5'10" and taller ladies...HELP!

Okay, I am 5'10" (and three quarters lol) and currently weigh right around 200. Unfortunately, it is all in my belly, hips, and thighs. Just looking for some motivation from other ladies who have been there and understand how to work with this type of frame. Thanks!!!


  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I'm 5'9.. Started out at 180, size 10/12.. Currently sitting at 150, size 4.

    Eat at a deficit, do cardio and total body strength training.. it's the best advice I can give you.
  • rebecca_d35
    rebecca_d35 Posts: 131
    I'm your height and weighed 190 my senior year in high school. I lost 30 pounds my first year of college, then 20 more the next year (and was VERY thin). I've never gone above 165 since (except when pregnant) and feel best around 150. I carry extra weight in the same places you do. But I am 156 right now and feel great--just trying to lose a few more.

    I find that running really helps.

    Anything I can help with?
  • raccoon182
    raccoon182 Posts: 29
    I'm 5'11" and have always been around a 140 lb weight, usually closer to 135, but I have noticed that my weight tends to stay in the same areas.

    The thing I hate the most about being tall is being clumsy at times and get told "Oh, if you lost weight you could be a model..."

    I recommend drinking a lot of water, and this goes for anyone. I tend to believe that shorter people have faster metabolisms because their bodies don't distribute fat and calories as fast as a person around a taller height. Eat foods with a lot of fiber to get those little pounds out, and it'll also help digest food faster so it won't stick as long. :smile:
  • SBHWeav
    SBHWeav Posts: 89 Member
    I'm 5'9.. Started out at 180, size 10/12.. Currently sitting at 150, size 4.

    Eat at a deficit, do cardio and total body strength training.. it's the best advice I can give you.

    Please do not take this the wrong way, as you look awesome.
    HOW THE HELL DO YOU WEIGH 150 AND ARE A SIZE4???? :tongue: When I weighed 150 I was a size 10 :sad:
  • Superrhi
    Superrhi Posts: 84
    I'm 5'10". Started out around 178 and currently at 156 size 12 (US size 8).
    I've got the goal of 150 but thinking about changing it to 145/140.
    Strength training is very important to keep the weight off, i do my work outs at 60/40 so 60% cardio 40% strength and that seams to work great for me.
  • SBHWeav
    SBHWeav Posts: 89 Member
    I'm your height and weighed 190 my senior year in high school. I lost 30 pounds my first year of college, then 20 more the next year (and was VERY thin). I've never gone above 165 since (except when pregnant) and feel best around 150. I carry extra weight in the same places you do. But I am 156 right now and feel great--just trying to lose a few more.

    I find that running really helps.

    Anything I can help with?

    Really I am just trying to figure out the best ways to work on losing. When I was in high school I had a super high metabolism to the point that I could eat a (God, I cannot believe I am saying this) a double whopper with cheese, large fry, and large coke from burger king...and LOSE weight. A lot of that has to do with the fact that my thyroid was overactive back then. I think it has started to switch to underactive but have not been tested recently.
  • Superrhi
    Superrhi Posts: 84
    I recommend drinking a lot of water, and this goes for anyone. I tend to believe that shorter people have faster metabolisms because their bodies don't distribute fat and calories as fast as a person around a taller height. Eat foods with a lot of fiber to get those little pounds out, and it'll also help digest food faster so it won't stick as long. :smile:

    Actually this is a good point, I agree! Lots of water and fiber.
  • jessjpjb
    jessjpjb Posts: 38
    5"11 here and 139lbs. Began my journey slowly September 26, 2008, 2 months after having my daughter (have twin boys as well, born in 1999). The day I went in to hospital to have my daughter I weighed 285. By September, I had lost some weight but it was just some baby weight, didn't lose it by eating healthy or exercising. I joined WW and stayed with that and did very good counting points, then schedules changed, I became a single mom again, now of 3, and just couldn't make it to meetings, but still kept tracking and exercising. Now I am trying to maintain but want to gain some muscle. I just recently started C25k treadmill version, and also Eat More 2 weigh Less, as I hadnt' been eating near enough for what I exercise.
  • rebecca_d35
    rebecca_d35 Posts: 131
    As for how she weighs 150 as a size 4, I can see this. I fit into a size 4 in some things at 156, 5'10" (and a 6 in others). It has a lot to do with how athletic/muscular you are, and where you carry your weight. My top half is tragically small, so I can wear small shirts, even though I'm tall and not particularly skinny. And now that I'm running a ton, my body weighs only a little less but takes up much less space than it used to.
  • SBHWeav
    SBHWeav Posts: 89 Member
    I'm 5'10". Started out around 178 and currently at 156 size 12 (US size 8).
    I've got the goal of 150 but thinking about changing it to 145/140.
    Strength training is very important to keep the weight off, i do my work outs at 60/40 so 60% cardio 40% strength and that seams to work great for me.

    That's awesome! Great job! I am hoping to get down to 140. That's where I was before life and a baby came into play lol. Hopefully I can get there. I like the 60/40 idea. Any suggestions on types of strength to do?
  • SBHWeav
    SBHWeav Posts: 89 Member
    As for how she weighs 150 as a size 4, I can see this. I fit into a size 4 in some things at 156, 5'10" (and a 6 in others). It has a lot to do with how athletic/muscular you are, and where you carry your weight. My top half is tragically small, so I can wear small shirts, even though I'm tall and not particularly skinny. And now that I'm running a ton, my body weighs only a little less but takes up much less space than it used to.

    That makes sense I guess. When I was 150 I wasn't athletic at all. So it makes sense I would be a bigger size. I forget all about the muscle aspect of everything because I guess I am so focused on losing the fat.
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,926 Member
    I'm 5'11 (in the morning, on a good stretched out day! LOL). I started at 190 (size 14/16). I was pretty shocked and appaulled that I let my weight get that high. Started just cutting back - eating less, not drinking soda, chosing grilled over fried, etc). After a year an 1/2 I'm down to 145 (size 4/6). It took FOREVER, but it was the best and most rewarding thing I've ever done. I have the body that I've always wanted, the body I always envied on other woman. I feel 21 again (I'm 33).

    I eat as clean as I can, but I don't deny myself things I really WANT. Fast food though is a thing of the past, fried foods make me sick now and I eat a smaller quantity of food. My weight is mostly maintained by diet, but I do stay active...
  • pamelak5
    pamelak5 Posts: 327 Member
    I am 5'11 . At my lowest, I was 195 and I think that was about right for me - I tend to carry weight in my midsection. and have relatively small* hips and thighs. At that time, I was running a fair amount (7-10 miles one day, 3-5 two days, elliptical another day, weight training with heavy weights 4-5 days a week) . At that time I was a size 10-12.

    Definitely get your thyroid tested - my thyroid went out of whack for awhile before I got pregnant with my daughter (multivitamins can interfere with synthroid absorption, if you take them at the same time btw) and I gained a solid ten pounds, so I was 226 when I had her. 235 within 8 weeks of birth, and now down to 212. Slow but steady wins the race, I suppose. My weight loss is super slow - MFP's predictions of how much I will weigh in 5 weeks are totally off. Get your thyroid checked, and don't get discouraged if your weight gain is slow.

    *By "small" I mean not much fat - my thighs are actually very muscular, and I am proud of them!!
  • jollymack
    jollymack Posts: 9 Member
    I'm 5'10. Started at 197 and a size 14. I'm currently 166 and in an 8/10. Trying to get down to 155/160 and be a comfortable 8 all around. My weight is still showing in my midsection, yet I think having twins and and then another baby have helped that problem area.
    I lost 30 pounds in 3 months.
    The first month was a struggle getting the diet under control. But what helped was keeping track of EVERYTHING I ate. I only walked or biked for exercise when not chasing after the kids. Month 1, I allowed myself 1400 calories. Then only 1200 for the next two months.
    My husband was away on business which helped when it came to making meals. Since he's been home, it's been much harder. I've been able to stick between 166-170, but need to keep tracking on MFP and to the 1200 cal. to lose more.

    Something that also helps me see where I am for the day to track exercise is my pedometer. I love the FitBit - it wirelessly connects to my computer and logs.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I'm 5'9.. Started out at 180, size 10/12.. Currently sitting at 150, size 4.

    Eat at a deficit, do cardio and total body strength training.. it's the best advice I can give you.

    Please do not take this the wrong way, as you look awesome.
    HOW THE HELL DO YOU WEIGH 150 AND ARE A SIZE4???? :tongue: When I weighed 150 I was a size 10 :sad:

    Strength training my dear.

    When I weighed 150 ,4 years ago, I was at a 8/10.. but I had a lot of fat around my middle/butt/hips like you do now. As my weight got higher, the clothing sizes stayed the same but they were starting to get too tight... I also got winded easily, had no strength what so ever etc.

    Last year when I lost all my weight, I was seeing a trainer.. I lifted about once a week from January through about September. In September I stepped it up and did strength training like 2 or so times a week, and still saw the trainer. November through now, I really stepped it up and strength train about 3 days a week(twice on my own, and once with a trainer).

    Eating at a deficit/healthier has made the biggest difference too I believe. I mean you can exercise all you want, but if your diet sucks, then the fat will remain.
  • lorierin22
    lorierin22 Posts: 432 Member
    As for how she weighs 150 as a size 4, I can see this. I fit into a size 4 in some things at 156, 5'10" (and a 6 in others). It has a lot to do with how athletic/muscular you are, and where you carry your weight. My top half is tragically small, so I can wear small shirts, even though I'm tall and not particularly skinny. And now that I'm running a ton, my body weighs only a little less but takes up much less space than it used to.

    That makes sense I guess. When I was 150 I wasn't athletic at all. So it makes sense I would be a bigger size. I forget all about the muscle aspect of everything because I guess I am so focused on losing the fat.

    I think people just carry their weight differently. I'm 5'10", weigh 158 and am a size 10. The only time I've ever even been down to a size 8 I was about 145. I am pear shaped though, smaller up top, wider around the hips/butt area.
  • natalap
    natalap Posts: 5
    Hi! I'm a 5'10 D1 rower...who studied abroad and gained 15 lbs on top of the 10 or so I already needed to lose. Rowing is a sport where weight matters, so I'm trying to get down to 146 from my current 167. Rowing and rowing machines at the gym are a great all-body workout btw! Since I've been home, I'm eating better and starting up my workouts again. I hate not feeling like myself when I'm out of shape. Hopefully I'll do a good job sticking to it, and be a better rower and be happier with myself.

    Love this thread--tall girls RULE :)
  • merr388
    merr388 Posts: 7
    I'm in a similar (but heavier). I'm 5'10 at 225ish. I gained about 45 pounds in the last three years.
  • merr388
    merr388 Posts: 7
    Hey D1 rower! I am a former D1 rower. I graduated in 2009. In the past three years I gained about 45 libs (from high 180s to 225). I know how hard it can be to go from eating a rower's diet to not having all those calories burned every single day. I hope your loss goes well! My best dieting motivation (when I was thinnest at 170), was from a coach who told me I was too chubby. I'd love to partner up and have you as a diet buddy!