Help....I'm all alone here!

Hi you can see from my subject line, I'm all alone here with only one friend...I'm looking for some new friends who like to cook and are serious about losing weight. I have about 50 pounds to lose but need motivation! Is anyone out there? LOL :smile:


  • danimal5867
    danimal5867 Posts: 390
    I don't necessarily love to cook, but I am serious about losing the weight. My lone cooking skill is part of how I gained weight (I love my Que). I'll send you a friend request.
  • KatdenRN
    KatdenRN Posts: 52
    i hate to cook.. but serious about losing weight.. have more than 50 lbs to lose... so I'm going to be here awhile! Add me if you like!! =)
  • chlorisaann
    chlorisaann Posts: 366 Member
    Learning to cook, or to cook healthier... Need to lose 100+ so not going anywhere!! Feel free to add me if you like!
    MSDIVA_SHAY Posts: 12 Member
    I love to cook but I only know how to cook unhealthy foods lol I'm slowly learning how to cook healthy my goal is 60 lbs feel free to add me
  • Chix1946
    Chix1946 Posts: 35
    Friend request sent :smile:
  • crystaltate4
    i can help with that feel free to invite me,
  • ChelleMarley
    ChelleMarley Posts: 4 Member
    I don't have much time to cook but I am serious about losing weight. My problem is that I like the taste of food too much lol. If only I could quit eating, the way I quit smoking, it would be SO much easier. :) Feel free to add me
  • Cyngen
    Cyngen Posts: 557 Member
    I love to cook, feel free to add me, I have a lot to lose yet so the more the merrier for support.
  • lmeslie
    lmeslie Posts: 46 Member
    Feel free to add me...I cook our meals 4-5 nights a week and I love it :)
  • Chix1946
    Chix1946 Posts: 35
    Well, I have spent the last hour requesting everyone under the sun, but apparently my requests were never sent! I may be losing brain cells! I have been on "rations" for four days now and I am hoping I can stick this one out! I need to lose 60 lbs. (doctor's orders) because diabetes runs in my family. I am looking for all of the friends and support I can get! I'm 47 and somewhere around 34 or 35, I lost my body! Now, I want it back!!
  • Jezebel9
    Jezebel9 Posts: 396 Member
    I eat most my meals at home, I am dead serious about my health and I am open to new friends. You can add me! 8)
  • MiraGonz
    MiraGonz Posts: 7 Member
    I love to cook and still have about 40 pounds to lose!
  • futurestarz
    futurestarz Posts: 510
    Add me! I only have three friends. I need more motivation too! (And I love to cook)
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    Add every, single person that replied here and keep an eye on your MY HOME page. When you see their "updates" like "she or he finished their diary" or "they logged in 30" times or whatever, talk to each and encourage them. That is how you make more friends:) Keep posting here too:)

    denise:drinker: :drinker:
    Hi you can see from my subject line, I'm all alone here with only one friend...I'm looking for some new friends who like to cook and are serious about losing weight. I have about 50 pounds to lose but need motivation! Is anyone out there? LOL :smile:
  • fit4everplz
    To Help...I'm all alone here!
    Hi...I've recently joined a group online through facebook. It's a group of women who are trying to eat (as)"Clean" as possible while reporting online to the group what their menu for each day looks like, exercising (sometimes together), and just being supportive for each other...oh and of course sharing recipe ideas!! We're also using this website to log all of our information, obviously. Maybe you can join this or another group like this..It's a lot of fun to see how one another is doing...
  • Pacileo4Evers
    Pacileo4Evers Posts: 129 Member
    I will add you I love to cook and I started making a cookbook. I try a new recipe every other night that is low cal. Like most people I grew up on meat and potatoes and I have to " re-learn" how to cook so I can cook for both health and comfort :heart: I normally post the recipie if its a good recipe. and anyone else who would like support feel free to add me :):bigsmile:
  • LJSchmitt
    LJSchmitt Posts: 121 Member
    You are not alone! There are lots of us out here. I joined 3 days ago but have been dieting for 2 months. This site is great!! I have been keeping the food tracker and it really works for me. So far my problem has been eating enough calories and I love to eat. I have been taking the Acai Berry supplements and it does take the edge off the hunger pangs. I started t he Raspberry Ketones also. Since I am alone most of the time I rely on Healthy Choice dinners and then add lots of salad and fresh veggies. So far I have lost 2 pant sizes (almost 3 - still a little tight) and 2 shirt sizes. Good luck.
  • javagsd
    javagsd Posts: 82
    I could have written your post! I just started today, though I've lost 28 lbs on my own in the past 3 months. Cooking has been what made that possible - Indian cauliflower curry planned for tomorrow. I know I'm going to hit plateaus and will need support from friends to get through them. Feel free to add me.
  • LittleC2
    LittleC2 Posts: 3
    I love to cook and like to find new healthy and tasty meals and treats. My goal is to loose 50 lbs as well. You can add me as a friend
  • MelissaOnPurpose
    MelissaOnPurpose Posts: 111 Member
    Hey there! I am also on a journey to lose weight and get fit & healthy. I have about 100 lbs to lose, actually. I am all about helping others and having them motivate me as well. I am working on my love for cooking...Actually been eating a lot more dinners at home...That's been one of my goals. ADD ME!!! We can help motivate one another! Thanks! :)