Help! Unbearable sugar cravings! =(

The past week I've been having really REALLY bad sugar cravings...I don't know what's wrong with me, and it's unbearable, literally. The thought will repeat and repeat in my head for hours. I thought maybe it was my body confusing food for thirst, so I've been chugging glasses of water but it still won't go away. Today I caved in, had a piece of cake, scoop of icecream with chocolate on top, and a cookie, some piece of chocolate, all in ONE day, and NOW my brain has finally calmed down enough for me to not crave it anymore. I'm so ashamed I don't want to even find out how many calories I consumed, I honestly feel like crying. I've had a piece of cake everyday this week and due to my busy schedule haven't had much time to exercise. No I am not pregnant, and I'm definitely not on my period, so what is the matter with me? Please help, this is killing me emotionally.

PS. I've also been going through some strange depressing mood recently, not my usual behavior. I was doing so well last week with my food intake and exercise, now I'm too emotionally exhausted to keep going.


  • nuclearbanana
    You seem really stressed, are you alright?
  • Cocoru
    Cocoru Posts: 19
    I did go through a bad break up about 4 months ago, gained about 10 pounds since...moved to a new place, got a new job, I was doing fine for a while but now I'm going through that stage in my life where I'm wondering what my purpose is and not being sure what I want anymore. I'm usually a very positive upbeat person but my random weight gain and no idea of my future has been beating me up emotionally.
  • Blondehelmet
    Blondehelmet Posts: 32 Member
    Maybe you're not eating enough protein or a low GI food that keeps your sugar levels in your blood even so you're getting all these cravings. Also I found cutting out/back Diet sodas helped, something in them triggered my sweet tooth. The other thing you could try is the vitamin tablets called 'chromium', apparently they help control sugar cravings, or at least make them easier to deal with. Have you tried having a piece of fruit and seeing if that makes them go away?
  • ElviraCross
    ElviraCross Posts: 331 Member
    Eat some chocolate fudge pudding, fat free and sugar free kind. It's delicious and tastes sugary to me!
  • arielian
    arielian Posts: 200
    The best thing for me is actually taking three bite of what I crave and leaving it alone. The first bite you enjoy, the second you appreciate the taste and the third you savor! If it continues, cut the processed sugar and eat fruit! It's natural candy!
  • pamina1
    pamina1 Posts: 15 Member
    Eat your favorite fruits, grapes and pineapple have alot of sugar. The calories may be slightly higher but it will satisfy your cravings. Make fruit salad, daily, you will miss it if you don't eat it. Really....
  • shannonmaria
    shannonmaria Posts: 44 Member
    Maybe you should make a Dr's appt and just have some baseline labs checked. Maybe your thyroid levels are off.
  • Cocoru
    Cocoru Posts: 19
    Yes I have little fruit bowls or a mango, still doesn't go away. And I have cut out all soda from my diet, I haven't drank that stuff in at least a year. So it can't be the soda. Perhaps not enough protein, but I do have a lot of chicken and some shrimp every now and then, I barely have beef, not a fan of the stuff.
  • Spanaval
    Spanaval Posts: 1,200 Member
    It's just ONE day. In the grand scheme of things, how important is one day? Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and do better next time.

    Personally, I don't deprive myself, ever. On a fairly routine basis, I have cake and cookies and ice cream, in moderation. I don't want to live a life where those foods are out of bounds, anyway. Off to eat some frozen custard.
  • Leiki
    Leiki Posts: 526 Member

    This article has some good suggestions. I highly recommend trying to up your protein, first, and if that doesn't work, eat one piece of dark chocolate with a high percentage. I like Godiva or Lindt.
  • Cocoru
    Cocoru Posts: 19
    Eat some chocolate fudge pudding, fat free and sugar free kind. It's delicious and tastes sugary to me!
    Sounds delicious! But if it's sugar free there must be some sugar replacing substance, which surely can't be good for you? I heard fake sugar is actually worse than the real stuff. =(
  • Cocoru
    Cocoru Posts: 19
    It's just ONE day. In the grand scheme of things, how important is one day? Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and do better next time.

    Personally, I don't deprive myself, ever. On a fairly routine basis, I have cake and cookies and ice cream, in moderation. I don't want to live a life where those foods are out of bounds, anyway. Off to eat some frozen custard.

    Well that's the thing, I've had a piece of cake everyday for the past week. It isn't just one time, and I indulge in the stuff I can't seem to control myself.
  • shannonmaria
    shannonmaria Posts: 44 Member
    That's a good way to handle craving sweets. I like that :)
  • ElviraCross
    ElviraCross Posts: 331 Member
    honestly I don't sweat stuff like that every day. I have it as a treat otherwise it's all I want.

    You have to treat yourself sometimes, but that's just me!

    I figure it's better than me eating a chocolate fudge piece of cake.
  • Cocoru
    Cocoru Posts: 19
    The best thing for me is actually taking three bite of what I crave and leaving it alone. The first bite you enjoy, the second you appreciate the taste and the third you savor! If it continues, cut the processed sugar and eat fruit! It's natural candy!
    I wish I had the willpower to do that...once I start I can't stop so I try to avoid sweets all together.
  • nuclearbanana
    I did go through a bad break up about 4 months ago, gained about 10 pounds since...moved to a new place, got a new job, I was doing fine for a while but now I'm going through that stage in my life where I'm wondering what my purpose is and not being sure what I want anymore. I'm usually a very positive upbeat person but my random weight gain and no idea of my future has been beating me up emotionally.

    I'm sorry to hear that, but it's really awesome of you to actually start taking measures to take care of physical self. Most people don't even bother. ;)

    Now, as much as this forum is dedicated to fitness and nutritional health, you should also very much take care of your mental and emotional self. Seems like a lot to handle in a short amount of time, but it's perfectly normal to feel completely stressed out. If I were in your shoes, I'd be, too. Take care of yourself, and if you ever do need help, it's not because there's something wrong with you, it's just admitting to yourself that life could be a little happier. You had a day of sweets and stuff, but that doesn't mean everything you've worked for is negated, and you definitely shouldn't stop working now. You have the drive and the potential, else you wouldn't be here!

    Also, chocolate strawberries. Oh my god. They're so allowed. <3 Also, sugar substitutes aren't really harmful. Aspartame is one of the most harmless sweeteners ever, and it'd take too much effort for even you do get sick off of it.
  • HorseWithNoName27
    HorseWithNoName27 Posts: 188 Member
    Try eating one or two squares of a very dark (70% or more) chocolate. I eat two squres of Gharidelli 86% cocoa most days. It satisfies my sweet tooth and is pretty nutritious as far as chocolate goes--150 calories with some magnesium and iron to boot.

    I'm thinking your cravings may be more emotional than physical, however. I've had a LOT of days in my life where, after a stressful day of work, or a fight with a friend, or feelings of depression, etc. I wanted to swallow the world and fill myself with sweets. Maybe try doing something to calm yourself rather than eat--go for a walk, play a video game, listen to some music, etc.

    Good luck!
  • poetgurl2005
    You can always get the pudding cups with sugar. They aren't all that bad on calories. If I really crave something I wait three days, and if I still crave it I eat it. This way I can think about it and budget my calories. Sometimes you just need sugar.
  • Spanaval
    Spanaval Posts: 1,200 Member
    It's just ONE day. In the grand scheme of things, how important is one day? Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and do better next time.

    Personally, I don't deprive myself, ever. On a fairly routine basis, I have cake and cookies and ice cream, in moderation. I don't want to live a life where those foods are out of bounds, anyway. Off to eat some frozen custard.

    Well that's the thing, I've had a piece of cake everyday for the past week. It isn't just one time, and I indulge in the stuff I can't seem to control myself.

    I eat dessert daily. Just make sure it's within your calorie allowance. For me, it doesn't work to not eat what I want, because then I'll crave and overeat. There are others that just have to cut it all out because one bite leads to twenty more. You need to figure out what works for the way you want to live. Just don't beat youtself up for one (or a dozen) less than desirable choices.
  • coreymo
    coreymo Posts: 25 Member
    I've been at this weight loss thing for about a year now, and I can tell you I've been through exactly what you just described. Everyone's different, but what works for me is this: when I am totally craving sugar to the point of caving in, I let myself. I can eat whatever I want to eat, BUT I HAVE TO LOG IT IN. The first time I did it I was literally having a nervous breakdown and beating myself up completely for overeating one evening....then I cliked the "complete this entry" and it told me if every day were like today, in 5 weeks I'd be...AND it wasn't so bad. It said IF EVERY DAY WERE LIKE TODAY...I'd gain 5lbs in 5 weeks. I had two revelations when I saw this: 1. I didn't get fat overnight, it was a very long slow process of getting fat, and so getting skinny was going to be the same long slow process, and 2. ***Just because I blew it today doesn't mean I have to give up! It doesn't mean tomorrow will be a bad day too, or the day after, or the day after. I ate too much today, I didn't exercise enough this week, this has been a difficult month....whatever the true stamement may be, BUT I DON'T HAVE TO GIVE UP. I can still choose to be on the journey.

    Now I've lost 46lbs and I've got about 4lbs until my goal weight - and I still struggle with this just like you did today. But I choose to keep going, no matter what.