Frusturated and in need of serious help!!

Okay so I've been on this weight loss adventure for close to 4 months now. I lose 10 pounds then gain it all back. I start a exercise program and then stop doing it within a week. What really worked for you to keep your motivation to keep going? I really want to have another baby and I go see my bone doc the beginning of Sept to see if we get the go ahead, but I'm having a hell of a time keeping motivated. I have a serious eating problem. I know it's all about self control, but somedays I feel like I physically can't stop myself. Has anyone ever experienced this or have any suggestions on how to stop this? I'm tired of saying this will be the day I change my habits and then fail. Please help!!


  • m_shuman
    m_shuman Posts: 179
    Get rid of all of the junk food in the house and replace it with healty snacks such as a veggie tray, cut up fruit and greek yogurt. If the bad food that you binge on is gone so is the temptation. Also remember that fat weighs less than muscle and don't focus on the scale so much as your measurements and how your clothes fit.
  • Angiehanzen1013
    Angiehanzen1013 Posts: 25 Member
    I know the feeling:( I will lose about 6 or so and then snack so bad, I gain it back. I have noticed that I am still struggling with the all or nothing mentality (since I "messed up" today, I might as well eat whatever) and that has been hurting me lately. I have been using the MFP site more often to read the success stories and blogs to feel emotional comfort in the struggle, rather than the food. I also text a good friend who is in this to win also!

    Yes, definitely get rid of what isn't good for you and try to brush your teeth or read a great book, but use the site and find that you are SO NOT ALONE!!