Need morning wake-up calls! **Seriously!**

Hi MFP'ers! Now this may sound like an odd request but I am SERIOUS! I want to get into working out in the morning (because, like so many people, I intend to do it and don't, and then say "I'll just do it tonight" and then tonight gets too busy or I'm too tired), and though I have tried to do it, I just don't find the motivation when the alarm goes off. I just hit snooze and before you know it, it's time to jump in the shower and rush to get ready for work. So fitness friends, what I am hoping for is to find a few friends who may happen to be up at 4:45am (Eastern time) weekdays that would be willing to call me and tell me to get my butt out of bed. Maybe make it fun by playing your best Jillian over the phone, or finding a funny joke to share but only after I promise that I'm out of the bed, my feet are on the floor. If I'm blessed enough to find five willing volunteers then it would only be a once-a-week commitment for each person. And this wouldn't be for forever, maybe just til the end of August, because I think after about 6 weeks things tend to become a habit. I have a fitness mini-goal that I'm aiming for on 29 August (fitness test due and want to make 100%!) and am really hoping to find some support here to do it! Anyone? Anyone? TIA!!!


  • jwilson80121
    jwilson80121 Posts: 72 Member
    That's an excellent idea, I couldn't do it, I think I'm just going to bed around that time! lol, I'm on west coast time. Just wanted to give my support.
  • zumbasalsera
    Thanks! I appreciate the support nonetheless! :)
  • RejoicingL
    RejoicingL Posts: 95 Member
    How about moving your alarm clock across the room so you have to get up to turn it off. Would that help?
  • DrewLundgren
    DrewLundgren Posts: 18 Member
    A mouse trap set on top of the alarm clock's snooze button might help.
  • joecollins9385
    joecollins9385 Posts: 355 Member
    i would call you but i dont get up until 5:45. i struggled with getting up early for awhile but i found that setting up an alarm clock beside by bed and my phone alarm across the room going off in 3 minute intervals really helped. i couldnt get back to sleep before the next alarm went off haha. and if you are willing to get up an hour later i would be more than happy to help you out with a phone call
  • bloooms
    bloooms Posts: 17 Member
    I'm up at 4:15 Tues, Thurs, Fri! I am at the gym by 4:35 or so but I think that's a little too early for you!
  • Mellie289
    Mellie289 Posts: 1,191 Member
    For me getting up early, it definitely helped for me to move the alarm clock across the room... well, one of them at least. I usually use two or three if I really want to get up early because it's a battle for me.

    The other thing -- one of my alarm clocks is a sunrise/sunset alarm clock. It has a light that comes on gradually over 15 minutes. This has made a huge difference for me getting up those mornings when the sun rises long after me. You might want to invest in one.
  • zumbasalsera
    For me getting up early, it definitely helped for me to move the alarm clock across the room... well, one of them at least. I usually use two or three if I really want to get up early because it's a battle for me.

    The other thing -- one of my alarm clocks is a sunrise/sunset alarm clock. It has a light that comes on gradually over 15 minutes. This has made a huge difference for me getting up those mornings when the sun rises long after me. You might want to invest in one.
  • zumbasalsera
    For me getting up early, it definitely helped for me to move the alarm clock across the room... well, one of them at least. I usually use two or three if I really want to get up early because it's a battle for me.

    The other thing -- one of my alarm clocks is a sunrise/sunset alarm clock. It has a light that comes on gradually over 15 minutes. This has made a huge difference for me getting up those mornings when the sun rises long after me. You might want to invest in one.

    Thanks! I will look into one of those....because as hard as it is for me to get this done in the summer, I absolutely know it will be much harder in the winter because it is so dark in the morning.
  • zumbasalsera
    A mouse trap set on top of the alarm clock's snooze button might help.

    :) hahaha, ya I think the effect of that would surely make me jump out of the bed! :)
  • Southernbelle90
    on my iphone i changed my alarm name to "If Froto can get the ring to Moardoar you can get your butt out of bed!" lol. I'm such a nerd :P I try to go to the gym in the am- and then walk my dog in the park in the afternoons. Its hard getting up at first but once you start doing it for a week or so- you'll get into a routine. I try to remember- Motivation gets you started but habit keeps you going. GOOD LUCK!! :)