40-something, hard time losing weight

I would love to find a few friends who are a similar age and struggle to lose weight. I am 14 lbs down and want to lose about 53 total. I put on my weight during my mom's and my sister's battle with cancer though I struggled with 20 extra pounds much of my adult life. In May, I reached my highest weight, the same as I weighed 9 months pregnant, and couldn't stand it any more. My husband and I are both doing Slim Fast and trying to cut back on carbs for our regular meals. However, I have fibromyalgia and take medication that makes it hard to lose weight. (My doctor is actually proud of me for not gaining more weight on this med.) I am making progress but it is s-l-o-w!

I started here a little over 40 days ago and I have been lurking here on these boards. The first month, I kept all my focus on dieting. This month I am working on drinking more water and trying to add exercise 3 times a week. I would love some encouragement and support.


  • ambitious01
    ambitious01 Posts: 209 Member
    I don't turn 40 for another 2 months, but I'm your girl.
  • Lizzzzzz
    Lizzzzzz Posts: 2 Member
    remember everytime u don't gain is a win....... even when it is hard to take off it is easy to put back on...... keep up your good work..... much luck to you and your spouse :) you are taking some great steps
  • BeeSunny
    BeeSunny Posts: 172 Member
    Good for you on your progress, I will add you as a friend. My suggestion though is to get off of Slimfast if at all possible, and just eat healthy, it will reward you in the long run. I know it is easier said then done but I did that and had a really hard time once I went off. I know it is tough to lose with medications and being over 40 I am on the same road with over 40 to lose and struggle on some days. I have great friends on here and love to encourage and kick them in the butt once in a while lol. Good luck and happy Journey!!
  • Giraffe33991
    Giraffe33991 Posts: 430 Member
    I'm 46 and lost 72 pounds during the past year (I recently gained 5 back, so my counter is adjusted for that). Its tough but very doable if you stay focused! I didn't diet, just cut out the junk, counted calories AND exercised!!

    You can do it! Feel free to add me if you need a buddy!

    Good luck!
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    Hi !First of all I'm so sorry for your loss.
    I'm 50, I've recently (in the last 3 years), lost my grandmother, father and 2 aunts. My husband has a terminal illness and my mother has alzheimers. YOU CAN DO THIS. You have to somehow make time for yourself because you're worth it!
    I also weighed more than I did when pregnant. I'm 5ft 3 and I was up to 179. I've been on MFP since Jan 11, 2012 and I've lost 41lbs and I'm down to 138. I started out just walking then walked farther and longer, then started C25K jogging and broke my foot. That will not stop me from exercising. I now bike ride and I still work in my garden and I try to swim. It's all about moving more and not eating less, but HEALTHIER and more filling foods. As I sit here typing, I am stuffed but I've only had about 1300 calories today.
    I'd be happy to help you along. Friend request sent. :)
    I forgot to add that I also have fibromyalgia. I take a water aerobics class that helps and the only meds I take are Tramadol for the pain. I never found anything that helped prevent pain.
  • zilchie
    zilchie Posts: 10 Member
    Good for you! Losing weight is hard no matter what, and at our age (I'm 45) it gets even harder. And dealing with family stuff too like you have makes it ten times harder. I eat for comfort, from boredom, for any number of things. Just remember all the good things you're doing for your health. It suuucks when it's slow, but we will feel better even if we don't see the big losses quickly.
  • 47 years old...trying to lose 25 pounds. Very difficult but not giving up! Counting calories and walking 4 to 5 miles 5 days a week and my weight loss is VERY slow,
  • nsalerno90
    nsalerno90 Posts: 68
    i hear you. i have fibro and losing weight is very hard i will happily be your friend.
  • Michellereducf
    Michellereducf Posts: 168 Member
    I'm 45 and it's getting tougher to lose weight! Probably doesn't help that I just don't have the energy like I used to. I used to walk 6-8 miles per day and hit the weights, but I'm lucky if I can get 2 in a day. Sad but true. I've been keeping track of my calories and I've been losing. Just need to step up the exercise. It will take longer but we can do it!
  • byersdlt
    byersdlt Posts: 9
    Wow, you've been thru a lot, sorry to hear about your mom and sister. And yet you're still doing your best to keep from having the weight creep up! Good for you! I'll be 49 in a couple months and I'm determined to get my weight back to a healthy range and build some muscle, too! I gotta agree with BeeSunny on the SlimFast, that stuff isn't so good for you. You are dealing with fibromyalgia you need whole foods rich in anti-inflammatory phytonutrients to ease your symptoms and prevent them from progressing. I'd love to be friends so help each other on our journey to getting our mojo back! ;)
    BR3ANDA Posts: 622 Member
    14 lbs in 40 days isnt slow, its fantastic! Sorry for your loss, I had to do the same thing last year, didnt even know I had gained almost 60 lbs until it was over. If you can live through caring for a loved one with cancer, then you can definitely do this! Slow and steady wins the race. Set your pace and stick to it, So much emphasis is put on rapid weight loss these days, & it just isnt practical. 1-2 lbs a week is considered healthy weight loss progress. Who cares if it takes a year to drop 50 lbs, the point is to do it, and not give up, and the longer it takes the better, it gives you more time to learn a healthy lifestyle and keep that lifestyle. Good luck and best wishes!
  • sunshine77493
    sunshine77493 Posts: 25 Member
    I would love to find a few friends who are a similar age and struggle to lose weight. I am 14 lbs down and want to lose about 53 total. I put on my weight during my mom's and my sister's battle with cancer though I struggled with 20 extra pounds much of my adult life. In May, I reached my highest weight, the same as I weighed 9 months pregnant, and couldn't stand it any more. My husband and I are both doing Slim Fast and trying to cut back on carbs for our regular meals. However, I have fibromyalgia and take medication that makes it hard to lose weight. (My doctor is actually proud of me for not gaining more weight on this med.) I am making progress but it is s-l-o-w!

    I started here a little over 40 days ago and I have been lurking here on these boards. The first month, I kept all my focus on dieting. This month I am working on drinking more water and trying to add exercise 3 times a week. I would love some encouragement and support.

    You have experienced some really tough life stressors. I understand how stress can cause you to put on weight. I went through a similar struggle when my husband battled cancer and passed away after an 8 month fight with it. I did remarry but that stressors of its own. I ended up with autoimmune thyroiditis and had trouble keeping the weight off as I dealt with the fatique and moodiness.

    The best news is that you and your husband are doing this together. That's awesome! You've already seen some results and that's encouraging, too. Logging your food intake on MFP is so helpful. It's like having another accountability partner. Also, whatever exercise you do, log that in, too. My husband and I work out together because we motivate each other. He's my pacer when we run. You don't have to run, though. Start with walking or a stationary bike, or actual bike riding. Try throwing in some intervals of higher intensity. When we first started, we would walk at a moderate pace for a minute and 30 sec, then walk briskly for 30 sec. We would repeat that about 10 times with a warm up and cool down. Now we walk and run for our 30 sec interval.

    Good luck to you. You are on the right track. Be patient and remember Rome wasn't built in a day.
  • tracystire
    tracystire Posts: 17 Member
    I take ACE dietary supplement capsules which controls the appetite and give you a clean energy boost but my upline gal SWEARS that it has helped her fibromyalgia...might be something you want to consider...good luck with all that you do!!
  • DeniseK66
    DeniseK66 Posts: 15 Member
    Sounds like we are living parallel lives. I too am 40 something and I would like to lose 60 lbs. I struggled during my mom's cancer battle as well. I lost 13 lbs before joining this site and I need accountability and motivation. I have been exercising two days a week for about 3 weeks. The exercise is important because I have advanced osteoparosis, yes at my age. We can make this journey together. Please feel free to add me.
  • wxgurl
    wxgurl Posts: 52 Member
    Please feel free to add me! I am almost 40, 50 lbs to go on the weight loss and I also have fibromyalgia, along with some other various autoimmune things...nothing big, just annoying, and hard to lose! I lost all my baby weight, but then gained almost all of it back just recently, stressing of course...I lost my mom about 4.5 years ago to cancer. She was a fighter! So, I am going to get healthy for my baby, and in honor of my mom!
  • LisaEileen
    LisaEileen Posts: 185 Member
    I'm 43 and have FMS too. I gained a ton of weight since 2007. That was the most stressful year of my life. Lost my Dad to cancer. My daughter was diagnosed with autism. And that was only the start of the hell I faced that year. In January I decided that I would kick fibromyalgia's *kitten* instead of giving into all it's crazy voices telling me I hurt too much to exercise. I wish I was losing as fast as you. I've only lost 21 pounds since January. It's going ridiculously slow and it frustrates me a lot. I wish I could stop some of the meds I'm on that make this so hard, but I can't. You are seriously kicking some butt losing that much in that short of time. Give yourself a pat on the back!
  • kelleymj
    kelleymj Posts: 102 Member
    Hi! I am 44 years old. I had about a total of 33 lbs to lose. Gained quite a bit during the time my Mom ill with cancer and after her death. I decided in January 2012 to become a vegetarian. Approximately 3 months ago, I started exercising for 45 minutes 5 - 6 days a week. I have lost a total of 26 lbs. It has been slow but I try to see it as a lifestyle change. Something I will always do!! Feel free to add me!! I love my MFP friends!!
  • Leigh_b
    Leigh_b Posts: 567 Member
    I'm 42. I've never been terribly overweight but with having children later rather than sooner in life, I am still struggling to get back to my prepegnancy weight even though my youngest is now 2.

    I too have a mother who has battled cancer. She is now cancer-free but because she has never lead a healthy lifestyle the treatment took a toll on her and she is not the same person she once was. The more frustrating part is that she continues to do nothing to better her life/health/well being and remains essentially immobile and depressed.

    This is my continueing motivation to get into the best shape of my life and maintain it as I not only want to be a good example for my daughters but want to ensure that I will be around to spend quality time with my grandchildren (something she cannot do). Whenever I am in the middle of a difficult workout and am ready to quit I think of my youngest and how old I will be if she waits to have children as long as I did. If I hope to not only meet but take an active role in my grandchildrens' lives I need to be healthy and active at 80 and beyond. Whenever I am ready to give up I repeat that number over and over in my head and it gets me through the tough times.

    I am happy to be a supportive friend... read my profile and if you think we are a good match, send a request :flowerforyou:
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    Life begins at 40. Or in my case, 43. :smile:
  • lifesazoo
    lifesazoo Posts: 118
    Girl, if you can survive what you have, then this weightloss journey will be a cake walk for you. So sorry for the struggles you have dealt with and for your losses.

    I am pushing 40, have RA and Fibromylagia, and have gained weight after my c-section and becoming a SAHM for the first time after 3 kids. My meds help manage my pain, but sure make it hard to keep weight off. I've lost 8 pounds so far of the 45 I want to lose. Please send me a friend request and we can help encourage each other along.