Is it really necessary to eat at least 1500 a day?

I am 5'6 and have been trying to keeping it between 800-1250 calories a day. Is it true that once I reach my goal weight, if I return to 2000 calories a day I will gain because my metabolism will have droped? I want to lose weight as soon as possible but also dont want to screw myself later! Help! And thanks for all help in advanced! :)


  • Actually what I have been hearing is the you need to eat more to lose weight. 800 calories a day is not a lot unless you eat like a whole lot of veggies (that is not a lot of calories). But again..that is what I have been reading and so far, I see results from my five meals and water consumption. But I am around 1200 to 1500 calories a day as well...

    Oh and I was trying to say is that you eat to boast your
  • tequila09
    tequila09 Posts: 764 Member
    850 is too little try eating between 1200 and your bmr
  • Barbellerella
    Barbellerella Posts: 1,838 Member
    yes. When you return to 2000 you will be in trouble. Just my opinion from personal experience. I would definitely stay above your bmr, preferably 10-20% below TDEE.
  • BeetleChe13
    BeetleChe13 Posts: 498 Member
    Hi and welcome to MFP. If you return to 2000 calories a day, you will probably gain weight back (without exercise) because of the excess calories (more so than your metabolism). It is not necessary to eat 1500 unless it is your BMR. (There is an MFP tool to calculate yours if you don't already know it.) I would argue that 1200, however, is a necessary minimum unless you are advised otherwise by your doctor. It is generally accepted as the lowest amount that any person's body needs for daily upkeep. If you exercise on top of that, you should eat your calories back. Your body needs the fuel.

    About half of my weight loss was from eating fewer calories, first 1200 and then slowly upping it to 1700. Why are you trying to lose weight as quickly as possible? While you can lose weight quickly and safely, it is -usually- healthier to lose weight at a slower rate because it more sustainable weight loss. I hope this can serve as useful starting point, but there are plenty of other resources here for you to use.
  • TurnLeftNow
    TurnLeftNow Posts: 171
    It's not a race to drop off the pounds. It's a change in how you live your life.

    There's no need to crash diet and starve yourself. If you eat so little now you will always have to eat so little to maintain the weight. Don't you want to eat normal and healthy meals? You will gain a bit of weight at first when you switch to maintenance but it will even out and you won't continue to gain. However you are more likely to gain all the weight you lost back, if you think that this is just something temporary that you need to do. If you just starve yourself until you reach your goal weight and then go back to eating how you were, you'll gain weight for sure.
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    You can use MFP's BMR calculator to get an estimate of your BMR. Try to get above that number every day. Incidentally, the net they have me set on is below my BMR, so I make sure to get enough exercise daily to eat above BMR while still losing 1 lb a week. But if you can't do that, then it is better to go for lower weight loss than quick weight loss with an immediate rebound.
  • 8Venus
    8Venus Posts: 6
    Everyones answers were great! Thank you so much! I guess I do need to make a mental switch and make this about health and not vanity. I want this to be a permanent change. I'm going to research all of the new information and figure out what the proper calorie intake is for me. I love how supportive this community is, hope every one has a great night/morning dependng on local ;)
  • Barbellerella
    Barbellerella Posts: 1,838 Member
    This is also a very helpful read from a smart guy I know on how to calculate all this stuff..
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,247 Member
    I am 5'6 and have been trying to keeping it between 800-1250 calories a day. Is it true that once I reach my goal weight, if I return to 2000 calories a day I will gain because my metabolism will have droped? I want to lose weight as soon as possible but also dont want to screw myself later! Help! And thanks for all help in advanced! :)

    Finding one's maintenance level can be tricky and it is not just a matter of saying "oh females need 2000 calories per day to maintain" - age is a massive factor for a start when getting that maintenance number.

    When you reach your goal, you need to then up your calories bit by bit until you stabilise with your weight and that eventual figure will the the one that is suitable for you.

    Try not to bog yourself down with facts and figures, personally I find all that just give me one massive headache.
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    I am 5'6 and have been trying to keeping it between 800-1250 calories a day. Is it true that once I reach my goal weight, if I return to 2000 calories a day I will gain because my metabolism will have droped? I want to lose weight as soon as possible but also dont want to screw myself later! Help! And thanks for all help in advanced! :)

    At a lower weight you usually will have a lower calorie amount to maintain that weight.

    For instance calculated that when I am at my goal weight of 120 I will only be able to eat about 1350 to maintain (from memory). if I want to eat more I have to exercise. If I burn 300 calories I can eat 300 more calories for example.

    Don't eat that low to lose. At your height I would be eating at least 1400.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    Everyones answers were great! Thank you so much! I guess I do need to make a mental switch and make this about health and not vanity. I want this to be a permanent change. I'm going to research all of the new information and figure out what the proper calorie intake is for me. I love how supportive this community is, hope every one has a great night/morning dependng on local ;)

    Well you hurt vaniety by eating too little as you lose muscle and fat. If you do 20% below tdee and do heavy weight training, you will cut fat and maintain muscle. And as i always say, weight loss makes you look good in clothes but fat loss makes you look good naked.
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    Everyones answers were great! Thank you so much! I guess I do need to make a mental switch and make this about health and not vanity. I want this to be a permanent change. I'm going to research all of the new information and figure out what the proper calorie intake is for me. I love how supportive this community is, hope every one has a great night/morning dependng on local ;)

    Well you hurt vaniety by eating too little as you lose muscle and fat. If you do 20% below tdee and do heavy weight training, you will cut fat and maintain muscle. And as i always say, weight loss makes you look good in clothes but fat loss makes you look good naked.

    But you will always lose some muscle along with fat when dieting.
  • capriciousmoon
    capriciousmoon Posts: 1,263 Member
    From personal experience... after eating 700 calories for a number of months, I gained weight if I tried to eat 1200.
  • NorthcN
    NorthcN Posts: 6 Member
    I've done a very low calorie intake like that once and lost over 100lbs in a year. I went back to a normal diet and gained it all back and then some in less time than it took to lose it . So trust me this method is not recommended by me.
  • Exill
    Exill Posts: 155 Member
    The faster you lose weight, the more likely you are to gain it all back. No point starving yourself, to put yourself through all that hunger and suffering for a "quick-fix". Most initial weight lost is water weight anyway (and whatever's been built up in your bowels so your stomach shrinks fast).

    I've slowly lost 20 pounds over 2 years and have been able to maintain a steady loss. I technically have an underweight bmi, but I still eat 1200-1500 calories most days (I ate 1800 yesterday--whoops). I don't even exercise that much, just walk every day.

    You need to change your mentality on food and that takes a long time, to get used to the change in thinking. Give it time, be patient, eat healthy, be active, and most importantly eat good food you enjoy!
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    The faster you lose weight, the more likely you are to gain it all back. No point starving yourself, to put yourself through all that hunger and suffering for a "quick-fix". Most initial weight lost is water weight anyway (and whatever's been built up in your bowels so your stomach shrinks fast).

    I've slowly lost 20 pounds over 2 years and have been able to maintain a steady loss. I technically have an underweight bmi, but I still eat 1200-1500 calories most days (I ate 1800 yesterday--whoops). I don't even exercise that much, just walk every day.

    You need to change your mentality on food and that takes a long time, to get used to the change in thinking. Give it time, be patient, eat healthy, be active, and most importantly eat good food you enjoy!

    Nice answer. Like how you've been able to maintain. I think you can lose faster and get the maintaining part right too. I haven't been successful yet.
  • Anayalata
    Anayalata Posts: 391 Member
    From personal experience... after eating 700 calories for a number of months, I gained weight if I tried to eat 1200.

    Oh my...
  • bizorra
    bizorra Posts: 151 Member
    I really enjoy the anecdote about Mary on this site:

    Might help you decide how much to eat! In my experience, when I go too extreme, I end up losing control at some point and eating like an entire large pizza. Or giving up entirely because its just too hard (ie, completely unreasonable). I like the Mary anecdote because it shows (with math!) that if you make a real long-term adjustment, you'll get the weight off and keep it off.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    I am 5'6 and have been trying to keeping it between 800-1250 calories a day. Is it true that once I reach my goal weight, if I return to 2000 calories a day I will gain because my metabolism will have droped? I want to lose weight as soon as possible but also dont want to screw myself later! Help! And thanks for all help in advanced! :)

    Youve already screwed yourself eating 800-1200 a day!!!