Healthy calories for a picky eater - help please! :)

I've got to find "healthy calories" to eat. My gym is at work and I'm doing "coaching" where a trainer talks to me about goals, answers questions, etc once a week. She told me I need to eat a MINIMUM of 1200 calories and that I need to eat more when I exercise so like when I burn 500 calories I need to eat 1700 that day. I was trying to get a max of 1200 even with the exercise! Anyone got any food suggestions? I'm a very picky eater and I don't cook much, well here lately, not at all. I love Greek yogurt, and I love my SlimFast. Yeah, I need some help! ♥ (I copied and pasted this from my status - if you would like to add me as a friend, I need to expand my support system! Thanks!)


  • mommab23k
    mommab23k Posts: 35
    So, before you started to lose weight, what kind of foods did you eat? Was their certain tastes/textures you liked? What types of foods did you enjoy eating (sweet, savory,salty)? What types of ethnic foods did you eat, if any? Give us some ideas of what kinds of foods you liked before, that'll help w/suggetsions.
  • sarcastic_ruffian
    sarcastic_ruffian Posts: 5 Member
    I'm not sure what kinds of foods you like, but if you're anything like me, uber "healthy" foods can get boring really fast and it's easy to jump off the wagon and binge on something bad. If you're sick of eating yogurt and fruits and vegetables, here are a few ideas for somewhat low-fat / low-calorie snack indulgences:

    - tortilla chips (~ 150 calories/serving) and salsa (~ 20 calories/serving)
    - Skinny Cow chocolate bars and ice cream products (Not sure exactly how many calories, but I'm pretty sure it's under 150 calories)
    - as far as alcoholic beverages, any kind of flavored vodka with Diet Sprite as a mixer (~ 70 calories)
    - Luna bars (They're almost 200 calories, BUT they're very filling, and have lots of fiber and nutritional value)
    - pita chips or crackers (~140 calories/serving) and hummus (~ 50 calories/serving)

    A good store to go to and get healthy stuff that is innovative and tastes really good is Trader Joe's, if you've got one by you. It's also more affordable than places like Whole Foods and Fresh Market (but the fruit/vegetable selection isn't as good and isn't the same quality). Some chain restaurants that have healthy options are Jason's Deli, Noodles & Co. (to some extent), Seasons 52, Chipotle (their burrito bowl-- or the salad but without the dressing), etc.
  • galilanee26
    galilanee26 Posts: 39 Member
    Thanks for posting this topic! I have a similar problem where my net calories often end up way under my daily goal. I'm not too picky but want to make healthy choices at the end of the day.

    Since you're watching your fat intake, I wondered if you like pasta dishes? I make pasta casserole with Bertolli Fresh Tomato Basil sauce, penne or linguine (whole grain or not), a sprinkle of parmesan, and a little shredded cheese. It's quick and easy on the stovetop. You can add any type of meat according to your taste like pre-cooked turkey sausage, grilled chicken breast, etc.

    Good luck! I hope you get more responses!! :smile:
  • cgarza34
    cgarza34 Posts: 16 Member
    (sweet tooth)--Skinny cow ice cream is heavenly! Search on this site for the 3-2-1 cake it is just as wonderful.
  • HorseWithNoName27
    HorseWithNoName27 Posts: 188 Member
    Here are some things I eat:

    -fruits (apples, peaches, banannas,etc. ) -- anything from 50-150 calories depending on size of fruit
    -berries (strawberries, blueberries) - 100 or less cal a cup, generally
    -almonds/walnuts (about 160-200 calories a serving)
    -ProMax protein bars (250 calories)
    -mozarella/colby jack cheese sticks (80 calories)
    -Laughing Cow Cheese with whole wheat crackers (200 calories total for a serving of each)
    -peanut butter on sprouted grain Ezekiel bread (280 calories or so if you have the full serving of peanut butter)

    For dinner, I make a lot of salads--grilled chicken, tuna, salmon--with spinach, kale, tomatoes, green peppers, hot peppers, etc. I'm not big on dressing but olive oil + balsamic/red wine vinegar is good. I also make some lean meat (chicken thighs in BBQ sauce, a pork chop, etc.) with some veggie on the side (usually broccoli) from time to time.

    There are TONS of options out there. Odwalla bars, Lara bars, Fiber One bars make quick snacks. So do yogurt and pudding cups. Explore your grocery store, see what all is available. I'm sure you'll find something!
  • bbbsmama
    bbbsmama Posts: 96
    I am a picky eater too. I only like fresh, non cooked veggies lol. Carrots, celery (with peanut butter), broccoli. I like apples l, honey roasted almonds and cashews. Bagels toasted with peanut butter. My diary is public so feel free to check it out.