
mulcahya Posts: 82 Member
Hello :)

I have just started a couple of days ago, trying to keep my motivation up (usually fades pretty quickly). I am 21 and have a lot of study going on which makes it hard to fit in exercise.

But stepping on the scales and realizing how much I've put on over the past year or so is a big eye opener!! Need to prioritize things and fit more in the day! Hard truth realizing that the reason your clothes aren't fitting properly is because of you!

So here goes. Hopefully I'll keep up the motivation, keep up the exercise, the eating better and overall I just hope I can start making better choices. I'm not going to cut out having a few drinks with my mates from time to time, and eating a burger every now and then, but I think I need to teach myself that it's everything in moderation! So, here goes..

Wish me luck :)
