30DS Starting Today Join?

I'm starting the 30DS this morning. I'm super excited about it. I was wondering if anyone has started it recently or is planning to start it soon, and if they wanted to join me :)

Also curious, how would you track this under exercise?


  • Terryism
    Terryism Posts: 314 Member
    I started yesterday, it kicked my butt, lol! I'm sitting here trying to make myself do it again. My neck is really sore though, and I'm not sure if I did something wrong yesterday or just slept goofy (not uncommon and I did have trouble falling asleep). I track it as circuit training, that's what most people do....
  • KaidaKantri
    KaidaKantri Posts: 401
    Haha I started it this morning, did the full thing (Surprised because usually I have to do a little at a time with the migraines I get) and felt like I was ganna fall over. I'm planning on doing this every day for a month and then switching it up to toning for the next month.
  • RiseAndConverge
    RiseAndConverge Posts: 35 Member
    I just got the DVD today and I'm starting it tonight! I'm super excited and a little terrified!
  • clevethin
    clevethin Posts: 26
    I also just started it today! I'm so glad I'd read how hard it was....... I know I'm out of shape but she kicked my butt!
    Love that I don't need a ton of room to do it. I didn't have weights, so I grabbed a couple cans of yams. LOL
  • Terryism
    Terryism Posts: 314 Member
    I didn't use any weights, I'm too out of shape as it is, lol! I'm just about to start day 2, took all my measurements earlier and hopefully I'll make myself stick to this and see (and feel) some results.

    Edit: just did day 2 and it's definitely this work out that's hurting my neck. The jumping jacks and jump rope make me tense my neck up something fierce, any suggestions?
  • clevethin
    clevethin Posts: 26
    Terryism- try relaxing your shoulders and your jaw as you do the exercises. I teach karate, and I find that many of my students tense up when doing various exercises and moves. Let your shoulders "hang". (i know that seems odd while doing jumping jacks, but try it and you'll see what I mean.) I also notice that if their neck and shoulders are tense, so is their jaw. Make sure you're not gritting your teeth during these moves.

    Oh yea. Biofreeze is your friend!

    Hope that helps!
  • KaidaKantri
    KaidaKantri Posts: 401
    I just got the DVD today and I'm starting it tonight! I'm super excited and a little terrified!

    I've completed 2 days. You WILL be sore. I was suggested to take a hot bath to help soreness, since it's to hot out right now I'm going to tonight. Oh, and try to take a walk before you do it, it helps.
  • 20shan08
    20shan08 Posts: 219 Member
    Hey, I just started last night. Day 2 today! Kicked my butt last night, not as sore as I thought I would be but I'll be pushing harder tonight! I might take Saturdays off, as I am away almost every weekend. Although if I'm home, I'll do the shred still! I'm using level 1 on YouTube until my DVD comes in, should be here in 7 days, just couldn't wait! Lol.

    If you log 20 mins of "circuit training, general" it's like 1 calorie off. Someone posted on here somewhere about how to find the calorie burn for your weight and it was very accurate for everyone who replied! I'm 195lbs and my calorie burn on 30DS is 236.
  • 20shan08
    20shan08 Posts: 219 Member
    Out of curiosity, what's everyone's starting weights? I'm 5'8, started at 246lbs and I'm now 195. My current goal is 175, once I get there I'll probably try for 160-165. I have really broad shoulders, and bigger framed.
  • LoseSyra
    LoseSyra Posts: 75 Member
    Terryism: I did Day 5 today. AFter Days 1 -3 I had a sore neck as well. Your neck isn't invited to the abs party. On the abs work try to look up at the ceiling. I still struggle with this. I didn't notice neck issues on jumping jacks, I am pretty sure my neck issues are from the abws work. I ended up taking a one week break after day 4 and the neck issues went away, hopefully they are gone for good as I plan to continue doing 30DS on weekdays to finish out the 30 days. Good luck
  • 20shan08
    20shan08 Posts: 219 Member
    Just completed day 2! I can tell I'm going to be sore tomorrow! But it went by so fast! I downloaded the Jillian Michaels app today and snuck in a few abb excersises on my lunch break :)
  • sjewell79
    sjewell79 Posts: 45 Member
    Super excited I love Jillian! I found the workout on youtube so going to start tomorrow! Works out i have been doing the butt bible also on youtube and tomorrow is a rest or other cardio day so bring on the shred!
  • KaidaKantri
    KaidaKantri Posts: 401
    Out of curiosity, what's everyone's starting weights? I'm 5'8, started at 246lbs and I'm now 195. My current goal is 175, once I get there I'll probably try for 160-165. I have really broad shoulders, and bigger framed.

    My starting weight was 172.2. June 7th was the day I started, and I'm down to 166.6 right now. :) I'm 5'5" and I want to get down to 120. I might get back up to 135, but I want to see what 120 looks like.
  • KaidaKantri
    KaidaKantri Posts: 401
    Super excited I love Jillian! I found the workout on youtube so going to start tomorrow! Works out i have been doing the butt bible also on youtube and tomorrow is a rest or other cardio day so bring on the shred!

    I love that this stuff is on youtube. I hate that it bothers me to try and do it, I'm always afraid I'll break my laptop or something. So I buy the DVD's instead. I'ts much easier for me to keep it up anyways.
  • martazdz
    martazdz Posts: 89 Member
    I started yesterday as well. I have done it couple of times before but never finished, fingers crossed that this time I will go all the way hehehe
    Feeling sore today, especially my thighs, but it will pass. :)
  • clevethin
    clevethin Posts: 26
    Just finished day 3.
    Terry- watch your neck & shoulders while doing the rows (2nd weight set). Make sure you aren't using your neck there either. Shoulders should go back (& down rather than up).

    I need a shower. Yuk.
  • lmeslie
    lmeslie Posts: 46 Member
    I just finished Day 4 today! I wore my heart rate monitor during a couple of days and for my weight/height, the calories were similar to the "Circuit Training, general" in the MFP database for 20 minutes. That's what I have been using since. Everyone will be different based on their stats. I am going to keep checking in with my HRM as I go to make sure I log accurate calories. Good luck to everyone!
  • xocourtney1
    Just got the DVD today! I heard it kicks your butt haha! so ready :D
  • lilacberry
    lilacberry Posts: 10 Member
    Heyy, so I'm gonna start this again for like the third time lol hopefully i will stick it out and finish this time!!

    My starting weight was 132lbs i'm now at 123, my goal is 119lbs and my UGW is 112lbs, i'm 5'4"

    Good luck ladies :D please try and keep me on this!! lol
  • alombard5580
    alombard5580 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm almost afraid to say I just got this too. I might just jinx myself. :(