me, brownies, cheesecake, pringles, chips, dip, crackers etc. figure out which foods trigger you to overeat and stop buying them. find new ones to love. i can eat just one fiber one brownie and be ok.