For moms - How much weight did you lose....



  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    I gained 30lbs and 32lbs for the two pregnancies. I lost about 20lbs after delivery. Lost the last 10 + 2 lbs for the first pregnancy at about 8 weeks. The second pregnancy, it took longer, I think about 3 or 4 months. I wasn't exercising.
  • kappy_hollowell
    Wow, I see now that not everyone is the same! Thanks everyone. This really helps me out. I'm trying to enjoy myself, but I guess I'm so obsessed with my weight i'm making myself crazy! I was already overweight and trying to lose (again) so this additional weight has just stressed me out, which I know is not good for the baby. I"m trying not to worry about it, but my legs look worse than ever! It's like all the fat deposited in my lower legs, thighs, and butt first, which has always been problem areas for me. I have heard that it goes first from those fat stores while breast feeding, though. I'm not going to worry about the first month or so after delivery, but once my milk is established, and with doctor's consent, I will try to lose slowly. I want to be back in the bikini I was in 3 years ago! It will happen one day!

    Thanks again everyone, you have all helped me tremendously.
  • Katie3784
    Katie3784 Posts: 543
    I gained 50lbs with my son and lost about 11 or 12 at delivery. Nursing did not help me lose weight. I almost feel like it made it harder to lose because I was stuck to the couch most of the day feeding him until he was 3 months, when I stopped nursing because my milk dried up. It started coming off quicker then, but I stayed at around 150-155 until he was 12 months. Then I started pilates, along with the lifting and cardio I was already doing, and really watched what I ate. I was down to prepregnancy weight by the time he was 15 months, but my stomach will never look the same. I also have a six year old, and I swear my stomach and boobs looked so much worse after this pregnancy than the first.
  • catintheshell
    when i got pregnant, i was 170 pounds. the day i gave birth, i was 200. i dropped 20 pounds pretty much right after the babe was born (which is where my ticker starts). i've lost 18 pounds since she was born, and she is six months old. i've only started working out regularly in the last two months though!
  • SavCal71
    SavCal71 Posts: 350 Member
    Okay now - no flames, lol.

    I gained 22 pounds with my daughter.(she weighed 7lbs 7 1/2 oz) I was at pre-pregnancy weight a week after she was born.

    I gained 7 pounds with my son. (he weight 7 lbs 7 oz). I was 10 pounds below pre-pregnancy weight the day after he was born.
  • kappy_hollowell
    Okay now - no flames, lol.

    I gained 22 pounds with my daughter.(she weighed 7lbs 7 1/2 oz) I was at pre-pregnancy weight a week after she was born.

    I gained 7 pounds with my son. (he weight 7 lbs 7 oz). I was 10 pounds below pre-pregnancy weight the day after he was born.

    :devil: :devil:

    Flames!!!! LOL That's awesome, and I've heard of people not gaining very much or just a little and losing more, but it's a very rare incident!
  • momjulia101
    momjulia101 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi, I was so pumped with fluids that i didn't really show any weight loss with my first baby until about a week later. With my youngest, I weighed about 10 -12 lbs less the day I got home and then didn't start weighing myself again until about a week later, but I kept losing weight from there. I still have about 10lbs. I kept on from my first baby though, so even though I lost all my pregnancy weight from my youngest, I still need to lose the stubborn 10 lbs. Don't worry about it while you're pregnant though! Being on a site like this will help you after your baby is born.
  • MissStatement
    MissStatement Posts: 92 Member
    I retained an incredible amount of water during and for a long time after my pregnancy. I won't scare you with the details of my daughter's birth. When I had the presence of mind to weigh myself weeks later, I had only lost three pounds. My calves were huge, my ankles hung over my shoes and I couldn't tie shoes because of the size of my feet. When the swelling finally went down I had lost about 30 lbs of the 45 I had gained during the pregnancy. Don't be worried if the scale doesn't drop right away. The water retention can really skew the scale weight.
  • brynnsmom
    brynnsmom Posts: 945 Member
    I had lost 15 pounds a week after my daughter was born. I gained 28 pounds total during the pregnancy.
  • ali_louise
    ali_louise Posts: 14
    I gained around 42lbs with my son and being 5ft2 I was huge everyone thought I was having twins! I lost about 10lbs of that straight away and about 15lbs came off naturally with no breast feeding. Its taken me over a year to get back down to 117lb but I would say that came off naturally too without much effort. It's the last 7lbs that is a killer!
  • 135momma
    135momma Posts: 11
    I gained a TON of weight with both of my kids. I kind of avoided even looking at the scale. 50+ with each. I was 135 when I got pregnant with my first and didn't really gain any weight until my 5th month, then I got HUGE. I also developed high BP b/c of the quick weight gain and was put on bed rest for 6 weeks so be careful. I got down to 155 before I went back to work in 7 weeks or so. I never lost back to my original weight when I got pregnant with my second 15 months later. I also gained a TON with him and have struggled even more to loose the weight. I wish I had been more aware during my pregnancies, eaten higher protein etc. I'm around 158 now and I can't seem to get the scale to budge. I used pregnancy as an excuse to eat what I wanted and now I am still fighting myself over unhealthy choices. I'd do as much plant based foods and protein as you can handle and only treat yourself every now and then to something special. It only gets harder to loose weight after you have kids.
  • ElviraCross
    ElviraCross Posts: 331 Member
    I had morning sickness my entire pregnancy.

    at 7 weeks I was 164. At delivery I was 173.

    A week after the baby I was in the 150's
  • ugmf12
    ugmf12 Posts: 44 Member
    Pre-pregnancy I was 126. I gained 25-30 lbs and the first 15 came off when I had him -- all 8lbs 10 oz of him. When I was exercising within the first year, I had all but maybe 10 lbs gone but then I struggled with my weight up until the last 2 years keeping me 125 or less and my son turns 6 in December :) I'm now 118.

    Good luck! And don't worry about weight right now, just enjoy your pregnancy and eat right.