Evening Workouts?



  • Casey1982
    Casey1982 Posts: 18 Member
    Glad to hear others are out there! LOL! I usually try to walk on the treadmill during my lunch (I work for the county and get spoiled that we can use the gym at Fire & Rescue). But then I usually do a Jillian Michaels DVD at 5:30 when I get home. My 3 year old likes to unwind from a day at preschool so I give her a snack, let her watch a little Sprout while I spend 24 minutes with Jillian every afternoon.

    Mornings are nice because it gets it out of the way, but I just cannot get up early enough to do that, get my child ready, commute 1/2 hour and be at work at 8:00 am! There's nothing wrong with working out in the evenings!
  • Casey1982
    Casey1982 Posts: 18 Member
    I work out at night too. I am not a morning person, so I know I would just be setting myself up for failure if i tried to work out in the mornings! As soon as I get home from work I change my clothes and turn on a Jillian Michaels DVD. I also walk my dog in the evenings. I don't think it matters so much when you work out, it just matters that you actually do it! :)

    Haha - you sound like me! I walk through the door after work, change, and pop in good ol' Jillian Michaels.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    I workout in the evenings and sometimes on my lunch break. I'm just going to snooze through my alarm if I try to get up early enough to workout in the am so I'd rather get the uninterrupted sleep!
  • Sopsongbird
    Sopsongbird Posts: 48 Member
    My husband and I have been waking up and brisk walking around 8-9am. But on days like today, I had a Dr. appt., we had errands to run, and he had to go to work. I work 5-9 and was able to squeeze in an hour on my xbox kinect. When I get home tonight, I'm going to try to add another 30 minutes of cardio. Sometimes you have to do what you have to do, no matter what time it is. Everyone has different time schedules, and as long as you do SOMETHING, you are better than if you just didn't do anything! I'm here if you need support, cause I'll need it right back!
  • jmoralesx5
    jmoralesx5 Posts: 128 Member
    Evening workouts rock as long as you don't sit down and watch tv first...then i'm never getting up!