
Anybody out there struggle with this one? I am not an alcoholic by any means, but, I think it is interfering with my results and dang it all!! I feel like a little 2 year old throwing a temper tantrum. I don't want to give it up! Damn you, Lime-a-Ritas!!


  • sarahg2290
    sarahg2290 Posts: 54 Member
    Totally! My boyfriend works at a Mexican restaurant, so not only do I get delicious margaritas whenever I want, but they are discounted, haha. I've been trying to switch to a lower calorie drink, usually a vodka tonic but when I'm at a bbq or camping I'm not into mixing my own low calorie drinks. Yesterday, 2 Mikes hard Lemonade's added almost 500 calories to my total! Ugh!
  • MadeInDR022
    MadeInDR022 Posts: 260
    Try getting Skinny can usually drink up to 3 of those for one of the "regular"

    But, I do struggle esp when I go out with my bf who insists I have a beer with him and usually a shot or two. Shots aren't so bad...but the beer is lol
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    I had to completely give up alcohol to lose the weight. As I got closer to my goal weight, I ate closer to maintenance calories so I was able to enjoy a couple of drinks per week. It's all about priorities.
  • nascarted10
    nascarted10 Posts: 300 Member
    Alcohol screws with you matabolism not to mention the empty calories it has. I basically, had to completely give it up. A person has to decide what they want more, weight off or alcohol. Not easy, but reality.
  • KayakAngel
    KayakAngel Posts: 397 Member
    I love a drink - beer, wine, bourbon. I'm the Queen of the One Drink. And I LOVE that one drink. That's my compromise to meet my goals.
  • b0t23
    b0t23 Posts: 260 Member
    i gave up alcohol in the first few months of losing weight last year but now I can easily incorporate it into my daily calories.
    you just have to watch your consumption and frequency just like anything else.
  • penelope872
    penelope872 Posts: 1 Member
    I hear ya, sisters! I actually did 2 extra walks yesterday so I could have my Mike's Lite and feel like I earned it!
  • Krohnie
    Krohnie Posts: 286 Member
    I'm glad to hear that people have been able to work it back into their lifestyle. I'm from wisconsin and we love us some beer! But I'm so struggling with losing that I'm giving it up. Starting today. I have a dinner out with family tonight and a business trip that always involves too much to drink this weekend, but what a great place to start. If I can not have any at these times, then I can do it anytime! I'll work it back in slowly as I get closer to my goal. I can do it, so can you!
  • Barrior
    Barrior Posts: 1 Member
    Alcohol definitely has a negative impact (for me) in the weight loss challenge. Over 5=0 metabolism. Burning 600-650 calories per workout 5x a week. One night of drinking will stall the weight drop for me. Trying to stay off the alchohol for the rest of the summmer. (Not fun in Austin TX!).
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Those fruity sweet mixed drinks can kill a diet. You can either exercise more to "earn" the calories, or drink less. I earn my nightly wine because exercise makes me healthy and wine makes me happy. :drinker:

    I have given up the sweet stuff except for special occasions though.
  • mariposa224
    mariposa224 Posts: 1,241 Member
    The last few times I've gone to have a few drinks with friends after work, I've taken a bottle of water with Crystal Light mixed in. I order a shot of vodka in a bigger glass with ice and a straw... And I mix my own drinks. Keeps the calories at basically just whatever is in the liquor. HTH :smile:
  • kaubin97
    kaubin97 Posts: 56 Member
    Damn you mean alcohol isn't free calories!!! :sad:
    I wonder how much betr the scale would be looking if i cut out alcohol. Doubt I'll find out utnil fall. Love my summer poolside cocktails!!!! :drinker:
  • EddieHaskell97
    EddieHaskell97 Posts: 2,227 Member
    I'm so completely with you on this! A couple of drinks really helps me to sleep, otherwise I'm an insomniac.

    Oh, and I love the taste, and the light buzz! I don't want to give up my nightcaps!
  • kaubin97
    kaubin97 Posts: 56 Member
    The last few times I've gone to have a few drinks with friends after work, I've taken a bottle of water with Crystal Light mixed in. I order a shot of vodka in a bigger glass with ice and a straw... And I mix my own drinks. Keeps the calories at basically just whatever is in the liquor. HTH :smile:

    Thanks for the idea!!!!
  • Brunner26_2
    Brunner26_2 Posts: 1,152
    Alcohol screws with you matabolism not to mention the empty calories it has. I basically, had to completely give it up. A person has to decide what they want more, weight off or alcohol. Not easy, but reality.

    I disagree. It's not an absolute choice. You can have both.
  • I feel the same way! I don't want to give up something I enjoy (a drink every now and then) but I knew I had to limit myself in order to enjoy those drinks when I feel I have earned it. You have to have a cheat day in order to not break down and over indulge. Alcohol is my cheat ;)
    If I go out with friends and we're drinking, I'll ask for their nutrition sheet and it shows a ton of drinks and their calories... Helps a lot so I can order something where I can enjoy more than one drink but stay under a certain amount of calories... and always meet that one glass of alcohol with one glass of water.
  • watts7787
    watts7787 Posts: 16 Member
    I never gave it up and I still lost... :) Usually I will drink 1 night a week and it is way more than I should. If your calories are in a deficit as a whole at the end of the entire week you will still see a loss. So if you know that you are going to want to go out and have some drinks on Friday, start cutting back some calories on Monday each day leading up to it and it should be ok. It's just numbers... If you want (5) 200 calorie drinks then cut back 200 calories on 5 other days. :))
  • ikoiko33
    ikoiko33 Posts: 43
    I've been following the Dukan Diet … and this no alcohol thing has been kinda tough for me as well. I come from a family of foodies, and wine with dinner every night has been a staple ever since I can remember. The biggest test was when my husband and I went to visit my family last week for the 4th, and every day, the cocktails started at around noon. Thankfully, my family has been super supportive, and I've been making due with club soda, until I reach my goal.
  • piesbd
    piesbd Posts: 196 Member
    I can only have a couple drinks a week or it really affects my weight. I try to save them for the weekend.....

    On the plus side.... it takes less to get a buzz! :drinker:
  • jenbridges
    jenbridges Posts: 213 Member
    It is easier for me when I am at home, because then I can have a vodka and diet cranberry/diet 7up, or gin and diet tonic. When I go out, I either go without or share a margarita with a friend.