I've been there once...It's time to go back there. LETS GO

HI team
Leslie here....or you may call me Les. I've been on the other side of FAT and UNHEALTHY (thin, healthy)....It's awesome. It's time to go back there. I went from 250 to 175, 2 years ago. Check my pics, you will see the NOW 219 lb and the BEFORE 175 super sexy pose (if I do say so myself). I slacked off. I got too comfortable. I stopped caring. That's not cool !! So, I am going back and THIS time I'm going to 165. That's 49 lbs I will lose. 49 this time....not 75. I can get back there, so can you...and trust me...It feels wonderful. Friend me, let the losing begin!


  • OhLibra
    OhLibra Posts: 221 Member
    I love your motivation and attitude. Infectious!
  • Leslie165
    Leslie165 Posts: 8
    I totally screwed up my math.....I'm going for 54, not 49 lbs. LOL. BLONDE MOMENT!!!

    Thanks "tweten"!!!
  • ShilohMaier
    ShilohMaier Posts: 135
    I am in the same boat- lost 140 pounds, had a baby and went all irresponsible with my diet/exercise. Now I'm trying to lose 60 pounds (20 down, 40 to go!!!). The best part of doing this again, is I already know EXACTLY what works for me, and what I need to do to be successful. Yeah, it's a little different this time because my schedule now includes a husband and toddler, but I can make it work. Hats off to you and good luck!!!
  • lozla86
    lozla86 Posts: 77
    Hey guys, im laura i need to lose about 50lbs so feel free to add me so we can do it together xx
  • GanjaBall
    GanjaBall Posts: 31 Member
    Been there too! Everyday I get more and more excited at the thought of fitting back into my pre pregnancy clothes. Let's do this!
  • I have also been exactly where u are...went from 240 down to 170...when I was going through a divorce. But I met a wonderful man, got remarried and got comfortable! After a couple of years...i found myself back up to 227 lbs! I was so disgusted and disappointed in myself....but I finally reagained some control and have lost down to just below 200! But i am like you, I want to see the 170's again, thats where I felt the most comfortable with my own body. Good luck to you!!! You can do it! :)
  • mizznikki35
    mizznikki35 Posts: 22 Member
    I've been there too.... I lost about 80 lbs a couple of years ago and gained it all back...plus some. I'm just now getting my motivation back and I'm ready to shed all of it. 16 down and more to go, but I'm doing it!
  • Leslie165
    Leslie165 Posts: 8
    It's awesome to see I am not the only one out there with the same issue!! You guys ROCK