Energy for Workouts

bwdcjk Posts: 96 Member
What do you do to have enough energy to get through a workout? A while back I found myself barely able to lift my limbs and even yawning during my workouts. Asked my doctor and he said to drink my protein shake (usually reserved for my lunch AFTER my workout) or eat a protein bar half an hour before my workout. That worked for awhile but now I am really lethargic again during workouts. Maybe I am reserving too many of my calories for later in the day and should eat more in the AM before I workout at 11 AM. But what carbs or protein do you use to help you get through workouts? I am motivated...that's not the problem...I want to workout...I want a good workout...I just feel really slow moving during them sometimes.


  • bobcooks920
    I run a lot, so I generally eat a Clif Bar before going out. But if you're feeling lethargic, it might be more than what you eat. Get your iron level checked, as low iron can lead to low energy levels overall!
  • BackTatJIM
    BackTatJIM Posts: 1,140 Member
    I always have a btter work out with food in my stomach, normally just a protein bar, clif bar, yogurt, really almost anything with protein helps me, but early morning workout are always better then after work, if you need the extra energy
  • bwdcjk
    bwdcjk Posts: 96 Member
    Not wanting to drink all of my protein shake before my workout - since it's also important to have protein after a workout - I am only drinking about 8 ounces before working out. Mayeb this isn't enough. I think maybe I'll try eating a protein bar (or the cliff bars that were mentioned) before instead and then save all of the shake for after.
  • jkandktmom
    jkandktmom Posts: 1,010 Member
    Lori- I would try a Cliff bar you have so many ponts left at the end of the day that you can easily do it.
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    if you're lacking in energy you probably aren't eating enough. Eat more for breakfast. and have a snack before your work out. YOU SHOULD STILL HAVE A POST WORKOUT RECOVERY SNACK AS WELL!
  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    Buy a product called Amino Energy. I bought it online but you should be able to find at any store like GNC. They have lots of flavors and it actually tastes good. Gives me a good boost to get through my 5am workouts. Just be careful not to take too much, I did that one time and I had jitters for a while.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I make sure Im getting enough Iron, even taking a supplement if Im not getting it through my diet. If I dont I find myself sluggish and it just builds over time to get worse instead of better.
  • ninick
    ninick Posts: 44 Member
    carbs before workout is really important as well, that will be the feul for the work out.

    I normally eat a luna bar before workout, or sometimes a banana-coco powder-soymilk shake. Just a combination of carbs and protein.
  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    preworkout supplements for preworkout burst...but in general, make sure to eat complex carbs. your body needs them for energy. You'll feel a difference every day, not just for the workout.
  • WarriorReady
    WarriorReady Posts: 571 Member
    Maybe you need to add carbs along with your protein. Like oatmeal w/ protein powder & a lil milk & berries about an hour prior. Or even a rice cake with peanut butter a 1/2 hr prior. Good luck! And as another poster said don't forget to have an after workout snack! :wink: Again - good luck!!

    ETA - Or something else I do is add berries to my protein shake made with milk & drink 1/2 an hour prior to workout.
  • Amysgetnfit
    Amysgetnfit Posts: 231
    Hi, because i generally work out in the morning i need all the help i can get at 5am... I either have 2 FRS chews or some low cal FRS orange, its not an energy drink like going out & buying redbull or monster, nor do you get you all jittery. but it does help, & I believe it give you more stamina durning a work out. Also has some health benefits, for your immunity. I am prone to bad chest colds, &i Noticed when I started taking it regularly i swear its been a long time since Ive been sick!
    I take it as soon as i get up (4;40am) take about 15-20 minutes before a workout.
    good luck with all your goals, I wish you much success!
  • laurasimmons
    laurasimmons Posts: 578 Member
    I would just eat a little healthy snack beforehand.
  • brendaschmitt1
    I was having the same problem.

    Protein is after the workout since it has amino acids to repair your muscle after the workout. Before you workout you need carbs for energy.

    Try 1/2 or 1/4 oatmeal with 1/2 peanut butter and 1/2 scoop of protein.
    Oatmeal is a slow burning carb and is good for cholesterol and gives you energy.
    You can also try eating half an apple cut in small cubes inside your oatmeal. That will give you tons of energy.
    15-25 min after gym you should then have your protein shake to build and repair muscles.
  • Ke22yB
    Ke22yB Posts: 969 Member
    I make a protein shake in the mornings with whey protein powder and a mega mens vitamin powder usually about 50 ounces I split this in thirds 1/3 first thing in the morning with bal of bkfast 1/3 after my workout or run 1/3 into the freezer thats my desert for after dinner
    with the shake and bkfst cottage cheese omelett etc. I consume about 800 cals in the morning about 50% of my daily PRE workout calories and then I eat back almost 75% of exercise cals this 800 in the AM leave with plenty of workout energy
  • robhigareda
    robhigareda Posts: 47 Member
    I keep Sport Beans in my gym bag, and when I'm feeling cruddy and need a boost to work out, I pop a few in there. They have carbs and caffeine in them to keep me going through about any workout.
  • corrinnebrown
    corrinnebrown Posts: 345 Member
    To be honest I work out right before bed. I am exhausted after and pass right out and sleep really well
  • FrugalMomsRock75
    FrugalMomsRock75 Posts: 698 Member
    How many calories are you eating?

    Do you eat your exercise calories?

    I like to run in the morning before I've had anything at all to eat-otherwise I feel ill and can't make it through. I come home, rehydrate, drink coffee with heavy cream, and then have breakfast.

    I do a strength/endurance program later in the day, but I have to wait until at least 2 hours after eating or I feel sick. I have a big fat (400-600 ish calories) protein shake afterward.
  • joanie152
    joanie152 Posts: 159 Member
    When I am hungry pre 5am workout, I have a rice cake (35 calories) with 1/3 sliced banana and reduced fat Peanut butter. It is soooo good, and gives lots of energy and potassium.
  • bwdcjk
    bwdcjk Posts: 96 Member
    I eat between 1200 and 1500 cals a day...if I get close to the 1500 range it's because I am eating back my exercise calories that day...I try not to eat back all of my exercise calories though.

    I really do think I am not eating enuf in the AM. I only have a 16 ox Vi protein shake and sometimes a snack (usually celery and pb) if I remember before my 11 am workout. I usually have an apple in the afternoon - could move that to my AM snack. I read once that one apple gives you are much energy or "caffeine like" affect as a cup of coffee.

    So I've gotten some great ideas from y'all that I am gonna try. Starting 30DS tomorrow so definitely gonna need that energy.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Two tablespoons of honey or a cup of chocolate milk is usually what I have on my way out the door. More than gets me thru and doesn't me nauseous during a hard session.