How Long Did It Take?

I'm 5'6 1/2' and my current weight is 165. I am aiming for a goal of 130 which means I have about 35 pounds to lose. I am looking for people who started out around my size with similar goals to see how long it took you to reach your goal. I have set timelines with goals for myself but want to make sure I am in line/realistic.


  • katejones79
    katejones79 Posts: 28 Member
    I am only about 5'2" (on a tall day), and my starting weight was 168. I have been working really hard, doing p90x and extra running a few times a week. I also have been eating about 1300-1500 calories a day, and trying to eat at least 40% in lean protein (chicken, egg whites, pork tenderloin). I have lost about 30lbs in 12 weeks.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,740 Member
    I'm 5'6" and started out at 169 and am aiming for 145. My goal is to lose a pound a week, and I've lost 15 pounds in less than four months. I set my food goals at 50 percent carbs, 25 percent protein and 25 percent fat, and I always eat my exercise calories. I take a rest day every sixth day, and I eat for maintaining my weight that day. It's not exceedingly quick, but I am more than satisfied with how it's going. I feel strong and healthy, with plenty of energy.
  • sara1786
    sara1786 Posts: 101
    I'm 5'6. I started at 131 and have lost 22 lbs since September 4th. I've learned what my body responds to and what it idoesn't-- for example: my body hates sodium. Good luck with your goal(s).
  • abr25
    abr25 Posts: 179
    I am about 5'6 and started at about 165-170. In about 6 months I made it down to about 120 and now i flux around 120-125. I worked my *kitten* off at the gym and really just changed everything about how i ate, but not its been almost 1 year to date since i started (january 4th) and I have maintained my weight :)
  • willywonka
    willywonka Posts: 743 Member
    I am shorter than you but at 5'2 weighed over 160 lbs and lost the first 30 in about 6 months.
    good luck~
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    I'm 5'6. I started at 131 and have lost 22 lbs since September 4th. I've learned what my body responds to and what it idoesn't-- for example: my body hates sodium. Good luck with your goal(s).

    You're 5'6 and only weigh 109? :huh:
  • Grate
    Grate Posts: 71
    I'm 5ft 6'' and started off at 171 lbs. on April 22. I now weight 132. Those last 3 are killers to get off. I plan to be 130 by the 22nd of Dec. So it came off slow and steady. I'm also 61 yrs old and it is harder to loose weight when you're older. Good luck to you. You will do it. Merry Christmas
  • pannellkat
    pannellkat Posts: 709 Member
    I'm 5'6. I started at 131 and have lost 22 lbs since September 4th. I've learned what my body responds to and what it idoesn't-- for example: my body hates sodium. Good luck with your goal(s).

    You're 5'6 and only weigh 109? :huh:

  • sara1786
    sara1786 Posts: 101
    I'm 5'6. I started at 131 and have lost 22 lbs since September 4th. I've learned what my body responds to and what it idoesn't-- for example: my body hates sodium. Good luck with your goal(s).

    You're 5'6 and only weigh 109? :huh:


    :( please don't judge too harshly... I have extremely low self-esteem and I'm doing everything I can to improve it. I am finally starting to feel good about myself. I've done this the healthy way- I eat my calories [paying attention to veggies & fruits] and workout 80 minutes everyday. I passed my goal weight so I am trying to maintain now. However, I've come to realize that maybe my self-esteem is not about my weight... I don't know how to improve it though. I didn't mean to upset or shock anyone.
  • blondeambition
    Thanks everyone for the input!! You all have done great! I'm hoping to get 6 more pounds off by Christmas and then maintain through the holiday and get back to business in the new year. I'm aiming to get to 135 by the end of March and 130 by end of April. I know that the last 5 will be the hardest. I've never been below 135. I've really been struggling the past 18 months and have been yo-yoing and can't stand it anymore
  • blondeambition
  • blondeambition
    I am shorter than you but at 5'2 weighed over 160 lbs and lost the first 30 in about 6 months.
    good luck~

    Wow! You look amazing! I only hope I can have that kind of success
  • farmgirlh
    I am 5'4 I started out at 153 and it took me about 6 months to lose the 37 pounds. Good Luck!!
  • pannellkat
    pannellkat Posts: 709 Member
    I'm 5'6. I started at 131 and have lost 22 lbs since September 4th. I've learned what my body responds to and what it idoesn't-- for example: my body hates sodium. Good luck with your goal(s).

    You're 5'6 and only weigh 109? :huh:


    :( please don't judge too harshly... I have extremely low self-esteem and I'm doing everything I can to improve it. I am finally starting to feel good about myself. I've done this the healthy way- I eat my calories [paying attention to veggies & fruits] and workout 80 minutes everyday. I passed my goal weight so I am trying to maintain now. However, I've come to realize that maybe my self-esteem is not about my weight... I don't know how to improve it though. I didn't mean to upset or shock anyone.

    I'm not judging, upset or shocked. I was just making sure it wasn't a typo perhaps. My daughter is 16 same height and weighs the same as you and I know how people can be cruel about her weight as well but she is generally healthy. At your height I weighed 125 lbs in my early 20's and was made fun of also saying I don't look healthy but I pay no attention to that. I just looked at your pictures and you don't look to be 110 lbs at your height so I wanted to see if that was a typo. Your pictures look healthy to me.
  • sara1786
    sara1786 Posts: 101
    I I just looked at your pictures and you don't look to be 110 lbs at your height so I wanted to see if that was a typo. Your pictures look healthy to me.

    I haven't uploaded any pictures of me at my current weight- all the pix of me are at my beginning weight of 131- but I still don't feel that I look too much different. I finally feel healthy & beginning to be happy with myself.
  • pannellkat
    pannellkat Posts: 709 Member
    I I just looked at your pictures and you don't look to be 110 lbs at your height so I wanted to see if that was a typo. Your pictures look healthy to me.

    I haven't uploaded any pictures of me at my current weight- all the pix of me are at my beginning weight of 131- but I still don't feel that I look too much different. I finally feel healthy & beginning to be happy with myself.

  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    I I just looked at your pictures and you don't look to be 110 lbs at your height so I wanted to see if that was a typo. Your pictures look healthy to me.

    I haven't uploaded any pictures of me at my current weight- all the pix of me are at my beginning weight of 131- but I still don't feel that I look too much different. I finally feel healthy & beginning to be happy with myself.

    That's what matters in the long run!

    I'm 5'6.5", and my lowest weight EVER was 115... and I looked okay, probably could have stood to lose some flab in my stomach and thighs. I NEVER exercised, though- so I was a really flabby 115. I think I look my healthiest at 125-130 (when I was exercising a lot), but then different people had different frames. My sister is shorter than me and outweighs me by about ten pounds (and she's not more active or anything), but I swear her figure is nicer than mine! It's something about the way she's built.

    I'm glad that you're feeling healthy and are happy with yourself! Just make sure you don't push yourself too hard! Focus on your health, not being 'thin'.

    Oh, and to answer your original question.... When I was 19 I gained a lot of weight. I went from 155 to 125 in about three months... but I was using diet pills, and hardly eating. I'm looking to lose 37 pounds from having two kids, and I DEFINITELY don't expect to do it in 3-4 months. If that happens- great! But I'm not counting on it. I'm more concerned about eating well and exercising. When it comes off, it comes off! Ideally, I'd be at my target weight by the first of July. But if that doesn't happen, I'll be ok with it.
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    It took me 6 months to lose 85% of the weight I wanted to lose. I lost 60 pounds between January and August of this year.

    Since August I have been working and fighting and dithering and playing around and doing all kinds of interesting stuff. I have changed my body composition - gaining muscle mass and losing bodyfat. I have lost 2 full inches off my waist since august, but haven't lost a bit of weight. I have gotten much much stronger and more fit,,, but the scale has bounced all around 208-212 pounds.

    So - bad news, that last little bit can be a real fight. Good news - It's Ok, it's interesting, it's fun. And there are all kinds of ways to measure success, and the best ones don't involve a number on a scale. :happy:
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    So - bad news, that last little bit can be a real fight. Good news - It's Ok, it's interesting, it's fun. And there are all kinds of ways to measure success, and the best ones don't involve a number on a scale. :happy:

    You have a real way with words, did you know that?

    I'm in total agreement. As I mentioned above, my lowest weight ever was 115- but it was a flabby, gross 115. Even then, my thighs jiggled more than I would like them to. I look at pictures of myself even at my target weight of 125 (the picture in my ticker shows me at roughly this weight) and to me, I look sickly. I keep thinking in terms of 'target weight' because I want to be thin, like I was before. But the more time I spend on here (and looking through old photos), the more I think that I'd much rather be ten or fifteen pounds above my target weight, and healthy, than the way I was before. I'd much rather see a shrink in inches than in the number on the scale.... MFP has totally rocked my world and changed my way of thinking!