Worried about My Daughter

Has anyone heard about young women taking some kind of over the counter asthma medication, a caffeine pill and a baby aspirin to lose weight? My daughter was told of this diet and now she is trying it. It doesn't sound healthy to me. The asthma medication has a same ingredient in it that diet pills have in it, Ephedrine. This has me worried. She is 29 years old so she is a grown woman and I can't tell her what to do but I would like some advise as to how to guide her if this is not good for her. Her friend weighted 180 and is now down to 120 in 4 months. Supposedly, you do this regiment for 3 weeks and then take a week off. That's basically all I know about it. I'm sure it is just like the diet pills used to be and nothing but speed. Any thoughts?


  • doggiesnot
    doggiesnot Posts: 334 Member
    Does she have asthma? If not, I don't think she should be taking medication for it. Taking two drugs together for a different symptom (weight loss?) sounds dangerous! She needs to be reminded about good old fashioned diet and exercise! There's no magic pill or group of pills, just hard work and dedication. Hope she understands this soon.
  • steph1278
    steph1278 Posts: 483 Member
    Never heard of it, but it doesn't sound good to me. Sounds dangerous. Plus, the weight will most likely come back once you stop taking it. I really don't understand why people always look for a quick fix rather than wanting to put in the neccessary work for long term health.
  • 4thehardman
    4thehardman Posts: 731 Member
    She is 29. Theres not much you can do. Print off a list of facts about the damage this can do to her and confront her. Let her read and make her own mind up.
    You could also speak to the pharmacies in her area and tell them that is what she is doing. They will stop selling it to her maybe.
    She sounds desperate to lose weight so make sure that you are around to help her find her path. Maybe take her to a weight watchers meeting or something if she wants to lose weight.

    Good Luck,. She is lucky to have you lookingout for her.
  • RejoicingL
    RejoicingL Posts: 95 Member
    This killed a famous young model about mmmm??? maybe 10 years ago...Does anyone remember who I am talking about?

    No it is dangerous, and illegal. Asthma meds are perscribed for medical reasons, not weight loss. To use someone else's would be illegal.

    (ETA:it was krissy taylor)
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Explaine to her the long-term effects of what she is doing to her body.

    People I know who have used ephedrine destroyed their bodies and lives. One frien dvirtually has an inactive metabolism and heart problems because of it.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    This killed a famous young model about mmmm??? maybe 10 years ago...Does anyone remember who I am talking about?

    No it is dangerous, and illegal. Asthma meds are perscribed for medical reasons, not weight loss. To use someone else's would be illegal.
    Anna Nicole?
  • MissStatement
    MissStatement Posts: 92 Member
    Ephedrine plus caffeine? They took pills that had those off the market years ago due to a high incidence of adverse cardiac side effects.
  • steadk
    steadk Posts: 334 Member
    This killed a famous young model about mmmm??? maybe 10 years ago...Does anyone remember who I am talking about?

    No it is dangerous, and illegal. Asthma meds are perscribed for medical reasons, not weight loss. To use someone else's would be illegal.
    some asthma meds can be bought OTC for emergencies.. pharmacies don't like to sell them, but for those who can't get to a doc, and need it, its there.

    I sure hope she doesn't do this for long, or realizes how dangerous this can be. I agree with the person who said to print off side effects and let her read them, and just keep telling her you love her. Praying for her :)
  • deniseg31
    deniseg31 Posts: 667 Member
    I too think this sounds dangerous. I hope your daughter can get on the right path to losing weight the good ol' way through diet and exercise. She needs to be reminded that only by changing her lifestyle she will maintain that loss because once that concoction of pills is gone her weight is likely to return. Like the others have said due to her age I guess just talk to her about it. Give her the information and hope she soaks it up. I wish you the best of luck with her.
  • Vitamin_K
    Vitamin_K Posts: 47
    it is called EAC stackers... you take ephedrine, aspirin & caffeine.. lessens appetite & makes your heart fill like it is going to pound of your chest..yeah not a good thing for your body. She has to get that asthma med from the pharmacy & must show your license , so obviously not a good thing
  • MalSponseller
    MalSponseller Posts: 217 Member
    I think everyone's said it, but I'll just repeat:

    Find information about this on the internet.

    Print it off or email it to her.

    Be gentle, loving, and kind when you talk/write the email. She needs to know that you are worried about her, not attacking her.

    Suggest other alternatives to weight loss, perhaps including talking with a nutritionalist and/or a psychologist (the psychologist because this is a drug related problem of sorts).

    And let her know she is loved.
  • lesliev523
    lesliev523 Posts: 366 Member
    Yes.... and I am ashamed to admit that I did it too when ephedrine was first taken off of the market. That was several years ago.... and I had lost a lot of weight using something called mini thins (which was ephedrine and caffeine)...so I thought I would try the asthma stuff.

    It is a very bad idea! Makes your heart race and it is just too dangerous.... I hope she gets wiser!!
  • smpreston
    smpreston Posts: 262 Member
    I do know of people that take a 200 mg caffeine pill and a Bronkaid (ephedrine) as an energy source an appetite suppressant. I do not know where the baby aspirin comes into play. Here is a link to more information on the combo.

  • jngamez27
    jngamez27 Posts: 6 Member
    That's quite dangerous! I'm a nurse and also have asthma; my medication does not have ephedrine in it, but many of the meds used for asthma (such as albuterol) can cause your heart rate to increase; same thing with caffeine. She's at risk for having some cardiac issues if she continues. All you can do is appeal to her sense of wellbeing in that she could cause some major health risks in continuing her current regimen. Plus, weight loss that is dependent on medication does not last; it will come right back as soon as she stops taking the medication. Good luck!!
  • missprincessgina
    missprincessgina Posts: 446 Member
    I think what you are talking about is a bronchial dilator that has ephedra in it (some cold medicines have the same ingredient and are now kept behind the counter so people don't make meth with it). I took a few ephedra pills back in my early 20's and they made me feel awful. Anxious, irritable, angry, out of control, etc.

    I guess all you could do is sit down and talk with her about your concern since she is 29.
  • zela
    zela Posts: 92 Member

    ECA stack, don't worry she won't die unless she abuses it

    it isn't really necessary though
  • blair_bear
    blair_bear Posts: 165
    It's the EC Stack diet with asprin (becasue asprin prolongs the effect) It is horrible for you. Research effects of EC Stack and you should find some good info to help her make a more informed decision about her diet/ weight loss procedure. I have a good friend with an ED, she took this combo and it nearly killed her and scared us all. The recovery from the effects were so much worse than just being thin that it even scared a girl with an active ED into stopping it.

    ETA: Men and women are effected VASTLY differently by this combination, FYI
  • leserpent
    leserpent Posts: 27 Member
    Ephedrine plus caffeine? They took pills that had those off the market years ago due to a high incidence of adverse cardiac side effects.

    this exactly. it's EXTREMELY dangerous and she will most likely damage her heart.
  • soccerella
    soccerella Posts: 619 Member
    wow i have never heard of this....crazy! Sounds like a bad idea likely, but people are always desperate for something