Stupid Drivers...



  • MellyGibson
    MellyGibson Posts: 297 Member
    I have lived in 4 states, NY, Montana, CA (Los Angeles and San Diego) and Michigan. In every one of these states the same thing happens - SUNDAY DRIVERS! (It doesn't really matter what day of the week it is).

    In perfectly good weather conditions, those people that go 10 mph or slower UNDER the speed limit drive me right over the edge! Then you finally get a passing opportunity and the jackhole behind you SHOOTS over to pass both of you - giving everyone else behind him an opportunity and I just get stuck again. NOTHING infuriates me more than that! Not even near-misses! (Which happened today in a parking lot when the guy didn't bother looking to see if anyone was coming before backing out).
  • Rixx31
    Rixx31 Posts: 220 Member
    Oh and is it really that hard to use an indicator light? Or are they all shorted out on nearly every single car....

    You are supposed to use your blinker BEFORE you change lanes (this includes getting into the turn lanes)...

    You are supposed to use your blinker BEFORE you turn into a driveway or cross street...

    Not as you are in the middle of doing it... or mere milliseconds before doing it...

    That is my biggest driving pet peeve.

    My theory on no turn signals is that they are operated by thought-control.
  • felice03
    felice03 Posts: 2,732 Member
    Do they not understand what slow lane and fast lanes mean?

    Think about where we live...a good percentage of the population it NOT smart enough to figure that out.
  • LauraMacNCheese
    LauraMacNCheese Posts: 7,198 Member
    My latest pet peeve is people who treat a 4-way stop like it's a brain teaser they can't figure out.


    Didn't you know...a 4-way stop is the nexus of the universe...
  • ChgingMe
    ChgingMe Posts: 539 Member
    I live in a rural area in PA.. The thing that gets me is the no blinker/blinker idiot. Traveling 50mph on the country roads. The person in front of me comes to almost a complete stop. THEN puts the blinker on. My thing is this. Once the brake lights come on I don't need a blinker. Ive pretty much figured out you are turning. Or they don't use them at all.
  • LauraMacNCheese
    LauraMacNCheese Posts: 7,198 Member
    Oh another one of my personal favorites are the people driving their sub-compact cars but seem to think those cars have the same turning radius as an 18-wheeler.
  • Roadie2000
    Roadie2000 Posts: 1,801 Member
    People have been extra stupid around here lately, it must be the heat or something. But I keep seeing people trying to exit the highway from like 3 lanes over while speeding, cutting me off, and nearly crashing into the barrier. Dumb *kitten*.
  • ChgingMe
    ChgingMe Posts: 539 Member
    My latest pet peeve is people who treat a 4-way stop like it's a brain teaser they can't figure out.


    oh yea.... I always say it isn't rocket science people
  • ChgingMe
    ChgingMe Posts: 539 Member
    I have definitely been road raged on.... usually on a daily basis by impatient drivers either tail gating me (I already go 5 over... but if you are a *kitten* that comes up behind me like a bat outta hell and then tail gate me, I will either A) go 5 miles under the speed limit, or B) go the same speed as the car next to me).

    But there was one time where this guy did this and I flipped him off... as he was about to use the U-turn to go under the overpass and I was going the opposite direction.... well, he didn't like that and decided to follow me (that was scary see him take an almost 180 degree direction shift.... well, I wasn't going to just go to my immediate destination and decided to keep driving until I either A) got to a police station or B) he stopped following me... he eventually stopped following me.... Let's just say I haven't flipped anyone off since...

    You aren't going 5 over in the fast lane are you? That isnt fast enough. Move over. Just sayin..
  • Kooraloo
    Kooraloo Posts: 362 Member
    I am currently in a road-rage-y mode. As a new driver, I'm doing my best to be careful on the road but have gotten in two accidents because of stupid drivers.
    The first was pretty bad, damaged my front headlight/skirt/side mirror/bumper and was because some major azzhat backed into my car and ran. All the damaged parts took a lot of effort, money, and time to replace.
    The second was yesterday (RIGHT after I JUST replaced that danged mirror) when at 11 pm (I was driving home from practice), a giant white SUV comes barreling down a dark windy road with no streetlights down the MIDDLE of it. The only way to avoid an accident was to pull over... right into a fencepost, which damaged my mirror again. The SUV was going fast enough that I had just enough time to hit the brakes and pull over, but if I had tried to maneuver to avoid the post (like drive in front or pull backwards behind it), we would have hit each other.

    I love stupid drivers. I'm generally not a road rager (usually just kinda mutter epithets to myself) but these two cases made me reaaaally mad.
  • LauraMacNCheese
    LauraMacNCheese Posts: 7,198 Member
  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
    i live in so cal so.......i cus like my husband dose when hes drunk(sailor)
  • vudufrank
    vudufrank Posts: 3 Member
    Is it wrong that your mama wants to beat that woman until she's black and green? No? I thought not.
  • muggsmom
    muggsmom Posts: 28
    My latest pet peeve is people who treat a 4-way stop like it's a brain teaser they can't figure out.


    In the 90's I lived in a mid-sized town (approx. 10,000), and when they put in a four-way stop, people were calling Town Hall to ask what they were supposed to do! And not a few people.

    I hate people who leave their high beams on when they are behind you. That's when I wish i had a billion-candle spotlight in my rear window!
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I live in IL.. and the Wisconsin Drivers who come off the interstate and then start puttering around on local roads kill me!

    I cannot tell you how many times I have almost rear ended someone or had someone rear end me because said driver is going 5-10 miles under the speed limit and look you like you are crazy when you speed up. Um hello.. this is a major busy road.. either do what you are supposed to or get the f outta my way!