*New Thread* Jillian's 30 Day Shread Starting Dec 1, 2009



  • supermom1114
    Okay....so 3 months ago....when I was in shape, before I got an office job...gained some weight back, AND got out of shape....the workout wouldnt have phased me. Tonight....it KICKED MY BUTT! Anyway....I did it. However....the arm thing does kind of suck since I have to go to the doctor Thursday about my shoulders. Anyway....I feel good....plus it was a bonus workout. I went to the gym after work and did an hour worth of cardio (bike, treadmil, elliptical). I'm going to push myself to do this every night for the 30 days to see if I can do it. I'm challenging myself.

    Questions: 1....is it bad to workout cardio at the gym for an hour and then do this video before I go to bed. Is it possible to over do it? 2....how do we do this calorie thing on here. When I enter my exercise, do I HAVE to eat all the extra calories it gives me in order to be able to lose the weight. How does that work since I'm not a nutrition guru. :) I allow myself 1200 cals a day...and that already seems like so much. Now...if I eat the 1200....then I workout and say....I get an extra 471 calories....do I have to eat that? Also, what if its so late at night. I'm lost. And....on top of that....How many calories should I burn a day in order to lose the weight. My body fat is 26%. UGH! :) Anyway....any help would help...and hopefully in simple "blonde" terms. :) haha

    I usually take a 40 minute walk (almost 3 miles) and then do 30 Day Shred, and I feel fine!
    DO NOT EAT THE EXTRA CALORIES YOU GET FROM EXERCISING!!! That is going to be your daily calorie deficit. ---Unless you really feel hungry or weak, and feel you NEED a few extra calories....try eating a fruit or a veggie; but if you burn around 500 extra calories per day and MFP gives you 500 extra to eat...that doesn't mean you should eat those....that is where and how you will lose weight ..... I was confused about that at first as well....but I lost 3 lbs. last week (that is great for me!!).

    If you aim to burn around 500 calories per day for a week that should equal out to 3500 calories = to 1lb. :]

    Good luck! Any more questions just ask....hope I didn't confuse you further!!

    Actually you do need to eat some of the exercise calories. I'm studying to be a dietician and if you don't eat those calories eventually you're body will start destroying muscle or bone for nutrients. This website already gives you a deficit by restricting your calories, which is the healthiest and best way to create a deficit, exercise enhances that but without restricting calories it'll be a very long slow process. This site takes the info you put in (height, age, weight, and activity level) and calculates how many calories you burn on an average day. The number is listed under the goals section on the Home tab. For example, My number is 1814 and the site has me set to only eat 1200 cals a day. That already creates a deficit of 400 calories. I'm burning anywhere from 500-700 cals a day from exercise, if I didnt eat at least half of those calories back I would totally crash my system. If you burn more than 100 cals during exercise eat the extra exercise calories. Now if you have more to lose, like are in the obese or highly overweight range you could possibly push that to making a deficit of 700 a day to lose 2lbs a week. So whatever exercise calories you have over the 700 calorie deficit(including your food deficit) eat them. But MAKE SURE what ever you eat is rich in protein, calcium, and good carbs so you're body can rebuild muscle, strengthen bone and refill muscle stores of energy.

    Hope that info helps. If you arent eating enough and are over-training a lot of health problems can creep up and your body will stop giving up fat because its trying to hold on to anything and everything it can because its been thrown into a starvation mode
  • supermom1114
    Did Day 2 of Level 1 today ladies! Then I also did a workout on the EA Active Wii Game and a workout on the biggest loser game. all in all it was about 80 mins of good sweaty circuit training! I was feeling pretty sore while doing the Shred, man I hate push-ups n thats the first exercise she does... ugh.. I'm just not a big upper body person. Ah well I better just suck it up and keep going.

    Had my anatomy and physiology lab practical final today... think I did pretty good. I've gotta take an online final before 6 and then I've got a final tomorrow as well and then I've got to finish up a lot of math quizzes. Alright gotta get going I'll be back to check in tomorrow =)
  • daaazeee
    OK... I skipped yesterday but I did my day 1 today. UGH!!! I hope I'm not as sore as I was the last time I had day 1!!! Hope everyone is doing good today!!!!! Talk toyuns tomorrow!!!
  • robbienjill
    robbienjill Posts: 456 Member
    did not work out sooo good 4 me today..felt nausea so I just gave up, drank an alkseltzer and walked on the treadmill and used my hand weights afterward. Going to try it again tomorrow!!!!!!
  • supermom1114
    c'mon my fellow shredders!! We can do this today! I'm doing day 3 of level 1 and I'm hoping its not as bad as yesterday. It wasn't that I couldnt keep up but my muscles were just sore. I hate the pushups in the beginning and the side lunges with the raises, my arms are dying by the time I get done with those lol.

    so confession time, who has cursed at Jillian while doing the workout? or at least yelled at the tv?
  • InnerCutie
    Sometimes during punches I pretend I am punching her LOL
  • saraketner
    Ok. I finally started the Shred last night..I've been sick with the flu all week. This morning I am definitely feeling it but can't wait till I get home from work tonight to do it again!!
  • supermom1114
    So I weighed in today for my biggest loser game on the wii n i only lost .2 of a lb so basicaly nothing... really disapppointed at first cuz ive been really pushing myself this week.... but I know I've gained muscle though. The ni took my measurements n saw a difference, But my previous measurements were taken in early november but still im happy that theyve gone down

    Measurement Prev Today
    Weight 146.8 141.4
    Bust 37.5 37
    Chest 33 31
    Waist 32 29.5
    Hips-LoveHandle 38 36.5
    Hips-Butt 42 40.5
    Right & Left Thigh 24.25 23.75
    Right & Left Arm 12.5 11.5
    Neck 13 12.75
  • inkprincess
    I didn't have to buy the video. If you have Comcast On Demand it is free to watch. It is in the Exercise TV section.

    Dammit! I JUST ordered the workout online! I had no clue it was OnDemand! Even though I use OnDemand daily. (Leslie Sansone rules). Oh well, It's always good to have a DVD backup in case they change it. Now I don't have to wait to start it though! YAY
  • inkprincess
    PS...does anyone know how many calories are burned doing the workouts???
  • supermom1114
    Log it as circuit training under ur cardio exercises
  • inkprincess
    OK, that's what I thought. Thanks!
  • MaryinBflo
    MaryinBflo Posts: 437 Member
    Here is my update!
    4 days done

    Dec 1st - 30 day shred level 3
    Dec 2nd - 30 day shred level 1
    Dec 3rd - 30 day shred level 2 (this was AFTER doing Insanity Max interval Circuit!)
    Dec 4th - 30 day shred level 3

    Level 3 is pretty challenging and I've been doing Insanity for a while now so I didn't think I'd have any trouble with it. I am roating between levels for Shred because I cannot stand doing the same workout everyday and I know I'd quit if I tried to .
  • inkprincess
    I just did my 1st workout. OMG, that was intense! I thought I was in pretty good shape. LOL.
  • levans71
    Thank you. I appreciate that. Well...thank goodness I havent been doing that. LOL! Well...at least I dont think I have.
  • supermom1114
    So today was Day 4 of Level 1 of the shred and I think it was my turning point! Not that everything was super easy but I didnt hate one part of it... still struggling with push-ups and anterior raises but thats it. I dont think Id have a problem with the anterior raises if it was at the beginning of the workout but since its the last strength move.. yea.. my arms feel like jello lol
  • supermom1114
    Hey where is everyone at??

    I did Day 6 at Level 1 today and I still felt like I was getting a workout but it went by so fast. I can really see how my body has progressed, I'm pretty sure by Day 10 I'll be ready to move up to Level 1 because Level 1 will be too easy! =) I hope everyone has been keeping up!!