Best way to lose belly weight??

I thought I would ask some advice from my fellow MFP's, Most of the weight I need to lose is in my belly area, which I know through experience can be the most stubborn to lose. I have been either walking or using the elliptical almost everyday, and have been trying to do more crunches and ab exercises. I know how you eat can help a lot as well, but I am a picky eater, although I have been trying new things and staying within my calorie limit. Does anyone else have any good advice? anything I could be doing wrong? Thanks for the help!!! :flowerforyou:


  • LinaBo
    LinaBo Posts: 342 Member
    There is no way to target any one particular spot of fat... unless you go for lipo, which I absolutely don't endorse. You just have to keep at the same things that are generally echoed in these forums: Do cardio, strength train, eat at a calorie deficit without starving yourself, and get enough of the macro and micronutrients your body needs in order to do this optimally. Fat deposits differently on each person, according to their genetics, and will come off in the order deemed by your genetics. Maybe it will be the last holdout, but it will eventually come off. Certainly, if we had a choice in the matter, I would've asked that not all of my body fat migrate to my thighs and butt. I can't find a pair of pants that will fit me right now, unless they have a drawstring.

    Ab exercises are great in that they will give you something nice and firm to support your skin when you lose the belly fat. Building balanced muscle mass all over your body is important for a number of health reasons, and also just plain looks better. It's really the only way to have a firm, healthy physique. If you didn't have muscle, what would be between your skin and your bones, but too much wobbly fat? Nothing would be firm on your body until you become an emaciated, walking skeleton. Lift! A lot! I promise you won't tranform into a man.
  • bubblie117
    bubblie117 Posts: 78 Member
    There is no way to target any one particular spot of fat... unless you go for lipo, which I absolutely don't endorse. You just have to keep at the same things that are generally echoed in these forums: Do cardio, strength train, eat at a calorie deficit without starving yourself, and get enough of the macro and micronutrients your body needs in order to do this optimally. Fat deposits differently on each person, according to their genetics, and will come off in the order deemed by your genetics. Maybe it will be the last holdout, but it will eventually come off. Certainly, if we had a choice in the matter, I would've asked that not all of my body fat migrate to my thighs and butt. I can't find a pair of pants that will fit me right now, unless they have a drawstring.

    Ab exercises are great in that they will give you something nice and firm to support your skin when you lose the belly fat. Building balanced muscle mass all over your body is important for a number of health reasons, and also just plain looks better. It's really the only way to have a firm, healthy physique. If you didn't have muscle, what would be between your skin and your bones, but too much wobbly fat? Nothing would be firm on your body until you become an emaciated, walking skeleton. Lift! A lot! I promise you won't tranform into a man.

    I have been lifting as well. I know that weight doesn't come off in any particular order, I guess I meant does anyone else struggle with most of the weight in their belly and what seems to help them the most. Thank you!!!!
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    In some people you can store more around there if you have intolerance to wheat and if drop wheat lose alot of the water and consequently some inches, that happened to me. I lost 7lbs first week, 18lbs by end of 6 week and 16lb the month after but then it slowed down.. i guess cos body had got rid of all excess water or got used to a wheat free diet?

    I haven't had wheat for a year and noticed when I did recently I made me feel really tired and fell asleep all afternoon and felt like i had cold (felt 'bunged up' in nose) after about 4 anti histamines and good nights sleep it went off so gone back to gluten free products. I had also gained another 4lb overnight! .. I'm sure its the wheat so taking some water pills and drinking loads to try and get the extra water weight back off!

    Everything else i have been eating healthy salad, veg, meat and fish mainly and exercise everyday at least 30 mins. My abdomen area did go from 48" around widest part to now only 33 " and into size 14's (UK)

    I do alot of pilates core exercises too and use one of those sweat belts so that area sweats more than anywhere else.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,472 Member
    i do 250 sit ups a day, and it works!,,, and i do not do them all at once either, i notice a big difference and so do others!