Dunkin Donuts

I'm so use to going to dunkin donuts and getting my caramel swirl ice coffee's. Obviously can't get those anymore with the sugar and calories in it! I haven't had coffee since I started using MFP regularly, like 11 days ago. What do you suggest I get to drink from dunkin donuts that won't throw my calories/sugar off?


  • StephStepByStep
    StephStepByStep Posts: 131 Member
    Anyone? :(
  • sarah3333
    sarah3333 Posts: 222 Member
    I love their iced cinnamon coffee just black. Mmm :)
  • EndlessSacrifice
    Get a blueberry iced coffee with splenda and skim milk. A medium one is only thirty calories, and it's delicious. :)
  • Dahllywood
    Dahllywood Posts: 642 Member
    straight black coffee. Gets me jacked and virtually 0 calories. MMMMM
  • Plentiful_Tentacles
    NOTHING! I dislike Dunkin Donuts ever since I worked there. It just turned me away from wanting any of their food.
  • StephStepByStep
    StephStepByStep Posts: 131 Member
    I wish I could drink it black, but I just can't take the bitter taste. I'm trying to avoid Splenda, but I guess once and a while won't hurt.
  • MariaJenea
    I am having this same problem right now!!!! I used to get DD Med or Large Caramel Swirl Iced coffee w/ sugar and extra cream EVERY morning before work. At the beginning of March (2013) I cut it out completely. I tried to go 21 days without Dunkin Donuts at all! It stuck pretty well. I only went two days out of the 21 and it was in the afternoon. I got a Small Coconut iced coffee with cream and sugar..... Now that my 21 days are over and I have completely gone back to my Small or Med Caramel Swirl Iced coffee with sugar and (reg amount) cream..... I jointed MFP and a gym last week. So far I have lost two pounds but I think I could be doing so much better without my Dunkin Donuts iced coffee! How do I break this habbit?!?!! I need HELP! I even tried to drive past the DD this morning but I ended up stopping at a different one. (I drive past two Dunkin Donuts on my 20 minute drive to work).
  • rubberbiscuit
    You can get a latte light from them (ask them, but I think they use skim milk in these) and some of their flavorings are SF or unsweetened. I don't drink flavored coffee, so I don't know which ones are sf. You can look up their nutritional information on their website.
  • KristenElizabeth7
    KristenElizabeth7 Posts: 45 Member
    I went this morning and got a large caramel iced coffee with skim milk and splenda, the trick is, ask for a caramel shot - which is sugar free - instead of the caramel swirl. I really like it and it tastes good. As others have mentioned, I can not do just black, I have tried and tried and don't like it but, as I said just order the sugar free caramel and you should be good to go!!!

    Hope this helps!
  • BranMuffin947
    BranMuffin947 Posts: 104 Member
    Honestly, I would try to work it into your calorie goals, even if you don't have one EVERY day, you could at least have it once a week & ask for skim milk & you could even ask them to cut the syrup they put in there by half.

    I love dunkin donuts' regular coffee but I can't go without a special "flavor", usually whatever they are promoting at the time. But I'll ask for skim milk and I don't go in there every day.