30 Day Shred - Question



  • Todays day 2 and it hurts so much!! haha
    My arms are sore, my back and my legs but i refuse to let it stop me today!

    Did anyone have resting days in between? And did you continue to do calorie counting with foods also?
  • Killing_Perfection
    Killing_Perfection Posts: 79 Member
    I never quit counting calories, whether I work out or not only is a matter of how much I can eat. If I get my daily dose of Jillian I log it and automatically get a higher setting. There's even some kind of diet you can use for Ripped in 30, I bet that works for the 30DS as well~

    For the 30DS I didn't take any days off, but I heard of quite a number of people that did so. Ripped in 30 is differently, I take 1 to 2 days off every week~
    What happens at the end of your "shred"?

    You thank Jillian for royally kicking your butt and search for a new challenge.
  • Cool! Iv done day two this morning and I now Ache even more, I pushed through the pain this morning so I hope I can do the same tommorrow!
  • susiemou
    susiemou Posts: 47 Member
    The first time i did 30DS, i mad the mistake of doing it in my bare feet, i could barely walk for days as it killed my calf muscles!
    When i eventually did it again in proper trainers it was so different, so my advise is, make sure you are properly dressed for success!
    i only did it 3 times a week as i can't fit it in every day, and it still tones me up really fast, i think going from zero to working out everyday is very difficult and maybe a bit too much pressure, with dieting, work kids etc. I am starting again at the weekend.
  • The first time i did 30DS, i mad the mistake of doing it in my bare feet, i could barely walk for days as it killed my calf muscles!
    When i eventually did it again in proper trainers it was so different

    Iv done two days in bare feet.. That's probs why my calfs are painful!! Haha I'll be doing it in trainers tomorrow!
  • KaidaKantri
    KaidaKantri Posts: 401
    The first time i did 30DS, i mad the mistake of doing it in my bare feet, i could barely walk for days as it killed my calf muscles!
    When i eventually did it again in proper trainers it was so different

    Iv done two days in bare feet.. That's probs why my calfs are painful!! Haha I'll be doing it in trainers tomorrow!

    I just finished day 3 of it, (made msyelf do it) And turns out I'm actually not feeling too bad. I havn't worn shoes in any of the sessions, and my calves don't hurt at all. It's my thighs that hurt the most.
  • moniqueonline
    moniqueonline Posts: 26 Member
    I started level 1 on monday and I was veeeeeeeeeeeery sore tuesday and wednesday... I couldn't even sit on the couch without feeling the pain in my legs but today is my 4th day and I feel great and the pain is almost gone... Even if you feel you are too sore to do the exercises once u start and ur body warms up it's not that bad :wink:
  • KaidaKantri
    KaidaKantri Posts: 401
    I started level 1 on monday and I was veeeeeeeeeeeery sore tuesday and wednesday... I couldn't even sit on the couch without feeling the pain in my legs but today is my 4th day and I feel great and the pain is almost gone... Even if you feel you are too sore to do the exercises once u start and ur body warms up it's not that bad :wink:

    Yeah, I'm realizing that! Yesterday trying to walk around town hurt so bad. But today they definitely don't hurt as much!
  • sandrajune72
    sandrajune72 Posts: 492 Member
    :laugh: oh the memories this thread is stirring up!!

    I'm on level 3, day 3.

    It does get easier people! I don't ache at all now but the first few days on level 1 were AGONY!!! I could hardly walk, stairs were a real problem!!

    A friend of mine gave me a great little tip that really worked for me. After you finish the workout, do 10-15 mins of light cardio, dancing, aerobics etc. It helps reduce the lactic acid in your muscles which is what causes the soreness. Of course, this may not work for everyone, but it sure does for me!! :drinker:
  • sandrajune72
    sandrajune72 Posts: 492 Member
    The first time i did 30DS, i mad the mistake of doing it in my bare feet, i could barely walk for days as it killed my calf muscles!
    When i eventually did it again in proper trainers it was so different, so my advise is, make sure you are properly dressed for success!

    Couldn't agree more!! I too made that same mistake, now I wear my running shoes and all is good!! :happy:
  • sandrajune72
    sandrajune72 Posts: 492 Member
    I, personally, don't like anything that promises "fast" results. Yes, I want to get in shape, am doing so, (yay) but I also think exercise is a bout a lifestyle and sustainability. What happens at the end of your "shred"? You can't keep that pace so do you quit? My advice, take it or leave it, everyone had different goals: slow and steady wins the race. Choose something that you can maintain and that will take you over the long haul. It may take you longer to get there but you are more likely to maintain it.

    Wow! You're supportive. NOT!

    There are lots and lots of people on here who swear by Jillian Michaels DVD's and have had a lot of success with them, myself included. Why are you even posting on this thread if you choose to be so negative. The OP is comitted to this workout so what you have said is irrelivant. :angry:
  • paradigmsubversion
    paradigmsubversion Posts: 27 Member
    It kicked my butt, too!

    The first couple of days, I just did the best I could, and I didn't use weights- just made fists with my hands and concentrated on good form. Now I'm a week in, and am using 2 lb. weights, and I drop them when my arms are screaming too loudly. Ease into it, and it will get better!

    Congratulations on pushing yourself, and trying something new!
  • KaidaKantri
    KaidaKantri Posts: 401
    I, personally, don't like anything that promises "fast" results. Yes, I want to get in shape, am doing so, (yay) but I also think exercise is a bout a lifestyle and sustainability. What happens at the end of your "shred"? You can't keep that pace so do you quit? My advice, take it or leave it, everyone had different goals: slow and steady wins the race. Choose something that you can maintain and that will take you over the long haul. It may take you longer to get there but you are more likely to maintain it.

    Wow! You're supportive. NOT!

    There are lots and lots of people on here who swear by Jillian Michaels DVD's and have had a lot of success with them, myself included. Why are you even posting on this thread if you choose to be so negative. The OP is comitted to this workout so what you have said is irrelivant. :angry:

    Your right, that reply wasn't really supportive. And honestly, as long as I get SOME Results I'll be happy. I don't expect to lose 20 lbs in the 30 days of doing it. I haven't heard anyone's posts say they've lost more than 9, so it's not THAT unhealthy for you and it's not like your losing weight faster. Well, your losing inches faster. But it's being turned into muscle. And I plan on keeping it up even when I get to the point where I'm maintaining anyway. I think the real reason why weight comes back on so fast when people lose it super fast is that they don't change their lifestyle. I plan on keeping my lifestyle up. Once I'm maintaining, I will do Jillians 30DS every other month, and then RI30 the months in between. Possibly other stuff too. O.o
  • minnielovesmickey
    minnielovesmickey Posts: 84 Member

    I did 30 days straight of level1 had a days rest as my knees really hurt. Am on day 3 of level 2 at the mo.(90 day shread for moi!)

    Level 1 REALLY hurt for 5 days but as Jillian says you have to put your body under stress for any change to happen! Just up your protein levels & enjoy a warm bath or shower afer your work out. I put on 3 lbs the first week of doing level 1 but kept with it & lost 6lbs in total. What you'll notice more is inch loss, make sure you get your measuring tape out. Good luck, you can do it!!! x
  • fairc3jam
    fairc3jam Posts: 136 Member
    I've had the video for a while but just recently progressed to workout 2. I did it when I don't have timeto do p90x lean series or on my rest day -- feel like I should do something. Anyways, workout 2 makes me want to puke 20 min in... I think sticking with it will help instead of taking a break. :happy: