Help breaking the diet soda habit



  • kenyajae
    kenyajae Posts: 48
    I'm trying to give up the diet soda a day habit too. I haven't had a soda in a week. The worse is when a co-worker opens one in the office in the middle of the afternoon. I wish you a lot of luck and let me know if you find The Secret to Success on this!
  • Montegue42
    Montegue42 Posts: 98
    I was never a big soda drinker, but I did drink a lot of juice. I've been trying to only drink water, but when I get aggravated at it, I pull out a can of coconut or grapefruit La Croix, or Club Soda with a slice of a citrus fruit. Its very very good, and basically nothing.
  • Sissy4EverX3
    Sissy4EverX3 Posts: 247
    I haven't made it all the way yet, but I've taken to coffee and tea like fish takes to water. I also stock up on those carbonated waters you can get at the Dollar General Store or Walmart for like, 70 cents or so. That really helped to kick the soda habit down.
  • nels5157
    nels5157 Posts: 3
    Buy the tiny cans. Let yourself have one a day until they're gone. Then, don't let yourself buy anymore. I think seeing the number of cans go down might help you limit yourself.

    Drink green tea. Super healthy and has caffeine so it should help with the headaches. :)

    Good luck!
  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    Diet soda has very little to no calories
  • kaedaza
    kaedaza Posts: 33 Member
    I am on my third week with no soda, I drank green tea with ginseng and honey to sub. for soda I still got the headaches but it helped with cravings
  • JenCM
    JenCM Posts: 195
    I broke a SODA habit (Mountain Dew or Vanilla Coke) and then I had to break a Diet habit as well.
    What I did was drink sparkling waters, something about something fizzy for me. *shrug*
    Now, I don't even drink soda, except on a rare occasion and I've happily found I don't even usually finish the ones I have! It just takes lots of time and re-training, you can do it!
  • ktbug1186
    ktbug1186 Posts: 266
    I had an addiction to regular coke. My stomach was always bloated and i was dehydrated. I know this sounds crazy, but what helped me is every time i would see the fizzy stuff on top of the soda I would just imagine that in my stomach and it getting more and more bloated, lol!! I still have one occassionally just for the taste but its made a world of difference on how flat my stomach is!
  • JenRLo
    JenRLo Posts: 95 Member
    I'm trying to give up the diet soda a day habit too. I haven't had a soda in a week. The worse is when a co-worker opens one in the office in the middle of the afternoon. I wish you a lot of luck and let me know if you find The Secret to Success on this!

    Agree! The sound of a soda can or bottle opening makes me crave it like crazy! Good luck giving it up, I can't ... not yet. I don't smoke, rarely drink and am kicking the junk food addiction. I can't go without my diet coke or coffee right now!
  • ixap
    ixap Posts: 675 Member
    Im not a person who can have something im trying to eliminate, because 1 turns into more....
    I'm so the same way. I have just resolved to give it up too. It's hard. I cut down a LOT over the past few weeks but then had a few slip-ups when I decided I'd just have one as a treat while out at a restaurant... like you say that just led to more.

    So far the best thing has been to replace them with a cold herbal tea. I brew a packet of a Celestial Seasonings tea in hot water and then dump in a ton of ice. Some of the fruit flavors are have a nice lightly sweet taste but no calories or artificial sweeteners.

    The best parts so far of cutting way back:
    -money saved
    -my taste buds are changing

    I have had very little in the way of dessert or soda this past month (as compared to before, anyway), and last night at dinner I split a dessert with my friend. I couldn't eat more than a few bites b/c it tasted too sweet to me. That was so surprising to me. I usually have such a powerful sweet tooth.
  • I, too, went cold turkey on July 1!!! I was planning to do 20 days without and then have one....but I did this once before, and I remember that on day 21...I was very excited to drink it but it just didn't taste as good as I had thought it would.( if u can bellow that lol)
  • maddicrawf
    maddicrawf Posts: 13 Member
    I'm cutting back on diet soda too. I'll still have the occasional diet coke, but not nearly as often. I just drink a lot of water, coffee, green tea, and vitamin water. I also put fresh fruit in my water sometimes. Hope that helps.
  • specialemy
    specialemy Posts: 141 Member
    Muscle cramps? I get those ocassionally (maybe once every 2 months or so), and I drink a bit of pickle juice - poured straight from the pickle jar. This helps relieve my muscle cramps almost immediately. Here's an article for reading entertainment, you can scroll down to read the pickle juice part:
  • iuew
    iuew Posts: 624 Member
    i can think of worse habits to have than diet soda.

  • Colexlovely
    Colexlovely Posts: 133 Member
    I have gone back and forth so many times giving up soda then going back. The first 3 days of giving up soda were the worst for me because of the headaches and pain killers didn't make them go away. I Think I finally gave up soda for good. I don't crave it anymore like I used to. Best thing is cold turkey for me at least. But Tips... or Tricks.. for me its all in my head. I'm so Determined to Drop this weight and keep my calories right and knowing Soda is so bad.. my mind tells me no. So my body listens.
  • Good luck to you!

    I personally have not given it up for good (not sure if I ever will). However, I have gone from 3-4 cans a day to 1 (occasionally 2) per day. It was really hard at first but with all of the water I am drinking I just cannot stomach it. I usually have it with lunch.

    I will say that I do not crave it as much anymore and I definitely think it is not as good as I use to think.

    Let us know how it goes!
  • Great idea!! I just went to putting mine over ice and drinking it slow so I guess that is what is happening to me too. One can a day is what I crave. Weird because I stopped cold turkey for a medical treatment last Feb and went back to drinking it a month ago when I got done. Dumb me. But great idea. thanks.
  • kenyajae
    kenyajae Posts: 48
    I'm trying to give up the diet soda a day habit too. I haven't had a soda in a week. The worse is when a co-worker opens one in the office in the middle of the afternoon. I wish you a lot of luck and let me know if you find The Secret to Success on this!

    Agree! The sound of a soda can or bottle opening makes me crave it like crazy! Good luck giving it up, I can't ... not yet. I don't smoke, rarely drink and am kicking the junk food addiction. I can't go without my diet coke or coffee right now!

    My friend gave up diet soda months ago, and he says he feels so much better. I've given it up before for months at a time, but never felt any improvement in my health, tastebuds or ablitly to lose a pound or two. I wish some universities would do more research on the impacts of the chemicals and sweetners in diet sodas. I know some studies show a link to weight gain, but the "cause" isn't clear.
  • fishergreen
    fishergreen Posts: 109 Member
    I stop drinking diet soda on a regular basis months ago and I feel a ton better with it out of my system. I used to get headaches from the artificial sweetner and it would make me really tired in the afternoon due to caffeine withdrawal. Now, I have my coffee in the morning and then it's water the rest of the day. If you get sick of water then put some mio liquid to your water for a different flavor (right now I'm doing sweet tea). I also didn't tell myself that "I can't" drink soda, I told myself "I don't" drink soda. You wouldn't believe what a different a postiive word does for you. But that being said now if I really want a soda I have one, but I also know i"m going to feel like crap after I drink it so it normally persuades me not to drink it. Good luck!
  • 20shan08
    20shan08 Posts: 219 Member
    Well first off, I'm really proud of you for quitting soda. I had a really bad problem with juice that I kicked last year.
    Here's some of the things that helped me.
    1. I didn't look to replace my juices with teas and other sugary drinks. I decided if I wanted to prevent further addictions, I would cut out ALL liquid calories. (Those that you drink, that is.) That being said, if I was thirsty, I would have no choice but drinking water.
    2. Think of it from a financial standpoint. A soft drink at a restaurant will cost you 2-3 dollars. Water is free. Name brand sodas at the supermarket are also wallet busters. Take a moment to estimate how much money you will save in a year by not buying.soft drinks. Then, reward yourself with that money saved. If buying healthy food was always difficult for you because of the price (
    That's the case with me!) Maybe you can use that money for groceries.
    3. Grapes. I swear, when I have that thirst that water won't quench, I reach for a bag of grapes. Delicious!

    I hope this helps somewhat!

    This is what I did as well! Only my addiction was energy drinks! It was HARD, I used to have about 3 day, then only 1 in the morning at work, I'd make it last most of the day. But now, I've cut everything out. I only drink water. Fruit usually helps if I feel I need something.