new teacher to the site

Jfrerichs Posts: 32 Member
Hi all,
My name is Julie and I just joined this week. I am a mom, wife and high school teacher - looking for others with similar interests. You would think that dieting and exercising would be easier in the summer for me since I don't work, but I just have more opportunities to be with friends and make bad choices. However, during the school year I am stressed and eat accordingly.
I am excited to try this! I've tried other sites in the past but never got involved with the discussion boards. People have told me that that is one of the keys to success, so here I am.
I look forward to meeting some of you.


  • fretless1965
    fretless1965 Posts: 26 Member
    Hello Julie!

    I am a dad, husband, and a high school teacher! I have just recently joined this site as well.

    My weight loss journey started about a year ago. I started walking and counting calories in July 2011. I have lost 35 pounds and gained a lot of strength and stamina along the way.

    This summer, I decided to incorporate as much physical activity into my day as possible. I bike everywhere possible. I think my van is starting to miss me. If I need to go to the store, its on my bike. I go swim laps every day at the local pool; I ride my bike there. Wash, rinse, repeat. I also am training for a 5K, and my wife and I are doing P90X (a home circuit training program) together.

    This whole process is about maintaining a calorie deficit. Find ways to stay more active, and you will maintain that calorie deficit. This process really works, and I know you can do it. I am doing it after 30 years of obesity. Anybody can make positive changes.
  • mytime44me
    mytime44me Posts: 35
    I'm a mom, wife, and teacher too. I have been on MFP all summer and am making good progress. I feel like during the school year I am so busy that I don't have time for myself, so the summer is my time to focus on being healthy. Add me.
  • LeslePG
    LeslePG Posts: 105 Member
    Hey Julie, and welcome!

    I am a mom of 3 and also a teacher (a new one! Just got my Master's in Dec. so currently looking for a teaching job). I currently work as an Educational Assistant at an elementary school, teaching reading. I agree with you, summer should be a time where we have plenty of time to devote to ourselves..... saying that makes me giggle! With kids ranging from 6-16, I don't get to sit still for long.

    Between the frustration of trying to find a job (and in my county it is tough, tons of applicants for each position posted), I figured the one thing I can control right now is what I want to do to transform my body. I started running in May, watching what I eat, and just started Jillian Michaels Body Revolution this week. This site is wonderful, I have to thank my husband for getting me hooked on it. Lots and lots of encouragement, and we're all in this together.:happy:
  • historygirldd
    historygirldd Posts: 209 Member
    Hi all, I am a wife, mom of two teens and I am a high school teacher also. I joined this site in January and I have found that logging my food is a must for me to lose weight. You are right about the summer eating opportunities and about the stress during the school year. I totally agree. It is hard, but I am learning it is about the little choices I make each and every day. The community here is also great. Welcome to MFP and I wish you luck.
  • fmoran6179
    fmoran6179 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, I'm a teacher also. I teach 5th grade. I also stress eat during the school year. I've been doing well this summer using MFP, but I worry about August when the junk starts showing up at school and I can't resist it. I'd love to have more friends.
  • snacker127
    snacker127 Posts: 75 Member
    Hi guys, and welcome. Join our group "Teachers take charge". Look under community, then groups, and search. We would be happy to have you!
  • luvmyleo
    luvmyleo Posts: 94 Member
    Hi Julie!
    I am a wife, mom, and teacher too! I teach 4th grade. I do pretty well over summer, but then the stress of the school year takes over my life!!!! LOL. I am hoping this year will be a little better- I feel more in control.
  • stephysmile03
    i am the same way! I teach 1st grade. During the summer i do really well but school is so much stress and with less free time it is harder to fit in a good work out! I am hoping this school year will be different!