How can I break this plateau???

I work out at least two hours a day and eat a little below my caloric intake... I'm so frustrated and don't quite understand why my scale won't budge! I've been stuck for at least two months! Please help!!!


  • itsuki
    itsuki Posts: 520 Member
    Well, you tend to be a bit heavy on sodium, maybe try keeping that down?

    And if your calories burned in your diary is accurate, you're netting less than 1000 calories on a lot of days. This could be the problem as well.

    I know it's frustrating though. :( I think *fingers crossed* that I've just started breaking a 4 month plateau, which sucked. If you try all the typcial things (less sodium, more calories, changing up your exercise) and still nothing changes, you might want to check with your doc to make sure everything's working properly.
  • tmt2003
    tmt2003 Posts: 176 Member
    No expert but during my plateau things I have read that would contribute to a plateau:

    1. Creating TOO much of a calorie deficit. According to JM 600-700 calorie deficit is the 'sweet spot'
    2. Exercising too much, make sure to give your body enough rest between workouts
    3. Eating more than you are logging: make sure you are honest and counting everything

    Possible ways to break plateau (aside from fixing any of the above)
    1. Change up you exercise routine. If you usually run, start cycling, etc.
    2. Incorporate ST if you aren't already
    3. 'reset' eat at maitnience for a week or even 2, then drop back down to a deficit. You may gain a little, but it will come back off. I tried everything and this is the only thing that work for me and finally got the scale moving again.

    Good luck!
  • mmk137
    mmk137 Posts: 833 Member
    are you giving 100% for the 2 hours or only half an effort.

    you would be better off at working out for a shorter period at 100%, and eating more.

    As soon as I did this, I broke my plateau and lost 10lbs.
  • LundeenB
    LundeenB Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks I will try to keep the sodium down your probably right. I change up my work outs a lot... I'm doing p90x minus the pull up bar, I have to do a modified move. I've also tried to incorporate more cardio (running) and strength training 3 x a day. My mom also told me I need to eat more as well but I guess I was scared if I did that that all my hard work would go down the drain. :( so it comforts me to hear it from others also to eat more :). Good luck on breaking your plateau too!! Thank you for the advise!!
  • LundeenB
    LundeenB Posts: 11 Member
    I'm so exhausted by the end of the day I want to go to bed by 8 no joke,! I time my self when I run and sweat like a pig during my p90x . Do think it might be to much in one day??
  • LadyIntrepid
    LadyIntrepid Posts: 399 Member
    You should be *netting* at least 1200 (if not more) calories a day. If you're coming in under that consistently, it could be that your metabolism is slowing down and holding on whatever calories you're eating to sustain your energy expenditure.
  • KatelinJade
    Have you ever heard of calorie cycling?

    It really works! I do it all the time even when I am not at a plateau. Basically what you do is look at your weekly goal total of calories. For instance, mine is 10500 because I allow myself 1500 calories a day. So what I do is three days out of the week I will eat 1200 cals and 4 days of the week I will eat 1700 cals (which I realize equals out to 10400 cals but whatever). Make sure you mix up the days that way you don't feel AS hungry after eating more for 4 days in a row. Basically it confuses your body's metabolism by mixing up your everyday routine of diet and exercise.
    I do it and I have lost more weight faster because of it. I'll let this website tell you more about the subject if your still iffing and ooing about it.
    It's not for everyone but it has worked for me thus far and then you can also allow yourself some cheat days which is fine by me!
  • tmt2003
    tmt2003 Posts: 176 Member
    I'm so exhausted by the end of the day I want to go to bed by 8 no joke,! I time my self when I run and sweat like a pig during my p90x . Do think it might be to much in one day??

    Personally, I think 2 hours is a bit much (espcially if you are feeling tired and not loosing - I know other people do this and feel great so I am not talking about those people) and goes back to the issues often with plateau of not getting your body time to reset (and rebuild) and creating too much of a caloric deficit.

    I think if you are feeling tired and not loosing weight you definately need to change what you are doing. incoperate rest days and/or increase calories.
