Anyone on weight watchers?



  • ndoris
    ndoris Posts: 1
    I joined Weight Watchers today and also back on my fitness pal. I can't do it alone!!
  • Turtle003
    Turtle003 Posts: 133 Member
    Does anyone notice that when you eat your calories per day it goes over the points value you should have? I get 1210 calories a day and after earning 700 exercise calories I ate ~1600 calories in a day...this was way over my 26 points on WW. I'm scared to leave WW and just do MFP it seems I am eating more? Any thoughts?
  • jenbk2
    jenbk2 Posts: 623 Member
    I'm also a WW'er, but I have been getting increasingly frustrated with the new program. I feel like since they switched to Points Plus, I'm doing the hokey pokey with my weight. It's gotten so bad that I've put on a good 15 pounds back on, all while struggling with the program. My husband started on MFP and has lost 15 pounds (amazing!) and I was getting more and more bitter with him as everything he looked up on the MFP app showed up with calorie counts, while all the WW app was giving me was "no item found." So while I haven't given up my monthly pass just yet, I'm giving this a test drive for a week or two to see how I like it. I have been doing WW'ers off and on for about 3 years, and have lost, at current weight about 57 pounds, my best was down 75. I would like to get back there.

    I am a bit nervous about not having a weekly weigh in accountability... That was one of the things I liked most about WWers. Maybe we can start a weekly weigh in group? Looking for support so please add if you want some too!

    I like the fact that you weigh in front of a person. When you are on a computer you can lie about weight lost. I need those juding eyes.. lol
  • valz2000
    valz2000 Posts: 78 Member
    I just rejoined WW today so feel free to add me.
  • amlynn16
    amlynn16 Posts: 20 Member
    jenbk2, I know the frustration as far as loosing weight on the new program for weight watchers. i lost a ton of weigh (100 pounds to be exact), about 8 years ago. put it back on for different reasons, and so when I wen to try to loose weight again with their new points plus program, I couldn't loose anything. I don't know why. I would eat the healthy stuff. I've switched to doing this but also am working with a personal trainer, who actually weighs me in officially every month, so I've got that accountability. Since I've switched to this 2 months ago, I've lost 20 pounds. I'm here anytime.. I've still got about 80 pounds to go
  • Aka8941
    Aka8941 Posts: 29 Member
    I've been doing Points Plus for about a 9 months and have lost 35 pounds! I quit for a bit and put 10 back on...but I'm signing back up tonight. It's all about the meetings. You just have to make yourself go...because without them I would probably eat whatever the hell I wanted.

    Add me!