Brazil Butt Lift - starting today. Do you want to join me?

Hello, I am starting Leandro Carvallo's Brazil Butt Lift (BBL) today. A friend let me borrow one of the videos and I loved it - made me want more. So I ordered it, received it in the mail, read all the way through it, and now I am ready to start the full program. I am very excited and I would like to find others also doing BBL. .. it is 60 days long with rest days on Thursdays and Sundays.

Can't wait to feel and see the results!!! I am not focused on weight-loss as much as I am on scultping and reshaping. I will mostly use my tape measure to track my success. And hopefully, *some* weight-loss will be a by-product of the workouts! :)


  • upadhaya
    upadhaya Posts: 10 Member
    I'll start with you....mine should arrive today or tomorrow (ordered last week).
    I am super excited to get started. Even if it gives me 25% of the results it promises...I'll still be happy......anything else is 'icing on the cake'.
  • Katgayton
    Katgayton Posts: 8 Member
    I am starting today as well! I'm a moderate exerciser, though I haven't done much in a while, so I'm expecting a little (or a lot) of pain. I've read so many reviews and I think that for someone like me, it will work, but it will be very hard at first. I'm ready for it though!
    Let's do this!! I'm going to do the introduction video and the bum-bum video right after work today. I'll post when I'm done. Yahoo!
  • BlackLabLover
    BlackLabLover Posts: 84 Member
    Yea! I'm so glad there you both are doing this at the same time! Maybe others will join. I reeived my kit the day I left for vacation so I completely read through it... they actually have four programs in one. One for those are boy-, pear-, and bulging-shaped... then there's the classic program. lol, I am doing the "too big" booty program. When I did the intoductions video, I found that it was really wasn't necessary for me.

    I LOVE the Bum-Bum video... funny thing is that it didn't really feel hard in my muscles. My heart rate was up there, though! And I didn't really feel my muscels get sore... at first! It took a day and a half and Man, did it feel good! And I can tell ya, I could feel a difference after just the first workout.

  • Katgayton
    Katgayton Posts: 8 Member
    And me on the other a hardcore BEGINNER. I did the 15 minute demo video and then made it through 12:30 of the Bum Bum video. I was shaking! But, I am ok with that......for now. I'll keep on doing it! I'm doing the "too big" set as well. :o) Keep it up!
  • SntmntlGk
    SntmntlGk Posts: 16
    I bought the program months ago and only did it a couple of times because it didn't really grab me. I considered selling it but now I'm thinking about giving it another try after I finish this round of 30 Day Shred. Interested to see your results! :)
  • akaporn
    akaporn Posts: 231 Member
    Would like to know too! What's it for? I'm a kind of guy with zero butt. I mean, you can draw a straight line from my back to my heel kind of butt. I gave up long time ago. I'll be interesting if it works. Already have the DVDs. Is it something to make your butt bigger? I'd love to try..
  • Katgayton
    Katgayton Posts: 8 Member
    @aka - There are four different program combos that you can do and one of them is to make it bigger! I'd love to be able to just "share" some of mine with

    I made it half way through the Bum Bum last night and I can feel it today. Not as much as I know I should, but it's a great feeling to know that if a little effort will work, a lot of effort will work better! On to Day Two today: Cardio Axe and High & Tight. It's over an hour of training. Sounds intimidating. I'm going to DO IT!
  • BlackLabLover
    BlackLabLover Posts: 84 Member
    Would like to know too! What's it for? I'm a kind of guy with zero butt. I mean, you can draw a straight line from my back to my heel kind of butt. I gave up long time ago. I'll be interesting if it works. Already have the DVDs. Is it something to make your butt bigger? I'd love to try..

    There are four programs in one in the Booty Makeover Guide:
    1. Too Flat or Square [follow LIFT & SHAPE plan]
    2. Pear Shape [follow SLIM & SHAPE plan]
    3. Too Big [follow SLIM & LIFT plan] (the one I am doing)
    4. Combination [CLASSIC program]
  • BlackLabLover
    BlackLabLover Posts: 84 Member
    I moved my program start day to today so I can have Mondays and Fridays off - it works better for my schedule).

    Just did my workout - dang, the part that is the hardest is that my heart rate goes so high and I get worn out. Can't wait until my cardiovascular system is stronger!

    Bum Bum - 35 min - 288 calories (AvgHR 153, MaxHR 176, zone 14:19)

    (I stop my heart rate monitor when my heart rate falls below the zone.)
  • BlackLabLover
    BlackLabLover Posts: 84 Member
    I am so sore from yesterday's workout! But I am going home for lunch to do my Cardio Axe video for the first time! :)
  • BlackLabLover
    BlackLabLover Posts: 84 Member
    I'll start with you....mine should arrive today or tomorrow (ordered last week).
    I am super excited to get started. Even if it gives me 25% of the results it promises...I'll still be happy......anything else is 'icing on the cake'.

    Did you get it yet? :)
  • BlackLabLover
    BlackLabLover Posts: 84 Member
    @aka - There are four different program combos that you can do and one of them is to make it bigger! I'd love to be able to just "share" some of mine with

    I made it half way through the Bum Bum last night and I can feel it today. Not as much as I know I should, but it's a great feeling to know that if a little effort will work, a lot of effort will work better! On to Day Two today: Cardio Axe and High & Tight. It's over an hour of training. Sounds intimidating. I'm going to DO IT!

    Hey there - I went home for lunch yesterday to do Cardio Axe - it was fun! I still too sore from Day 1 workout to do the HIgh & Tight last night. Did you do both workouts?
  • iamladibeast
    iamladibeast Posts: 451 Member
    I'm starting on Monday..will be doing ChaLean extreme along with it..
  • Jbeilfuss84
    Jbeilfuss84 Posts: 39 Member
    I just started on Monday!! I just got done with a round of insanity. I love beachbody workouts. :)
  • jc86
    jc86 Posts: 151
    I got all the DVDs now I have to go out and buy the equipment tomorrow. I will start on Monday. Is all I need a resistance band?
  • iamladibeast
    iamladibeast Posts: 451 Member
    Did Bum Bum today and all I have to say is :noway: I had to stop a few times just to catch my it and will keep pushing :sad: