Can u pls help ?

Hi . I m struggling to lose weight at mom . Currently I m on 1800 calorie sometimes I think is not mom I'm 218 lbs I would like to go down to 200. Lbs . I m 34 male 5 days a week in the gym getting depress really don't know what to do :( pls help thank you


  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    What's your height and activity level like? I'm 6'2" and eating 2000-2200 is still enough for me to lose. I have to eat up to about 2500 net calories to maintain. I currently weigh about 217 but I'm not trying to lose much anymore and dipping in the low 2000s occasionally is enough to keep me with a very slow weight loss.

    It all depends on your body composition and activity levels.
  • Cemjames
    Cemjames Posts: 18
    Sorry I'm 5.10 and my activity level is active .working nights :(
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    Are you losing at all or totally stalled for more than a couple weeks? Be cautious about how many exercise calories you add back in to eat. I think a lot of people overestimate that number. That's the only thing I see just glancing at your diary.

    You don't want to starve but at the same time if you're eating everything your body needs it won't lose weight. I'm eating 2500 to stay the same and I'm 4" taller and have a fairly high activity level. If you're eating that much each day you better honestly be burning through those calories with exercise or you won't lose a pound.
  • Cemjames
    Cemjames Posts: 18
    I m Eating all my exercise cal. I just changed my goal instead of lose 2 lbs a week now 1 to 1.5 lbs a week . That might help a bit . First 2 weeks I lost 4 lbs then last week put back on 3 :( really pissing me off I m desperate to lose weight. I have lost 4 stn already but not with mfp . I think I m stuck .
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    I've been eating MFP recommendations for losing 1 lb a week, doing cardio for 30 minutes 4-5 mornings a week and strength training 4 nights a week.

    Quite honestly the times I've been "stuck" I would fix that by shorting myself 500-600 calories under goal (the already 500 calorie shortage) and that would unstick my progress. I just discovered that on accident one week when I was swamped with stuff to do that day and didn't eat enough. So say my goal was 2100, then I ate about 1600 that day. If you occasionally do this for a day or two, yes you feel like you're starving, but it doesn't hurt you and it seems to help.

    I've used this tactic maybe 2-3 times. I never really plan it but there were days that I found myself away from home unprepared with good food to eat and since I had been stuck on the same weight for over a week I just allowed myself to be hungry for the afternoon. It mostly came down to missing lunch or just having a small 200 calorie snack instead of eating a full lunch and an afternoon snack. Nothing drastic. Planning that might require some will power because you don't want to starve and end up pigging out on food later.

    So in summary, try eating their 1 lb. a week goal and pick a day during the week and cut back drastically and resume normal eating the next day. Drink plenty of water and give yourself a few days afterwards to see if it had any effect. Of course don't pick a day were you're exercising heavily and this is just pseudo-science. I don't know of any research that back this up. It's just what's worked for me personally.
  • teez52
    teez52 Posts: 104 Member
    Sounds like your eating too much or your over estimating your calories burned. Bring that activity factor back down (unless your in a warehouse lifting heavy things all day or something like that) and try to readjust your calories from that. Make sure you weigh everything that goes in your mouth, condiments, juices, food, everything. I found that when I fell off my weigh everything plan, my weightloss stopped because I was eating more than I thought I was and therefore not counting my calories properly.
  • Cemjames
    Cemjames Posts: 18
    Thank you very much , I have change my goal to lose 1 lbs a week and I will try what u do as well . Thanks again.
  • Cemjames
    Cemjames Posts: 18
    I m eating all my exercise cal . But in totall 1800 cal . Maybe wasent enough for my weight and hight . Now I have change my goal for MFP recommend I have more cal . I hope that will help . Thanks for coment.