Are you supported? How much?



  • marie_cressman
    marie_cressman Posts: 980 Member
    Hm... My husband is wishy washy on the whole support thing. He says he supports me and is super proud, but he sometimes doesn't SHOW his support. Showing and saying are two different things. Taking me to Mcdonald's and saying "Hey! Taste this fatty hamburger with bacon and cheese and extra junk on it! And you can eat the rest of my fries... it'll be ok!" Isn't exactly helpful... LOL! Also, he doesn't like me talking about it so I don't unless I really feel I need to. That being said, I look to mostly friends and other family members for support in this area. :)
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    I reached my goal weight with the full support of my awesome husband and every time I see my parents, they comment about it, even though I haven't really lost any more in months. My husband (who does most of the cooking in our home) is totally on board with making lighter, healthier meals...although we never really kept a lot of sweets in the house before this.

    My brother (who lives in another state) keeps telling me I'm 'too skinny" (which I can assure you...I am not), but I think its just because we don't see each other much, so he's just not used to seeing me this size yet...

    For those people who don't have support, just hang in there and remember that you're doing this for yourself, and to be healthier! Don't let any negativity bring you down, because you deserve all the things you want. Stick with it, and hopefully the people in your life will come around, and you'll probably inspire others to be healthier as well!
  • ladyfox1979
    ladyfox1979 Posts: 405 Member
    Wow I am so proud of these responses. Everyone seems to have a great support system. I have to say my support sysytem is 50% supportive. My kids love to watch me workout so they can get a good laugh cuz I look silly and complain while I am working out and the hubby just lets me do my thing without comment.

    The good news is that I control the meals in the home, though he still goes out and buy junk food, he never offers me some anymore and if I ask for a bite he looks at me and goes" aren't you on a diet?":tongue:

    I love my family
  • runfatmanrun
    runfatmanrun Posts: 1,090 Member
    I'm used to doing it alone LOL

    This is good actually. I think that while friends and the rest of my support system are nice support, if you are not mentally prepared to do it alone then it's going to be that much harder. Good for you.
  • tizzie_14
    tizzie_14 Posts: 72
    Yes, I'm supported but I've decided that I am the one who makes the final decisions. I'm in control so I make sure to support myself.
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    Aside from some people on here, I'm doing this 100% on my own. Mind you, I started using MFP again, not to lose weight, but to keep track of my diet while testing for food allergies. Losing the weight was just a side effect of eating healthier.
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    I get no support...never have and never will lol. I moved back in with my folks a couple years ago after my layoff, after living on my own for 13 yrs so it's been difficult. I share a kitchen with ppl who eat Dietz & Watson Beef Franks once per week and my dad's idea of a healthy meal is Egg Beaters and Spam omelettes for dinner lol. And they hog the kitchen up and don't clean up right away for me to cook. So I cook my food ahead of time and freeze it to defrost and heat up for weeknight suppers. Here's an example...yesterday when Dad comes home from work I'm cooking up a pan of oven roasted broccoli with smashed garlic to freeze in individual portions. He comes in and starts going on and on how I'm stinking up the house and making this big production about it (I used lots of garlic lol). And I'm laughing at Dad (he tends to over-exaggerate for effect lol) and said "Dad! This is what REAL food smells like! You oughta try it sometime!" So they went out to eat last night at a local Italian joint, didn't offer me takeout either lol. Oh well! I'm used to not getting any support. That's why I love this site...I'm not alone anymore. When I originally lost my weight in 1987 as a freshman in high school I didn't get any support either. Oh, they verbally supported me like "good job, I'm proud of you..." as they stockpiled Tasty Kakes and soda and Entemann's in the house lol
  • SuffolkSally
    SuffolkSally Posts: 964 Member
    MFP - that's why I'm on here!
  • curtnrod
    curtnrod Posts: 223 Member
    My wife is a rock, and supports me in every way possible. She cooks more healthy meals for us, rides her bike with me, lavishes me with complements, and has lost 10 lbs as a consequence. Ultimately, I know I have to do this on my own and for my own health. It's a battle of wills every day to see who is stronger, me or my unhealthy triggers. I will win!

    MFP is a place where I can give support and encouragement to others in a "pay it forward " environment that I find very satisfying and motivational.
  • jimmie25
    jimmie25 Posts: 266
    no support.. my mum thinks i'm overdoing it, my friends keep trying to bring me sweets and stuff.
  • FatStoatLondon
    FatStoatLondon Posts: 197 Member
    I live alone. My partner doesn't feel threatened that I'm on a diet, and respects me when I say I am watching what I eat. However, he's been a veggie for 25 years and practically a vegan for the last 6 months so he's used to the concept of food limitation. He's also happy to walk down to the West End or City or wherever rather than getting a bus, because he likes a stroll too.

    I have a RL friend in NYC who is using MFP too, and we sometimes mention it in passing, but we don't really talk about it. My line manager does it too - she told me about MFP in the first place, but again, we don't really discuss it much.

    It doesn't bother me at all that I haven't got friends and family more involved; it's not really any of their business, and I'm sure they'd be bored rigid if I became evangelical about it. I have plenty of more interesting stuff going on in my life than how fat my bum is, and there's no reason to involve them in what is basically a health maintenance issue.
  • jessica_120214
    jessica_120214 Posts: 68 Member
    Not much support here.. other than MFP and my Team Beachbody coach:'( All the more reason to succeed at this!
  • bobcooks920
    Around the house, it's just my dad and I, so he's very supportive. My friends understand that I can't go out to eat all the time, that I have to keep the ice cream and cookies to a minimum, that in order to run well, I need to eat to lose.
  • _beautiful_disaster_
    I don't have too much support outside of MFP and a few friends on my facebook. Everyone rolls their eyes at me when I tell them I don't care to eat something because of the caloric count or something.

    I'm used to doing it alone LOL

    same here... :)
  • SorchaEilis
    SorchaEilis Posts: 99 Member
    My husband is a great supporter now :-) At first, he was a little irritated by the food part- my constantly counting calories, measuring everything, cooking with my ipad so I could load my recipes into MFP... and I get it- he's the kind of guy who can eat ice cream and popcorn for dinner every night and lose weight (this actually happened; I was away at school for 6 weeks and he lost about 10 pounds!). But once he saw that it wasn't simply a 'diet', that I was changing my lifestyle, he came around and he even joined MFP with me, even though he really doesn't need to watch his calories all that much.
    We've always worked out together- not every workout, but usually a few times a week. The days we don't workout together are for doing our own thing- he plays basketball (I can't) and I swim laps or use cardio equipment at the gym (not his thing at all).
    I am also lucky to have a great friend who is a certified personal trainer, and she is always willing to help with ideas if I plateau or she'll even write out new workouts for me if I stop seeing results or start getting bored. That's a big help :-)
  • YoYo1951
    YoYo1951 Posts: 370
    I don't have any support either. My workplace is the worst. They are always bringing cakes, tortillas, burritos, everything fattening and full of calories. They always tell me I am too old to get into shape, I should just learn to deal with what I am. My family believes food is love, and always try to feed me because I don't get a chance to see them that much. They always want to make my favorites. Very hard to say no to my longtime favorites, which are exactly the reason I look like I do. I only see them once a year tho. I miss them, but not the food experience. MFP experience has been disheartening. I like the logging, and reading everyone's posts, and it does inspire me, but it seems not many people respond to me as a friend. It seems like there are little cults on here, and if you don't belong to them, oh well. I feel some people are put so high on a pedestal that when they fall off, we will all hear it. I sound bitter, but it hurts my feelings when I eagerly go to MFP, and there is little there for me. I try to post and often if people really want to hear the truth on here. Maybe that is my problem. Does anyone else have this experience?
  • jcmartin0313
    jcmartin0313 Posts: 574 Member
    I am very, very fortunate that my wife stayed at a job she hated so her insurance would cover my bariatric surgery. That is one of my primary motivators for becoming fit - giving her the husband and long marriage she deserves. However, one thing I have learned is that you must reach a point where you can go it alone because at different times people will support you in varying amounts. I would be happy to friend anyone needing support.
  • FatStoatLondon
    FatStoatLondon Posts: 197 Member
    MFP experience has been disheartening. I like the logging, and reading everyone's posts, and it does inspire me, but it seems not many people respond to me as a friend. It seems like there are little cults on here, and if you don't belong to them, oh well. I feel some people are put so high on a pedestal that when they fall off, we will all hear it. I sound bitter, but it hurts my feelings when I eagerly go to MFP, and there is little there for me. I try to post and often if people really want to hear the truth on here. Maybe that is my problem. Does anyone else have this experience?

    I've declined all requests to friend, because I don't have time to give people one-on-one support; I just like to pop up on the forums and give people the benefit of my uninformed opinions on stuff!
  • marie_cressman
    marie_cressman Posts: 980 Member
    I don't have any support either. My workplace is the worst. They are always bringing cakes, tortillas, burritos, everything fattening and full of calories. They always tell me I am too old to get into shape, I should just learn to deal with what I am. My family believes food is love, and always try to feed me because I don't get a chance to see them that much. They always want to make my favorites. Very hard to say no to my longtime favorites, which are exactly the reason I look like I do. I only see them once a year tho. I miss them, but not the food experience. MFP experience has been disheartening. I like the logging, and reading everyone's posts, and it does inspire me, but it seems not many people respond to me as a friend. It seems like there are little cults on here, and if you don't belong to them, oh well. I feel some people are put so high on a pedestal that when they fall off, we will all hear it. I sound bitter, but it hurts my feelings when I eagerly go to MFP, and there is little there for me. I try to post and often if people really want to hear the truth on here. Maybe that is my problem. Does anyone else have this experience?

    So far, I haven't had that experience with MFP. Everyone that I've friended on here has been super supportive as far as I can tell. I know some people comment more and are more involved, but it doesn't bother me that some don't respond to me. i give what support I can and I let the rest go. I am here to support everyone equally and I hope that I do.
  • hollymedic
    hollymedic Posts: 10
    Doing this on my own, with a little support from friends. It's a lonely existence. :(