Is this normal???

Is it normal to gain or not really lose any weight when initially starting to work out? I've done about 5 days of bootcamp over the past 3 weeks, two days this week and my weight hasn't gone down! I have been stuck at this plateau since May, and thought if I started to work out aggressively that I would break my pateau. What is going on??

Anyone have any suggestions on how to break this pateau???


  • Discoveri
    Discoveri Posts: 435 Member
    When you started bootcamp, did you take measurements? I wasn't losing anything on the scale at first but I started to receive compliments about my weight loss about a month after starting my bootcamp.
  • jenniferskinner83
    jenniferskinner83 Posts: 3 Member
    No I did not take measurements! I will have to do that! Thanks.
  • bpotts44
    bpotts44 Posts: 1,066 Member
    Open up your food and exercise diary so we can see what you are doing. If you've done 5 workouts over 3 weeks that is less than two a week. I would recommend additional aerobic exercise like walking, running, cycling etc. Can't really tell until we see the diary.
  • Discoveri
    Discoveri Posts: 435 Member
    You also may want to open your diary so folks can take a look at your food choices. I don't really know enough to comment on that but you will probably get some good advice to break your plateau if you open it up.

    Edited to add: Bpotts beat me to it! :smile:
  • jealous_loser
    Also, if you are new to muscle work outs, they might be holding a bit of water. So you might be losing, but it isn't showing in the numbers yet.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Also, if you are new to muscle work outs, they might be holding a bit of water. So you might be losing, but it isn't showing in the numbers yet.


    Muscles retain water to protect them from the damage caused by exercise, and to aid in recovery. Once you get use to the workouts your muscle well shed the excess what.
  • Williamsrus
    Also, if you are new to muscle work outs, they might be holding a bit of water. So you might be losing, but it isn't showing in the numbers yet.

  • mynameiscarrie
    mynameiscarrie Posts: 963 Member
    Are you doing any other workouts? 5 days of working out in a 3 week span isn't enough to do anything, honestly. Even if you have a high burn, working out 5 times won't help you drop weight. You don't have to work out aggressively, but try to work out 4-5 times a week for at least half an hour. I lost 10 pounds my first month and I worked out for 45 minutes to an hour, 5 days a week. Giant burns a couple times a week won't aid really because you will retain all that water people are mentioning.
  • jenniferskinner83
    jenniferskinner83 Posts: 3 Member
    So as far as working out, I would start on a Monday and couldn't move the next day, so it would take a good three days to recover before I could work out again. Which is why it's 5 workouts in the past 3 weeks. Bootcamp is only offered 4 days a week, and I'm not spending extra money for a gym membership. My goal is run on the fifth day. I went on vacation for four days last week, so I didn't do my bootcamp for that Thursday and Friday. I was losing weight consistently From January to May...dropped 10 pounds. Then I hit my pateau, so I started bootcamp and MFP. If I wasn't so sore from working out I would be doing it every day, but literally could not move. I love it though. Lots of fun, and a good workout.:smile:
  • mynameiscarrie
    mynameiscarrie Posts: 963 Member
    So as far as working out, I would start on a Monday and couldn't move the next day, so it would take a good three days to recover before I could work out again. Which is why it's 5 workouts in the past 3 weeks. Bootcamp is only offered 4 days a week, and I'm not spending extra money for a gym membership. My goal is run on the fifth day. I went on vacation for four days last week, so I didn't do my bootcamp for that Thursday and Friday. I was losing weight consistently From January to May...dropped 10 pounds. Then I hit my pateau, so I started bootcamp and MFP. If I wasn't so sore from working out I would be doing it every day, but literally could not move. I love it though. Lots of fun, and a good workout.:smile:

    That makes sense. I still think the plateau is because you've only exercised 5 times in the last 3 weeks though. Do a different program that you can do consistently. It isn't really helping you if you're too sore to do anything else for the next 3 days you know?

    edit to add: you don't have to spend extra money for a gym membership to work out either (though I don't think it's a waste of money).
  • MommaKit79
    MommaKit79 Posts: 852
    So as far as working out, I would start on a Monday and couldn't move the next day, so it would take a good three days to recover before I could work out again. Which is why it's 5 workouts in the past 3 weeks. Bootcamp is only offered 4 days a week, and I'm not spending extra money for a gym membership. My goal is run on the fifth day. I went on vacation for four days last week, so I didn't do my bootcamp for that Thursday and Friday. I was losing weight consistently From January to May...dropped 10 pounds. Then I hit my pateau, so I started bootcamp and MFP. If I wasn't so sore from working out I would be doing it every day, but literally could not move. I love it though. Lots of fun, and a good workout.:smile:

    That makes sense. I still think the plateau is because you've only exercised 5 times in the last 3 weeks though. Do a different program that you can do consistently. It isn't really helping you if you're too sore to do anything else for the next 3 days you know?

    edit to add: you don't have to spend extra money for a gym membership to work out either (though I don't think it's a waste of money).

    I understand the soreness from a new workout. But, the one thing i have found is that when I sit around and try to "recover" it takes longer to recover (At least for me). The one thing I do is still stop that workout but, get SOMETHING in. I have done ZUMBA and have had this happen so, on the "off" days I didnt do Zumba, I would walk a little bit, maybe a mile. Believe it or not, I usually feel better in at least half the time.

    So, I am not saying get a gym membership but, maybe find a place (if you cant in your neighborhood) to take a nice walk on those days you feel too sore to do BootCamp. Once you get your body used to it, before you know it, you will be doing it without a problem all 4 days! :)

    GOOD LUCK!! :)
  • bpotts44
    bpotts44 Posts: 1,066 Member
    So as far as working out, I would start on a Monday and couldn't move the next day, so it would take a good three days to recover before I could work out again. Which is why it's 5 workouts in the past 3 weeks. Bootcamp is only offered 4 days a week, and I'm not spending extra money for a gym membership. My goal is run on the fifth day. I went on vacation for four days last week, so I didn't do my bootcamp for that Thursday and Friday. I was losing weight consistently From January to May...dropped 10 pounds. Then I hit my pateau, so I started bootcamp and MFP. If I wasn't so sore from working out I would be doing it every day, but literally could not move. I love it though. Lots of fun, and a good workout.:smile:

    That makes sense. I still think the plateau is because you've only exercised 5 times in the last 3 weeks though. Do a different program that you can do consistently. It isn't really helping you if you're too sore to do anything else for the next 3 days you know?

    edit to add: you don't have to spend extra money for a gym membership to work out either (though I don't think it's a waste of money).

    I understand the soreness from a new workout. But, the one thing i have found is that when I sit around and try to "recover" it takes longer to recover (At least for me). The one thing I do is still stop that workout but, get SOMETHING in. I have done ZUMBA and have had this happen so, on the "off" days I didnt do Zumba, I would walk a little bit, maybe a mile. Believe it or not, I usually feel better in at least half the time.

    So, I am not saying get a gym membership but, maybe find a place (if you cant in your neighborhood) to take a nice walk on those days you feel too sore to do BootCamp. Once you get your body used to it, before you know it, you will be doing it without a problem all 4 days! :)

    GOOD LUCK!! :)

    I agree do something like walk, bike, etc to get your blood moving. That will help with soreness and burn some calories. I think you just haven't seen results because you are basically ramping up your exercise and haven't really done enough to make much difference yet. Also, the vacation could have killed it as well. Work on getting to the 5 workouts a week and make your food diary public for accountability and keep at it would be my recommendations.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    So as far as working out, I would start on a Monday and couldn't move the next day, so it would take a good three days to recover before I could work out again. Which is why it's 5 workouts in the past 3 weeks. Bootcamp is only offered 4 days a week, and I'm not spending extra money for a gym membership. My goal is run on the fifth day. I went on vacation for four days last week, so I didn't do my bootcamp for that Thursday and Friday. I was losing weight consistently From January to May...dropped 10 pounds. Then I hit my pateau, so I started bootcamp and MFP. If I wasn't so sore from working out I would be doing it every day, but literally could not move. I love it though. Lots of fun, and a good workout.:smile:

    Lactic acid solidifies into crystals and stays at your muscles, that is what that pain is. You need to break those crystals up and the way to do that is to move around the next day, a walk (painful as it is) will gradually ease it.

    Somebody said about fluid around your muscles after a workout is there to protect your muscles, that is totally correct too, this is why it is vitally important to have rest days.