New and looking for others loosing more then 100lbs...

I've tried several different diet plans and nothing has seemed to work too well for me. I am starting MFP to attempt to try something different. Other then following what MFP tells me, I am not on any other type of diet. Any suggestions would be great. I'm 29 years old and trying to get in better shape so my husband and I can start to try and have a baby. I want to make sure I am healthy or on the right track before trying. I am currently at 300lbs and I have never said that to anyone before. I am going full force with this and I am hoping I can just find some real supportive people here. Any diet plans on top of MFP that has worked amazing for people I am very interested in hearing about. I haven't exercised in years so it is slow going there but I am trying to start to build that up. I have two very large dogs that like to go for walks, so that is my baby step.

Thanks for reading!


  • Hello - I only started yesterday, but congratulations on starting! Having two dogs that need to walk is a great way to begin your exercise program. Each day add a little more time and each week add a little more speed, the dogs will probably love it, too. :smile:

    Good luck!
  • Lyndzi23
    Lyndzi23 Posts: 5
    Thank you. I know it is a long road but I am hoping this time it will stick! Good luck to you as well!
  • TovaJH
    TovaJH Posts: 4 Member

    I am thrilled to add to this forum because very few people understand the challenge that awaits when your weight loss goal is three digits. I have been overweight most of my adolescent and adult life (I'm 27), but did manage to lose 120 lbs. in 10 months using the Six Week Body Makeover during my junior year of undergrad....but, I allowed the weight to come back (with a vengeance) after graduating and moving back home. Fast forward to 2010, I had put back on the 120 lbs, plus an additional 30 from my pregnancy...very depressing. But, 2012 was the start of a new year and new lifestyle for me. I have since lost 45 lbs, and am 3 lbs. away from under 300!!! I know this might not seem very impressive, and I know I still have a long way to go to reach my goal weight of 175 (I'm 6 foot 1 inch). But, that's not stopping me, and I think the secret this time is actually enjoying the weight loss journey, and realizing that it is a lifestyle change, not a quick fix. Please add me as a friend, and we can continue to motivate one another to success!
  • Taby_21
    Taby_21 Posts: 5
    I know how you feel I need to lose over 100 lbs. and I know that this ain't gonna be easy. I've lost and gained a lot of amount of weight in the past few years and I feel that this years is a fresh start for me. You can add me so We can support each other!!
  • loufranks
    loufranks Posts: 45
    I'm currently 300lb and have a lot to lose, if you'd like some support send me a freind request. it would be great to have some support back the moment I'm feeling quite overwhelmed with it all.
  • Empress62
    Empress62 Posts: 89 Member
    Hello and welcome to MFP. This is a fantastic place to find support and motivation, and many others who are in it for the long haul. You have come to the right place. I'm only 3 months into the healthy lifestyle change journey, but what has been working for me is never stopping. If I fall of the wagon and don't log for a day or two, getting back into it as soon as I can, and logging every bite. I find I can eat 'unhealthy' in moderation occasionally when I log it and stay accountable. Something I have not done in the past. The other thing I did was saved up and got a personal trainer. Not wasting all that money makes me keep going to the gym. I know not everyone can do that, but it has forced me to stay active during this beginning time, when I normally quit when work gets stressful, or I just plain feel tired of 'being good' sometimes.

    A great group you might want to check out is This MFP group is full of great people sharing lots of good information.
  • JenCM
    JenCM Posts: 195
    Feel free to add me if you'd like - I'm nearly 28 years old, and while I've lost 80 lbs, I've got over 100 left to go...I'm in the same mindset place in a way as you, if we're going to have kids I'd really like to be at a healthy weight before we do that. So I've got that on my mind as I lose as well. :)
  • Meloyelo2010
    Meloyelo2010 Posts: 171 Member
    I'm in it been on MFP for 21 (22) days now and have lost 9lbs by tracking and exercising! I'm hoping to lose 137lbs (damn) but I'm on my way full steam ahead. I already approve your taste with the sunflowers in your ticker :)
  • MrsMangler
    MrsMangler Posts: 63 Member
    There's no shame in telling MFP people what you weight. I know it's hard to put yourself out there. We are all here for a common goal, our health! You'll find people who have more to lose and less to lose, people with a variety of struggles and successes. For me, the easy part is the "honeymoon phase" of a diet. It's getting past that first couple/few weeks and fighting through plateaus that has gotten me in the past. Something this time is different though, and I think it has a lot to do with being open and honest with myself and others. I have a very good suppport system.

    Feel free to add me. My total weightloss goal is 100 pounds. (I'm about a 1/4 of the way there!) In March, my first goal was to just stop gaining weight. I started losing on April 20th and my eating and activity has definitely improved! I am finding a way to eat for life, not just for a "diet".

    Good luck with your journey!
  • Lyndzi23
    Lyndzi23 Posts: 5
    Thank you all so much for the support right off the bat. I hope we can all help each other and keep positive. I need to make this change and I need it to stick this time.
  • mpiglia
    mpiglia Posts: 14 Member
    Best of luck I also have over 100 lbs to loose