help- I list myself as active do I still log exercise?

HI - I am new to MFP - I am wondering if I made an error. I am very active throughout day I rarly sit down between playing w/ kids, housework etc) and usually exercise twice (strength and cardio) - using a HRM I average 750 cal per day burned only during those 2 times I am at gym. So when I set up my profie for daily calories needed - do I check that I am very active and use the calories per day it suggests OR do I list myself as very active and still log the exercises b/c then the number of calories a day I need go way up?


142 pounds
age 41


  • ChrisRS87
    ChrisRS87 Posts: 781 Member
    I set mine at active/very active and don't log exercise for the same logic you're talking about here.

    It feels like double dipping if I logged calories and ate back what I exercised off, if you want to track exercise you can manually put in 1 calorie burned, so it doesn't affect your daily diary.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    You have a choice between three options:

    1. Set yourself as "sedentary" and log EVERY bit of exerting physical activity.
    2. Set yourself as "mildly active" (which would be a nurse, probably similar to a mom), and log your workouts but not routine daily activity.
    3. Set yourself as "active" and don't log the workouts or log them and override the calories to 1 calorie per workout.

    The math will be approximately the same in all three scenarios.

    If you set yourself in a lifestyle that attempts to include exercise calories and ALSO log that exercise with calories, you'll be cutting directly into the deficit that is supposed to be losing weight. That will slow your weight loss progress.

    If you set yourself in a lifestyle that does not attempt to include exercise and ALSO do not log that exercise with calories, you'll be adding directly to that deficit, and if the deficit gets too big you might start feeling tired and hungry and finding your workouts aren't as effective as they could be. You also might not be getting all the vitamins and minerals and nutrients your body needs.

    The point is to try to make an honest assessment of the calories you burn daily, and keep your caloric deficit within a reasonable range that allows you to lose weight slowly and mindfully. Different people do it different ways, and some people choose to not eat back exercise calories at all and use them to accelerate weight loss (which doesn't work well for me, but apparently does for some other folks).

    The other important thing is to consider MFP's numbers as a baseline from which to experiment. If something isn't working for you, try something else. Keep experimenting, because the whole point is to learn as you lose - those lessons about food and your body are going to come in REALLY handy when you get to your goal - they are the tools that will help you keep the weight off.
  • mdidelot
    mdidelot Posts: 3
    Thanks for the replies - very helpful - I thought I was set-up to overeat and I was doing it wrong so this should help. Thanks both of you again!
  • kylTKe
    kylTKe Posts: 146 Member
    I think that stuff is a little wonky (what exactly is "very active?"). If you go to My Home >> Goals >> Change Goals >> Custom you can set your own calorie intake. I would just set it to your BMR and then log your exercise (with calories). You can figure out your BMR at any BMR calculator online, yours is about 1430.