Yoga/pilates - anyone found them any good?

I've heard a lot about yoga and pilates and i know they are good for strengthening core muscles etc but i was wondering if anyone has found them effective for helping with weight loss?

I am a nurse so find it hard to fit in going to the gym around my shift pattern and i also have back problems so have to be careful with what i do. I have found that there is a pilates class weekly that i am able to do weekly. I also found a yoga dvd which i bought many moons ago and have never done. I gave it ago last night and actually really enjoyed it.

I was just wondering what everyone elses experiences were?

I have also found a couple of pilates DVDs online which are broken down in to 10 minute worksouts which would be easier for me to fit in to my day but just wanted some opinions before i buy!



  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    Workout programs like Yoga and Pilates don't get as big as they are and sustain it for as long as they have if they don't work.

    Weight loss is created primairly by diet though. Exercise helps to make you healthier, feel better, and help you stick to your diet, plus it burns some calories.
  • morgansmom02
    morgansmom02 Posts: 1,131 Member
    I get sweaty, sweaty, sweaty when I do yoga and pilates! I feel like it is a good workout! Good for the muscles.
  • SuperSexyDork
    SuperSexyDork Posts: 1,669 Member
    I love Pilates! It's not exactly designed for weight loss but increasing/strengthening your muscles (especially your core). Also the more muscle mass you have, the more calories your body uses, thus increasing your metabolism.

    Yoga helps me relax and a lot of people swear it will help you lose weight but I'm not so sure about the science behind that...
  • ktwest2107
    ktwest2107 Posts: 124 Member
    LOOOOOOOOOVE YOGA!!!!!!!!!!!!! I do it at home, and I'm currently using Bob Harper Yoga for the Warrior. Amazing burn, amazing stretch, and I feel SOOOO good afterwards :)

    Try it out. You'll probably love it. Oh and yes, you'll get results. After you do an hour of it once, you'll feel it in your shoulders, legs, abs, butt, and everything else the next day :) I've been doing this DVD for 3 weeks, and I still get that burn...


  • maddyg1989
    maddyg1989 Posts: 108 Member
    for beginners... i found the MTV yoga/pilates dvds to be more fun than the ones at walmart. I used to do yoga in college and taught it during the summer. I never lost a lot of weight but that's my body. I did firm up a lot and my core was tighter. My body tends to lose more when I run and do heavy strength training. Yoga is great for beginners because it uses body weight and it's calming so when you're stressed or fretting over how you look, it's a great confidence booster at home. :) Once you master the DVDs, try classes. Also, it might be easy if you go to a live class one or two times to see the proper form. You don't want to hurt yourself by doing moves wrong. Best of luck!!!! You've got this. :)
  • robinogue
    robinogue Posts: 1,117 Member
    I love pilates, not for weight loss purposes. It's great after a week of hard workouts, the stretching will feel awesome!
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    I prefer yoga for the deep breathing, stretching and meditation benefits.
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    Yoga has really helped me increase my strength and balance and has helped a lot with my comfort while cycling. I don't know enough about pilates to make a judgement.
  • tarapickett
    tarapickett Posts: 34 Member
    I try to do Pilates 2-3 times a week and i has really helped me shape my body and lose weight. I'm down 12lbs, and that's my primary exercise (although obviously I watch what I eat). I really like Ellen Barrett because she does almost Pilates plus. It's got a bit of everything and it keeps me energized and focused. Good luck to you!
  • missleah26
    missleah26 Posts: 146 Member
    I'm not sure how they are from a weight loss perspective, but if you're able to find a yoga class with a great teacher, it makes all the difference in the world! A great teacher will encourage the class to see it as a "practice," with room for growth and expansion in abilities. In accepting your body and challenging its limits in your practice, your self-love increases BIG time. When you have a good practice, it stays with you for days!

    I've done vinyasa flow-style yoga for a few years now and absolutely love it-- can you tell? I don't have any experience with pilates, though, but I've heard and seen great results. For me, yoga is more of an inside-out workout. I definitely feel my muscles working, but it's almost a spiritual experience when you link breath with movement and consider what your body is capable of doing.
  • AbsEN
    AbsEN Posts: 14
    I'm really thinking about giving it a go. I think one of my biggest problems is i need to tone my wobbly bits so if it can all help with helping rediscover my lost muscles and get them working again then i'm all for it!

    I know its not a massive calorie burnier like aerobics or something but i figure its better than doing nothing at all.

    Oh well... nothing ventured....
  • myfitnessisavirtue
    myfitnessisavirtue Posts: 673 Member
    I have some yoga moves built into my wii fit routine. I find it relaxing and I have read that stress is a big part of weight loss, so I think it helps. I am getting much less shaky so I know my muscles are getting stronger and that is never bad. I would encourage you to add it in for a while and see what you think. I do cardio, ST, and count calories so something is working.
  • kayleen_longworth
    kayleen_longworth Posts: 147 Member
    I enjoy the yoga classes I go to. They mix in some pilates moves as well periodically and those are a great workout too. I have seen increased strength and flexibility from my yoga classes. I can do so much more now that I couldn't when I started 6 months ago. I wish I had more options around here for yoga and pilates classes. Hot yoga is awesome if you ever get the chance!

    As for back problems, I find that yoga incorporates alot of the physical therapy moves for low back issues. So ultimately strengthening the core will help your low back. Also by stretching the muscles it helps to relieve tension in various parts of the body. My hamstrings are so tight that they are causing my low back pain on one side. If I keep them stretched out, I hurt far less.
  • CountryMom03
    CountryMom03 Posts: 258 Member
    I love yoga!!! Not sure on the weight loss with it but it definetly helps strengthen your muscles and also increases your endurance. I dont have but one weight, and they say that cardio in combination with strength is best to lose weight. With yoga its alot of body weight strength so you are building up your muscles by your own body weight!:) Plus I find it IMMENSELY relaxing and refreshing. I have seen alot of people lose weight from primarily yoga so I think there is probably alot of truth to it. Whenever I do yoga I find that all my other workouts benefit from it because I dont get tired out as easily when doing things like push ups, sit ups, lunges, etc:)
  • joslin2005
    joslin2005 Posts: 138
    I love yoga. It is very stress relieving. I don't know about pilates, never tried it. If you want to do yoga for weight loss, you need to do a vinyasa, power, or a yoga that is fast paced and gets your heart pumping. Jillian Michaels has a dvd called Yoga Meltdown. Yoga Meltdown isn't as calming as other yoga programs but you should feel the burn and get your heart pumping.
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    It really depends on what you are doing as far as the benefits, and how much you put in to it. A lazy approach to relaxation Yoga is a totally different world than giving it your all on some power Yoga.

    In addition to running and strength training I do the Yoga X video from P90X once a week. It is a great workout if you want it to be and try hard. Even people that are advanced that have been at it a long time will struggle through parts of it.
  • ActiveYogi
    ActiveYogi Posts: 27 Member
    Yoga is so incredible!! I had a few hip issues but after doing yoga for the past few years I feel so much better. As for weight loss benefits, it depends what kind of yoga you do. I was in Europe last semester and fell out of shape, since being back home I've been doing vinyasa yoga (burns about 500 cal/hour) and hot bikram yoga (burns anywhere between 450-900 cal/90 minute class). I have seen a HUGE difference in my strength, flexibility and even a visible difference in the toning of my shoulders, arms and legs.

    Granted, yoga needs to be coupled with some other workout to burn fat so you can reveal all of those beautiful muscles so I try to do spin and zumba too. Sorry for the long explanation.. I'm kind of yoga obssessed hahaa :laugh:
  • AbsEN
    AbsEN Posts: 14
    I did my first pilates class today and i loved it! i was quite surprised at how sweaty i got and i could definitely feel the burn! I will definitely be returning next week!
  • shutterbug282
    shutterbug282 Posts: 588 Member
    I love Pilates, I feel so much better after I started doing it :)
  • LindaCWy
    LindaCWy Posts: 463 Member
    If you have back problems I would avoid pilates. I used to do windsor pilates at home (video) when it first came out. I then went and took a class a few years later because my back was hurting and it made it WORSE.

    I do Yoga at home with a nifty ipad app that I got... and LOVE, and Yoga is really changing my body, it's amazing. Try yoga, but take it easier, chronic back pain is no joke.

    Oh also, I cured my chonic back pain with exercise... Jillian MIchaels dvds mostly..