Motivational stories - Keep 'em coming People!

Here's mine for starters:

I know you all like to know about those people who've lost tons of pounds (or kgs) and inches (or cms) off their bodies.
I'm not one of those stories, yet!

I am, however, what you might call a very stubborn person!

I was never the skinny girl, nor the chubby one, for that matter. I was a very normal, plain girl, with lots of curves in the right place. Unknowingly so, though, cause when I hit 15, I thought I was so fat, all my clothes were for girls much bigger than me. My boobs were enormous, or so I thought, my thighs were large and muscular and my arms were larger than the other girls'.
So I saw myself as the fat girl in class, although, looking at my photos now, I think if I was like that today, I'd be so, so happy!
I was really toned and firm, I used to be the girl I always wanted to be!!!

Now, 20 years later, I decided I wasn't going to complain anymore! I'm just doing it!

So, for almost 70 days, I've been doing it!
I've been counting my food intake. I've been working out like a lunatic every day, in the morning and in the afternoon.
I'm stronger! I'm fitter! I'm feeling powerful as hell!

Some time ago I used to get on top of that damn scale and it would give me the wrong numbers! And I sometimes felt like I was going mad!
The next morning I wouldn't feel like working out - what's the point, right? Or my brain would start telling me I was too tired, I should take it slower and I would start listening... motivation down the drain!

But... yesterday I hit a new starting point on my crusade.
I was feeling really tired in the evening. I had gone running the day before with the hubbie for 5k, trough a bumpy trail, with lots of ups and downs. My legs were cramping and climbing stairs was a real torture.
But... even with my brain telling me I should slow down, my body was telling me it wanted to go for a run, a slow one, a recovery one, something soft, just to roll...

Ok, you might ask, where's the motivation in this, right?
So you know, 70 days ago, I used to workout, sure! But If my brain told me I was tired one day, I'd just forget about it. If it told me the same thing the next day, I simply wouldn't workout!
I would have one week working out almost every day, and the next I would workout maybe two days tops!

The lack of consistency was throwing me down and my efforts were always lacking. I wasn't pleased with myself and I just wouldn't do anything about it!

70 days past and I'm up by 6h30 AM, doing my workout, the commitment I have with myself is stronger. If I think I won't have time the next day, I'll make sure I get up earlier to do it. Then, in the evening, my body will be telling me it wants more! And I just give it - I'll run, I'll walk, I'll do whatever it takes. I'll climb the stairs running, instead of dragging myself. I'll wash the dishes and clothes by hand. I'll take out the trash with the dog and go for a walk afterwards... Hey, anything will do!

The body talks. I listen! Simple and effective!

The scale will budge, eventually. And when it does, it wont matter anymore, 'cause what I really wanted was to go there, to that place where, my body and my mind are one, committed to getting healthier and more conscious of the beauty of life!

P.S. - BTW, today I put on a dress I hadn't wore for years, 'cause it wouldn't fit. It's very loose now, so loose I have to wear it with a belt!
That's motivation for you!

(If you got this far on the reading, I thank u and hope you're feeling motivated to write your own story!)


  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Nice work! I know what you mean... I now eat healthy and workout cos it's my life and I love it, the scale moving is just a side effect :)

    I was on antidepressants for 5 years (clinically depressed for 7) when last year, I took more than 100 of these tablets at one time and the doctor asked me if I'd like to trial a week without tablets and work out instead... she could tell they were making me worse.

    Never been back on them for 1 year, 1 week now and my last suicide attempt was over a year ago.

    I now love life and try thank God every day that He saved me :)
  • patriciagrade
    patriciagrade Posts: 67 Member
    Wow girl! That is good work!

    I think, what most of us don't realize is our body just wants us to listen. It'll say, I want no more, and we just give it some more, of whatever - food, drink, pills...

    When we start realizing what it really wants and needs we pay attention to what's important.

    Yesterday, when I was running I was just enjoying the ride, looking at flowers and butterflies flying around me, and the sky so blue...

    Exercising not only makes us stronger, it makes us happier!
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