What do you say to people when...

they say "Oh my God, you're so healthy!"

I get that a lot, and I don't know WHY, but it makes me a tad uncomfortable!! I love eating healthy, fresh, delicious food, so it's not like I'm sacrificing anything! I'd much rather a fresh fruit salad over a donut, or a veg curry over a mcdonalds. But some people think I'm some kind of freak! I don't do diets anymore- they just don't work and are an unnecessary soure of stress- I just eat healthy and exercise and try to stay away from eating crap. I think the sooner you accept that this is the only sustainable weightloss/wellness method the better! So today, when my boss saw me eating a boss saw me eating a big bowl of garden vegetable soup, rye crackers and cheese and a clementine for lunch, she exclaimed "you're very healthy, aren't you?! With your rabbit crackers! Are you on a diet?! How boring!! Have some ****ing chocolate!"

Now, this slightly irritated me because I'd have chocolate if I WANTED it, but I was happy with what I was eating. I know it shouldn't have bothered me, but it did :S Does anyone else get this?


  • amanda6393
    amanda6393 Posts: 176 Member
    Yes! It annoys me too!

    I take a kick-*kitten* salad with great dressings to lunch every day while they sit there eating their burger and fries and wonder why they're fat. I think most people are jealous of the fact that others have lost weight, and have the brains and willpower to eat a healthy diet, so they try to make themselves feel better about what they're eating by trying to make you do the same. They may not do it intentionally, but it frustrates me.
    At least I'm having the last laugh :laugh:
  • boopboopadoop
    Glad I'm not the only one! :D
  • boopboopadoop
    Yes! It annoys me too!

    so they try to make themselves feel better about what they're eating by trying to make you do the same.

    Ah! Of course! That makes sense :) Next time it happens I'll think of that, thank you :)