Metabolism Re-Charge

I would really LOVE to find a realistic way of boosting my metabolism...I need a re-charge after a year of Yo-Yo dieting and gaining and loosing the same 30 lbs for 2 years!! Any at-home remedies??


  • jenncazares
    I did "the dreaded" HCG diet- i lost 16 lbs and completed phase 3 and 4 so i transitioned off- ive kept my weight within 2lbs of my end weight since February... if this helps. Its not for everyone and a lot of people do not recommend it- im just saying i feel it reset my hypothalamus and reset my metabolism all together. I do not believe in the HCG as much as i like the process of eliminating certain foods and then adding them back in slowly.
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
  • DangerJim71
    DangerJim71 Posts: 361 Member

  • CrueChix
    CrueChix Posts: 47
    With age your metabolism slows down naturally. Just make sure when you wake up in the morning that you eat breakfast to get your metabolism going. Then, realistically, it's all about consistency with your diet and exercise. There is no quick fix. I started consistently working out in October and it took a few months before I really started seeing results. Just be patient and work hard! My heaviest was 212, weighed in yesterday at 159. You can do it!
  • genghis54
    genghis54 Posts: 123 Member
    what is the hcg diet?
  • Coyla
    Coyla Posts: 444 Member
    Please avoid the HCG starvation diet. I can't imagine how that would help you boost your metabolism. The last time I did a cleansing/starvation diet, I gained every pound back I lost plus 10 lbs on top of that. And I did NOT pig out after I was finished.

    JasmineRose, do you exercise? Do you do strength-training? Are you on a stable diet right now or still going back and forth? I think your best bet is to run fleeing from any ideas of starving yourself or anything extreme and instead start with moderation. You cut back a little and exercise lightly to start with. Then as time passes, and that starts to become easy, cut back a little more and exercise a little harder.

    I like the idea of breakfast in the morning, plus you might also try a small amount of AM exercise. That helped to get me from not losing weight to losing weight in the past. Good luck!
  • JasmineRose14
    JasmineRose14 Posts: 34 Member
    I am back "on-the wagon" and have been for a few months now, I JUST started to excersize regularly and add in suppliments and vitamins.

    I have done the extream starvation diets (Medical Weight Loss, Adkins, ect) and those are what got me in a year long rut.

    Now that I have been consistant for over a month and not seeing the results I am used to getting, I was just wondering if my metabolism could be this disfunctional because of the yo-yoing.. Is there a certain vitamin, other than a super B, that I should be taking, or adding in a certain KIND of work out (right now I do a Couch 2 5k and alternate Pilates and Yoga)...
  • zellagrrl
    zellagrrl Posts: 439
    I am back "on-the wagon" and have been for a few months now, I JUST started to excersize regularly and add in suppliments and vitamins.

    I have done the extream starvation diets (Medical Weight Loss, Adkins, ect) and those are what got me in a year long rut.

    Now that I have been consistant for over a month and not seeing the results I am used to getting, I was just wondering if my metabolism could be this disfunctional because of the yo-yoing.. Is there a certain vitamin, other than a super B, that I should be taking, or adding in a certain KIND of work out (right now I do a Couch 2 5k and alternate Pilates and Yoga)...

    Build muscle by lifting weights. That's what will help you the most.
  • Kmsnomaha
    Kmsnomaha Posts: 167 Member
    The group "Eat More Weigh Less" has some great information on resetting your metabolism. You need to make sure to add strength training and eat at TDEE. Alot to read but great information! They also have a facebook and webpage now in addition to the group on MFP. Yes! years of yo-yo dieting does affect your metabolism.
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    I am back "on-the wagon" and have been for a few months now, I JUST started to excersize regularly and add in suppliments and vitamins.

    I have done the extream starvation diets (Medical Weight Loss, Adkins, ect) and those are what got me in a year long rut.

    Now that I have been consistant for over a month and not seeing the results I am used to getting, I was just wondering if my metabolism could be this disfunctional because of the yo-yoing.. Is there a certain vitamin, other than a super B, that I should be taking, or adding in a certain KIND of work out (right now I do a Couch 2 5k and alternate Pilates and Yoga)...

    Could it be that you're "not seeing the results [you] are used to seeing" because you are accustomed to doing unsustainable, crash diets? Taking a slower approach means being more patient, but for many people, it also means being more likely to keep the weight off. I'd also echo people's comments about exercise--both cardio and strength building.
  • thrld
    thrld Posts: 610 Member
    There is no one thing. There are a lot of different things, some having more impact that others. It's about balance.

    Exercise. Build muscle. High-intensity cardio. Drink water. Get plenty of sleep. Sunshine (vitamin D). Green tea, hot sauce, cinnamon.

    Time. Patience. Sustainable changes.
  • healthylife1010
    It will take time but our bodies are marvelous creations. The body learns to adapt to the situation it's put in. I've been there and done yo-yo dieting until I finally decided no more. Eat proper. Fuel your body. Thats the first key thing. Never fall into the mindset of yo-yo dieting again. Second, exercise. It will help boost that metabolism. Third, take your vitamins and make sure your body is receiving proper needed vitamins and minerals.

    What also helped me was eating every 2-3 hours because it helped keep my metabolism in check. With proper nutrition, exercise, and mindset, your body will adapt to the healthier you :)
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
  • Southernb3lle
    Southernb3lle Posts: 862 Member
    Exercise and lots of water.
  • Linda_Darlene
    Linda_Darlene Posts: 453 Member
    what is the hcg diet?

    Not something I would ever do!
  • jsj024519
    jsj024519 Posts: 400 Member
    yes! exercise!
  • NaomiDollar
    NaomiDollar Posts: 49 Member
    The group "Eat More Weigh Less" has some great information on resetting your metabolism. You need to make sure to add strength training and eat at TDEE. Alot to read but great information! They also have a facebook and webpage now in addition to the group on MFP. Yes! years of yo-yo dieting does affect your metabolism.

    Do you know the facebook and web page addresses?
  • bsierras
    bsierras Posts: 56
    With age your metabolism slows down naturally. Just make sure when you wake up in the morning that you eat breakfast to get your metabolism going. Then, realistically, it's all about consistency with your diet and exercise. There is no quick fix. I started consistently working out in October and it took a few months before I really started seeing results. Just be patient and work hard! My heaviest was 212, weighed in yesterday at 159. You can do it!

    Great advice and way to go on your weight loss!
  • JasmineRose14
    JasmineRose14 Posts: 34 Member
    Thanks for all of this advice MFP members, I really do appreciate it and it gave me a lot to think about! (this reply sounds REALLY sarcastic, but it's not!!) =) Have a great Wednesday!!
  • rachel4
    rachel4 Posts: 95 Member
    Eat More 2 Weigh Less
    you can like them on FB

    they also have a website now! LOVE THESE GIRLS :heart: