Booze calories



  • abr25
    abr25 Posts: 179
    Eating crappy food when you feel like crap already is only going to make you feel worse. Drinking more water, and starting off a hung over morning with a healthy helping of eggwhites and some whole wheat toast, maybe a bananna to settle your stomach will do you far better than starting it off with greasy foods.

    Same as when your sick or feeling yucky....crappy food will only make you feel worse. Just my 2 cents!
  • mavsfan2009
    mavsfan2009 Posts: 261 Member
    As a former long-time bartender and regular drinker myself - I noticed that someone mentioned drinking tonic water as a good option. Tonic water is actually really high in calories (sugar content-just like a soda). They make diet tonic but I've never found a bar that carried it. I usually have vodka with soda water and a twist at a bar. Or you can buy small bottles of diet tonic water and take a couple with you and just order the liquor of your choice in a regular glass and add your own mixer. You'll still have to pay full price for the drink but it's worth it in calorie savings to have what you like. I've never known a bar that minded if you bring your own mixer since they make their money from the alcohol. One other trick, if I'm bored with the taste of light beer and/or eyeing the appetizer menu, I'll order a side of tomato juice or V-8 and sip it (separately, not in the beer) along with my beer. You can add a little splash of hot sauce to rev up the flavor and give your taste buds something interesting to do. I find that this satiates me enough to not be as interested in food while also getting in a bonus serving or two of veggies. As for next day hangovers, my surefire recipe for not getting one is as others have mentioned, guzzle that water, and take 2 aspirin before you go to bed. In the morning, drink 16-32 ounces of water as shortly after getting up as possible. If you're really craving grease, try a hamburger from McDonald's or ham/pineapple pizza on thin crust. I usually cook up the lowest cal grease I can find as soon as I get up - an egg white omelet with 2% cheese and center cut bacon is generally greasy enough for me to get moving and the protein gets my metabolism going and tends to stave off later-day greasefests. I also pour my drinks at home into a jigger and find that if I'm eating light during the day a tall 3 oz. vodka/Diet 7-up or 2 will get a nice little buzz going without going overboard. If you practice drinking more consciously knowing precisely how much you're consuming and what those calories add up to, over time it's a lot easier when you go out. You know how much, how long, and what it feels like to get right to the tipsy having fun level without ending up consuming to the point of massive calories and a buzz that you'll barely remember and a huge hangover. I hope this helps! I really enjoyed reading everyone else's tips....gonna try wine spritzers this weekend!

    You're right - it IS high in calories. I meant soda water (oops). I looked up tonic water and it said 10 calories per serving...but it was only a 1 oz. serving! My bad. They do make diet tonic water but like you said..I don't think they serve it at bars. SO as a correction to what I said earlier...SODA WATER! Thanks for bringing it to my attention :)

    Since my last post, I've been thinking about this a lot. I'd be more worried about your overall general health than anything else. I see that you're 24, so right now it may not hurt too bad, but in a few years all of the drinking/partying will catch up to you. In college, I couldn't figure out how to make a weekend fun without overdrinking at least one of the nights, especially during football season (looking back, that was stupid), and the drinking led to staying up late, smoking, and being hung over. Now in my efforts to get back in shape I can still feel it....a year later. So just be careful and REALLY evaluate if getting crazy all the time now is worth it, because when push comes to's probably not.
  • kgrutch
    kgrutch Posts: 223
    i have not had any alcohol for 6 weeks but after the end of my 8 week boot camp challenge i am planning on having a few drinks of vodka and fresca which is becoming a very popular drink in this area. yum, cant wait.
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Most hangovers are actually caused by dehydration. If you're not willing to give up alcohol on the weekends, try drinking lots of water before, during and after alcoholic drinks. (Maybe alternate between water and the alcoholic drinks). This should help decrease the severity of the after-effects.
  • amicklin
    amicklin Posts: 452
    It seems that while it is true that alcohol slows the body's process of burning fat its no different from what happens when you eat too much sugar or too many carbs. Whatever is more prominent the body will use. So when you are drinking, it will use the alcohol and create acetate. I wouldn't get to hyped up about how it stops or slows fat absorption. Your fat absorption would slow when your body is processing carbs because well ... it is processing the carbs at that moment not the fat.... Our ratios vary thorughout the day which is normal, depending on what is available and what it has the most of.

    - Below is one of the sites I checked out for information on this.

    "Your bodies' response to alcohol is very similar to the way it deals with excess carbohydrate. Although carbohydrate can be converted directly into fat, one of the main effects of overfeeding with carbohydrate is that it simply replaces fat as a source of energy. That's why any type of diet, whether it's high-fat, high-protein, or high-carbohydrate, can lead to a gain in weight.

  • JenniferHarron
    Well if your drinking enough to have a hangover that would be a high calorie intake, it would also mean you have an alcohol problem not a fitness problem
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    It seems that while it is true that alcohol slows the body's process of burning fat its no different from what happens when you eat too much sugar or too many carbs. Whatever is more prominent the body will use. So when you are drinking, it will use the alcohol and create acetate. I wouldn't get to hyped up about how it stops or slows fat absorption. Your fat absorption would slow when your body is processing carbs because well ... it is processing the carbs at that moment not the fat.... Our ratios vary thorughout the day which is normal, depending on what is available and what it has the most of.

    - Below is one of the sites I checked out for information on this.

    "Your bodies' response to alcohol is very similar to the way it deals with excess carbohydrate. Although carbohydrate can be converted directly into fat, one of the main effects of overfeeding with carbohydrate is that it simply replaces fat as a source of energy. That's why any type of diet, whether it's high-fat, high-protein, or high-carbohydrate, can lead to a gain in weight.


    Actually, that post only gave half the story,
    here is the article he took it from, you'll see that, in fact, alcohol does suppress the fat metabolism.
    and is really bad.
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    All I know is if I have a drink, the next day my weight is up. I can exercise my brain out and stay within my calories, including the drink, and my weight goes up fro a couple of days.
  • sdirks
    sdirks Posts: 223 Member
    like everyone else is saying--DRINK WATER! Drink water before you go out, while you're at the bar, and before you go to bed that night. "Hangovers" are partly due to dehydration.

    The most diet-friendly drink is probably champaign or a mojito, so long as it's made fresh and not from a mixer. If you're a sweet tooth like me, try the Italian sipping liquor, "Limoncello."

    Part of the draw of pizza is that it's easy! Try having some precooked chicken or brown rice in the fridge and just microwave them--doesn't get much easier! You'll still have that "heavy, full" feeling you get from pizza without all the fat.

    I used to be a professional dancer in a Russian ballet company, so drinking was manditory. :drinker: My breakfast was hot tea with a toasted english muffin and a poached egg (like a sandwich). You can also spread fat free ranch dressing, chutney, hummus or pesto on the muffin if you're craving salt, or throw some cheese on there.

    Good luck!