New Gurl with 100 plus to go!


I am new here, I have over a 100 to lose. For years I was an athlete and then started gaining weight... long story short I was diagnosed with Endometriosis and PCOS, which can prevent the weight loss... and help you gain loads. hehe.

It has been a long 10 years of gaining weight fighting against my body to try to lose it. no matter how well I ate or worked out it wouldn't come off. I am still in post-op from my Hysterectomy which is basically a miracle surgery for me.

Although I am typically healthy... I am overweight. Now I am left to re-train myself to eat in portioned control. I spent so long being able to eat whatever and staying at the same weight it didn't matter, but now my health excuse is gone and its all up to me.

I will be making all the decisions and hopefully not feeling defeated, because this time it is going to work!

I don't know what kind of support or friendships I can form here... I guess I will just have to see. :)

My goal is simple, to be healthy... and hopefully that means shopping outside the plus section. haha!


  • onmywaytoskinny155
    onmywaytoskinny155 Posts: 228 Member
    Good Luck!!!!
  • iamladibeast
    iamladibeast Posts: 451 Member
    Best of luck on your will love mfp...
  • ali258
    ali258 Posts: 403
    You've found a great, supportive place to get healthy! Good luck!
  • missykaye1975
    Hey there!

    I know that health problems can make weight loss extremely difficult. I'm 34 years old, had a complete hysterectomy at age 31, which means I'm on hormone replacement therapy for the rest of my life, plus I'm bipolar and have fought with all the side effects of many medications until April of this year (I got off of everything and went to an alternative, natural therapy).

    One of the meds caused me to gain 30 lbs. literally within 2 months at the beginning of this year, all the while I was faithfully doing my cardio workouts at 5 a.m. every morning. I obviously got off of the medication that caused the weight gain, started weight-lifting for the first time in July, signed up with MFP in August and started watching what I ate religiously. I drink a gallon of water a day, and have been able to lose 1 lb. per week consistently since August. That is when I finally got the scale to budge in the downward direction for the first time! That sounds like really slow weight loss, and it is, but it will also be permanent.

    I truly believe it is twice as hard for those of us with health issues to lose weight, but it CAN be done--I'm living proof of that! I literally have to follow ALL the rules, but I think the weight-lifting, i.e. muscle-building was the biggest change for me and has literally turned up my metabolism. What they say is true: the more muscle mass you have, the more calories you burn even at rest. Fat just sits there and does (and burns) nothing. I love to look at the "transformations" section at is VERY motivating to see people lose sometimes a 100 or more pounds and look incredible! Not 'skinny-fat', but truly toned, muscular, and fit. That is my goal and I'm getting closer and closer to it.

    I hope this helps you a little. Just stay consistent and NEVER, EVER give up on yourself! Good luck to you--you can do it!
  • cota1chrome
    You came to the right place. YOU CAN DO IT!!!! BEST OF LUCK!!!
  • itsbella
    itsbella Posts: 1,101
    Welcome new gurl! You will find the support you need here. You have made a wonderful commitment with yourself :flowerforyou:
  • littlejazzbird81
    Hi! I just joined yesterday and I have about 115 to lose, eventually. I am healthy, but I know I won't stay that way if I don't make some changes. Best of luck to you, and I look forward to seeing your progress (and mine too)!!!
  • iluvfrogss
    :happy: Welcome! I am new here too and also have over a 100lbs to lose. We can do this!!! I'm here if you ever need to chat! Tracie
  • Raeann
    Thank you so much for your encouraging words and support!
  • LittleSister
    LittleSister Posts: 207 Member
    Hi there! You've found a wonderful place of supportive people!

    I think there are several people in the same boat, being on meds and having medical conditions. I began to gain about 20 years ago when I had to go on heart medicine. I used it as an excuse for a long time, until my doctor said I still had to eat healthy and exercise, even if I was never going to be the skinny mini that I was in my 20's.

    I've lost weight before, while being on heart meds, so I know it's possible. However, it seems all too easy to gain it back, which I did.

    And I think you're right, it's the portion control that is the trick. I'm still fighting with it. I've been here for about 4 weeks now, and I've lost 4 pounds (very happy about that) but I'm still amazed at how many calories just a teeny bit of food seems to use up. I feel like any time I enjoy a "regular" breakfast, there go 50% of my calories for the day and I haven't even gone to work yet.

    Anyway, I'm adjusting because it's worth it, and because the success stories of the people here really inspire me!

    I hope they'll inspire you too! Best of luck with your journey!
  • rharris2165
    Raeann, Congratulations on making a step toward your goal! Good luck --I'll be routing for you! Robin Harris, Ft. Worth, Texas
  • hetipt01
    Welcome! Im so glad and proud that you decided to make a move towards a healthier you! You will never regret it! It may be difficult, but never forget that anything worth having, is worth working for.
    You can do this!
    Good Luck!