Help! Unbearable sugar cravings! =(



  • munny_p
    munny_p Posts: 73 Member
    Time of month? I'm there now...super bad cravings! Pushing through though by keeping myself busy.
  • jbbattles
    jbbattles Posts: 19
    I agree on the dark chocolate...I eat two squares (1/2 serving) Lindt 90% Dark Chocolate. It's sweet enough to curve the craving since I LOVE chocolate, but not enough to make me want more. Plus it's good for your heart.
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    You have the option of either eating totally clean for 6 days per week, and allowing just one day to give into your cravings, that way you aren't spiking your insulin on a daily basis, and you get the bonus of a slight spike in metabolism (this was recommended by my trainer and seems to be done by quite a few people here), or you can simply reduce refined sugars as far as you can, and fill up on things like eggs, cottage cheese,nuts, fruit and the odd raw food bar. I find that if I eat sugar, especially combined with wheat, I experience more hunger and more and more desire for more of the same foods, so I try and keep refined sugar out of my diet as much as possible, and will be limiting it to one day a week, if that.

    Part of it is also learning to ignore those cravings and to walk past the stuff you are craving and keep reminding yourself how little it offers in way of nutrition for the calories and visualise the sugar spiking your insulin and your body having to fight to regulate your blood sugar after ingesting it each time.

    My treat each evening is a big bowl of 0% greek yoghurt (fage) with a few tbsp mixed seeds, little ground flax and a scoop of protein powder, all mixed together and stuck in the fridge for a few hours so it takes on a thick texture. Works for me most of the time.
  • suzieqcookie
    suzieqcookie Posts: 314 Member
    flavored coffee or tea does it for me. Flavored beans.. not flavored creamer.
  • cheryluphoff
    I find if I pray about it the Lord will help me through it.
  • sdcohen85
    sdcohen85 Posts: 41 Member
    I know this may sound like something you have heard before...but the more sugar you eat, the more you crave it. Has it just been this week you have been eating sugar/ having cravings? If so, try cutting it had completely. Yes it will be tough but the more time you are without it, the less you will crave it. Your depression definitely goes hand in hand with can be a vicious cycle. Eat sugar...crave some more sugar...gain weight...depression. Trust me I'm trying to get out of a funk myself. Feel free to friend me if you'd like to chat further!! :)
  • Vickilite
    Vickilite Posts: 34 Member
    Depression can do some strange things to your head and does a terrible number on your "self talk". I think if I were you, I'd definitely seem someone you can talk to for awhile.

    As for food, here is one thing that has helped me back away from the sugar: Walmart has this great little Hamilton Beach drink blender. I think it costs abuot $16 and it blends so well! Then you just lift off the container, stick a straw in it and go.. I put in 1 c skim milk (or your could use unsweetened vanilla almond milk). To that, I add 1/2 c frozen fruit (mango, pineapple, strawberry or just the mixed berry kind) and 1/2 fresh fruit (again, berries are my favorite, but 1/2 a banana would add lots of sweetness). Then (because I'm diabetic, I put in a tablespoon or so of sugar free coffee creamer in vanilla, hazelnut or whatever flavor you like. That add a bit of sweetness. And the frozen fruit gives it a milk shake consistency. It makes a BIG drink that you can sip slowly thorugh a straw. It's DELISH and healthy.

    Another option, bake a fresh apple in the microwave or oven and top it with cinnamon and/or a bit of sugar free syrup. Mmmm...

    OK, now I"M hungry! lol...
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    Sounds like you have a lot of stressors going on and that's not've had huge life changes in the past few months and that can be a trigger! I, too, allow sweets several times per week, like 2 cookies or a couple of squares of dark chocolate. It's not usually sugar I crave as much as chocolate. My sugar cravings and salt cravings (I normally hate salt lol) goes right in line with PMS, which is getting worse as I get (cough) older lol.

    I def think a complete blood count should be in order before making any changes or beating yourself up anymore. Make sure the thyroid is working properly and let your doc know you want a complete thyroid workup in that bloodwork. I know if I deprived myself completely, my sugar/ chocolate cravings would be off the hook! As soon as you tell me I can't have something, even if I don't like it (like salt lol), I immediately want it. I'm a defiant character by nature. I like to feel I'm CHOOSING healthy things every day rather than RESTRICTING unhealthy choices. For me it's all in the mindset :) Good luck!
  • laulyn
    laulyn Posts: 70
    It COULD be related to your mood. When you eat something fatty and sugary it activates the reward center in your brain. Try to incorporate something else that will activate that reward center. Music has been shown to be very powerful in activating that same area. Exercise activates it also. Unfortunately, neither of these work as quickly as chocolate, lol. If you start incorporating something else, likely the cravings will begin to subside. I deal with this also.
  • ChaseAlder
    ChaseAlder Posts: 804 Member
    I keep dozens of sparkling flavored beverages on hand. They're like 33oz and they totally satisfy a sweet craving. If it's bad enough, I'll get a diet soda of some sort. Diet Dr. Pepper usually does the best for a sweet craving.
  • KeishaK89
    KeishaK89 Posts: 40
    sugar is the devil. when you eat it it spikes the insulin levels in your body, changes your hormones. I have bad suar craving too sometimes but they get worse if you actually cave in. =(

    water doesnt work for me but its good to keep hydrated!
  • dunc289
    dunc289 Posts: 54 Member
    I know this is disgusting, and I don't do it myself anymore, but I used to take a giant bit of cake or something, chew it for a bit, really taste it, then spit it in the trash. I'm pretty sure you can eat a whole cake like that.

    It's probably a terrible idea though.