Running for a Newbie. Living in the seconds!

Tonight, I DID NOT WANT TO RUN. I had to capitalize that just to let you know, how much I really did NOT want to run. I get to the gym and the atmosphere was getting me there. Ok! I can do this! Jump on the treadmill.... Warm up. Five minutes go by, eugh. Time to run. Now, when I say I running- I really mean intervals. Right now, I'm doing 2 minutes running/1minute walking. It's pretty tough for a running newbie. Well, I have a half marathon to run in 2 months and I just started training- so I have some catching up to do! SO, at 30 minutes I thought to myself... I can't do it. I have to stop. I'm going to DIE (I was probably being a little dramatic) . On my 1 minute walk, I check my breathing- steady. Check my legs, ok a little sore but not jello yet. I don't have any side stitches. Nothing cramping up. So I think to myself, ok- I will do one more run/walk interval and then reevaluate. I did this for a whole 30 minutes more. I was literally living in the seconds. I would say ok, just 30 seconds longer and you can walk. I got through an entire hour! A little over four miles. Half marathon here I come!!!!!!!!

What gets you through a tough workout?? Whether it be strength training, running, walking or cardio of any type?


  • KaisenParkour
    I No longer Drive to the Gym..I run..Jog..Bike..or Walk..that way even after i've pushed my self hard..i am FORCED(yea i like the caps thing too to dig a bit deeper and get myself back Home..
  • Jenph20
    Jenph20 Posts: 134 Member
    Have you tried the C25k?? Its great for beginners to get you going!! I try listening to some music that gets me pumped and focus on breathing normally. Im a new runner-started in March) and I've already run a few 5ks. I'm actually starting to like it! I have a ladies only support group on FB if you'd like to join. Just send me a message :)
  • ixap
    ixap Posts: 675 Member
    You're doing great. 2 minutes run / 1 minute walk is actually great for a new runner. Many if not most have to start with more like 1 minute run / 2 minutes walk.

    Some workouts I'm also working in 60-second chunks, mentally. "Just go one more minute, and then you can quit if you really want" repeat x 60.

    Happily not all are that hard!

    Other times I'm running with a fast friend or group, or working out in a class, so peer pressure keeps my effort honest.
  • Leila8530
    Leila8530 Posts: 11 Member
    I No longer Drive to the Gym..I run..Jog..Bike..or Walk..that way even after i've pushed my self hard..i am FORCED(yea i like the caps thing too to dig a bit deeper and get myself back Home..

    Kudos! I think I would pass out. I am lucky to make it to my car and press on the pedal!! ;)
  • jme813
    jme813 Posts: 4 Member
    What is C25k? I'm a very new runner.
  • sarahg2290
    sarahg2290 Posts: 54 Member
    Haha I felt the same way on my run tonight. I'm only on day 2 of C25K but it was over 90 degrees out! I kept thinking, "well I'll just keep running until I collapse" Obviously I didn't collapse and I made it thru the 30 minute routine! Go us!
  • Leila8530
    Leila8530 Posts: 11 Member
    C25K is the couch to 5K program. It is a program to ease you into running! Pretty helpful!! :)
  • Leila8530
    Leila8530 Posts: 11 Member
    Haha I felt the same way on my run tonight. I'm only on day 2 of C25K but it was over 90 degrees out! I kept thinking, "well I'll just keep running until I collapse" Obviously I didn't collapse and I made it thru the 30 minute routine! Go us!

    Awesome job!!! We will get there!!!