Horrid side aches when running!!!!

So here is the deal
i have been running for a long time. I was up to 6-7 miles and 15-20 miles per week. time was 8:43-9:25 minute miles! recently i have been getting these side aches. PAINFUL side aches :( like it is now causing me to go 3 miles when i run (if i can make that far without cramping up) and i am at 10:40 something miles to even longer... it is very discouraging as just 2 weeks ago, i was running far and fast with no problems at all. I keep thinking if there is anything i am doing different, but there is nothing! i am eating no different... this run was very discouraging. only 35 minutes. I feel like i am not even working out (only because i was running so far) any suggestions? i have tried all of these
1. Focus on breathing (doesn't work for me, just makes is harder to run as i only think about breathing)
2. Eat something before you run (waiting 20 minutes)
3. Drink before you run
4. Don't eat and drink
5. Only drink
6. Eat carbs the night before
7. Walk and focus on your breathing (have tried it, no cramps walking, but when i run.... :( )
I really don't know what to do. I was getting good at it and the this happens! :(


  • brandyk77
    brandyk77 Posts: 605 Member
    have you tried slowing down?
  • BohemianPrep
    BohemianPrep Posts: 15 Member
    you need potassium. have a banana or watered down oj :)
  • healthysew
    healthysew Posts: 105 Member
    I am no where near running that much, but something that helps for me is exhaling deeply when the opposite foot from the side w the cramp hits the ground.
  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    I had this problem also. It was because i wasnt drinking enough water ALL DAY. my body was just dehydrated. If you run in the evening make sure you drink alot of water all day long. If you run as soon as you wake up make sure you drink a ton of water the day before.
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    Make sure you exhale COMPLETELY after each breath. I count my breaths when I run--breath in 2 or 3 steps and breath out the same number, with a little push as the end of the exhale. After a few minutes, you do it automatically and don't have to think about it. I discovered that about 30 years ago, and it works! No stitches!!! It seems to have something do to with excess carbon dioxide.
  • Amy1N
    Amy1N Posts: 10
    Is the pain high on your side or low on your side? If it's low, take the suggestions for what everyone else is saying. If it's high, your lungs probably have some inflammation (a problem I have from time to time). My dr. suggested taking some ibuprofen a bit before I run. Also, do what the other folks are saying too re: lots of water and potassium.
  • tjs616
    tjs616 Posts: 51 Member

    1. Focus on breathing (doesn't work for me, just makes is harder to run as i only think about breathing)

    How did they tell you to focus on your breathing? Just think about it? If the pain is on your right side immediately below your ribs it might be related to your liver bouncing around when you run. The liver is attached to the diaphragm by two ligaments and it will pull down on the on the diaphragm as it moves up while you're exhaling. I had this problem until I fixed my stride/breathing to always exhale on my left foot strike. I had to focus on it for a bit, but eventually I found the rhythm without thinking about it. You can google it to read tons of supporting articles, but here's one in particular:

  • payupalice
    payupalice Posts: 126 Member
    Someone recently told me to breathe deeply into my belly when that happens, and it has helped. That article confirms it! :happy:
  • craftykat12
    craftykat12 Posts: 50 Member
    My son is a runner on a CC team, when they get side stitches, Coach said it is because they didn't drink enough WATER before they ran. So 30 min. before you run you should drink at least 32oz. of water, no soda pop. you have to hydrate you body.:drinker:
  • brandyk77
    brandyk77 Posts: 605 Member
    My son is a runner on a CC team, when they get side stitches, Coach said it is because they didn't drink enough WATER before they ran. So 30 min. before you run you should drink at least 32oz. of water, no soda pop. you have to hydrate you body.:drinker:

    good god - I would be doubled over in pain if I drank this much so close to running

    It is a very personal thing. Some people can run with a belly full of water, others cannot. trial and error is the way to figure it out.
  • AuddAlise
    AuddAlise Posts: 723 Member
    My son is a runner on a CC team, when they get side stitches, Coach said it is because they didn't drink enough WATER before they ran. So 30 min. before you run you should drink at least 32oz. of water, no soda pop. you have to hydrate you body.:drinker:

    good god - I would be doubled over in pain if I drank this much so close to running

    It is a very personal thing. Some people can run with a belly full of water, others cannot. trial and error is the way to figure it out.

    I couldn't run with that much water in my system either. Or I wouldn't run very far without needing a bathroom. :blushing:
  • terrappyn
    terrappyn Posts: 324 Member
    I agree with your banana suggestion. The potassium helps the muscles with cramping. :) Hope that's an easy fix.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    Your electrolyte balance seems off if cramping is an issue.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Wow, thanks everyone! I will try everyone's suggestions! thanks a lot!