Your thoughts on bike riding?

I'm new to bike riding, albeit I don't go super fast like some speed demons...more of just a moderate pace. What are your thoughts on bike riding and losing weight?


  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    I'm new to bike riding, albeit I don't go super fast like some speed demons...more of just a moderate pace. What are your thoughts on bike riding and losing weight?

    Bike riding has been my "go-to" cardio exercise when possible. I cycle to work (14 miles each way, hilly terrain) as often as I can. I'm on pace to hit 1000 miles for the season this week (I'm in Maine, so cycling really starts in April or so) and 450 of them so far have been commute miles.

    I will warn you that moderate pace bike riding is a gateway drug to becoming a speed demon. ;)

    I also signed up for a long charity ride (3 days, 180 miles) to force myself to train heavily in preparation for it.
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    love it, but be safe and obey the lawz.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I mountain bike. A 2 hour mountain bike ride easily burns over 1000 calories for me, so yeah, it's effective for burning calories.
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    I love it's a nice switch so I don't just always walk or jog. Around me there are a lot of rail trails as well as mountain bike paths and I've done both
  • tadpole242
    tadpole242 Posts: 507 Member
    I started two years ago at 334lb and 18miles a week
    I'm currently at 245lb and at 70 mile a week. all without doing more than portion control and cycling.

    Remember the rules (all hail Keeper of the cogs)

    Rule #1// Obey The Rules
    Rule #4// It’s all about the bike
    Rule #5// Harden The heck Up.
    Rule #10// It never gets easier, you just go faster.

    Rule #12// The correct number of bikes to own is n+1. Where n is the number of bikes currently owned
  • payupalice
    payupalice Posts: 126 Member
    I love my biiiiiiicycle!
  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
    dropped 100lbs in 9 months using bicycling as my main exercise
  • payupalice
    payupalice Posts: 126 Member
  • KidP
    KidP Posts: 247 Member
    Cycling is great! You don't have to go crazy fast to burn a decent amount of calories, but if you choose to, you can go full out and get an intense workout. I find cycling useful because it's flexible that way - if i've just done a very hard kettlebell workout, the next day i will take a leisurely cycle an hour or two and still burn a fair bit.

    I wear a helmet, use a bell liberally and signal my turns. So far so good.
  • jessewessy1990
    jessewessy1990 Posts: 67 Member
    I mountain bike. A 2 hour mountain bike ride easily burns over 1000 calories for me, so yeah, it's effective for burning calories.

    Ditto! Best Burn for me was over a 1000 in 1hr dont even realise either because its so much fun
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    This is by no means meant to be a downer, but:

    I used to be an avid mountain biker. It was my drug. I then had a knee injury (by no means was it caused by cycling, it was from poor joints I got from genetics) so I got out of it for a while. I recently tried to get back into it, but it was costing me WAY too much money, so I decided to drop it again.

    Perhaps some day I would start cycling again, but it's not very high on my to-do list.

    Edit: Side note: Mountain biking has been given the runner-up by Ask Men as being one of the best full-body workouts you could do (a top-10 list)
  • lizsmith1976
    lizsmith1976 Posts: 497 Member
    Obviously I approve - see profile picture. Fantastic fat burner, fun, healthy, great outdoor exercise. I also do spin class though - much more effective for interval training.. I do triathlons at 20+ mph (even that is not really fast, the fast people are doing 26-30 mph) and in April I did a 180 mile bike ride from Houston to Austin for the MS Society. I don't burn quite as many calories as running, even when going full out, but I get fewer injuries also. Plus, it's a ton of fun! Unless there are hills (the up part) or headwinds. Hills and headwinds suck the joy. Downhill is fun though. I've been at 40 mph twice now on a steep dowhill and HOLY MOLY, it was good. Add me as a friend if you like :)
  • 1a1a
    1a1a Posts: 761 Member
    Use it to get from point A to B, then you have the added incentive of commuting to keep you committed to your exercise. Very underated form of cardio.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    My husband lost almost 100lbs riding his bike. Seven years later he went pro. Just get out there. He commuted to work everyday about 15 miles each way 6 days a week. Wear a helmet, get a real bike by skipping the department store and supporting your local bike shop. Better service better merchandise and they actually know how to assemble and care for the bike and will teach you what you need to know and fit you properly. Cycling clothes are more comfortable. The MOST important thing I can tell you is RIDE WITH THE TRAFFIC NOT AGAINST IT!!!! And make sure you are visible at night. Follow the same rode rules you would in a car.
  • carolg225
    carolg225 Posts: 29
    My son bought me a bicycle for my birthday and I am riding almost every day. I usually ride about 20 miles a week so far. I am also using portion control and have lost 10 pounds in 6 weeks. I find riding better than walking as I have back issues and its lower impact.
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member

    Coasting burns no calories.


  • GFreg
    GFreg Posts: 404
    A wise man once said

    "Bicycle bicycle bicycle
    I want to ride my bicycle bicycle bicycle
    I want to ride my bicycle
    I want to ride my bike
    I want to ride my bicycle
    I want to ride it where I like" ~Queen
  • jaeysson
    jaeysson Posts: 41 Member
    I love cycling! I would rather ride 100 miles on a bike than run a 5k! Another advantage is that cycling is better for your knees over running. You can definitely burn a lot of calories and have fun at the same time!
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I'm also new to biking. I was walking and jogging and I broke my foot after tripping over my dog while jogging with her. Now I'm down to biking and 'trying' to swim. Before I broke the foot I had purchased a HRM and I now know that biking burns twice the calories that I burned while walking/jogging.. I love it, I get done faster and I enjoy it more. I cant go really fast (mph) because of the broken foot and while going uphill I cannot stand up to pedal so I bike in 1st gear and pedal fast but go so slow I swear I will go backwards if the wind hits me. lol The only problem is the sore butt deal. lol I have a big butt, gel seat but my tailbone still hurts sometimes. It does get better though. If I had the money I'd get a recumbant bike you sit in like a chair and pedal.
    I'm 5ft3, 138lbs and according to my HRM, I burn about 360 cals in 45 minutes. I love biking.
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    I love cycling! I would rather ride 100 miles on a bike than run a 5k! Another advantage is that cycling is better for your knees over running. You can definitely burn a lot of calories and have fun at the same time!

    That's not necessarily true. Knee injuries are fairly common in cycling because you're not using all the muscles equally like you are while running.