
cryslynn1980 Posts: 111 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey.... I have never logged my calories before now and I started 6 days ago. I have logged everything and have kept within my calorie range. I have not moved the scale or the tape measure! Whats up with that? How do I know forsure that I should be taken in 1200 cal and not less? I am gonna keep trying but if anyone has any advice or can look at my food log or something PLEASE HELP..... I want to really lose this weight!


  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    There's a lot of factors that go into a correct goal. I have a link in my signature (below the redsox banner), I would click on it and read the links that it points too, that should give you some good information. Your weight, height, activity level, age, sex, genetics, and any medical issues all play a part in how large your deficit should be. Above all, patience is needed, for many people, especially those who don't start out in the obese category, it can take a month or more to see any substantial numbers, 6 days is a very short time as far as changes in your body and health are concerned.

    Good luck Cryslynn,

    Don't stop asking questions, we may not have all the answers, but we're here to help when we can.
  • Hello! Where did you get your daily caloric intake number from? SHBoss said it right, you need to factor in your stats. One note of caution: some people think eating less will get them quicker, better results: FALSE! I'm a Beachbody Coach (P90X, Turbo Jam, etc). It's been eye opening to see how my daily calories change with each workout. If I do P90X, for example, I need 1,800 cal/day; if I switch to 10 Minute Trainer, I need 1,350. And it's imperative to not go below it.

    Keep it up! Consistency is the key.

  • Ditto to what SHBoss said. Also, it definitely SHOULD NOT be less than 1200 calories. That's a minimum to keep you out of starvation mode.
  • dporter1183
    dporter1183 Posts: 154 Member

    I tried to look at your log, I am new to this website, so I may be missing it, or you have it on private. Are you also watching your sodium and carb intake? How much water are you drinking? Are you getting any cardio in?

    I wouldn't dip below 1200 cals. You'll go into starvation mode and can actually put weight on. If you aren't already, try watching your sodium and carbs along with your calories, drink lots of water, steer clear of sodas, and try to get in 30 minutes of cardio atleast everyother day. It's seems overwhelming at first, but once you start, it's actually easier to keep up. I saw on your profile that you are a stay at home mom, I have a one year old at home who likes to crawl all over me while I work out, So I use him as my weights in certain excersizes...and it's actually helping! :laugh: My other son likes to mimic what I'm doing, so it makes working out more fun.

    Losing weight is the most frustraiting thing EVER! why can't it be as easy as putting it on? :wink:
    I slacked off big time and I the heaviest I have ever been without being prego. I just started REALLY trying last week. I wish you luck!!!:flowerforyou:
  • breezy81
    breezy81 Posts: 186
    You should never eat less then 1200 calories, that is the point at which your body will go into starvation mode and keep everything that you put into it!! Some people need more, some have to eat all exercise calories and some need part of them or not at all!! Weight loose is personal and you have to play with it until it fits, but it will and you will do it :flowerforyou:
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Let's be carful guys tossing around that 1200 number. It's not set in stone. If she's 4'10" she can possibly safely go below 1200, likewise, if she's 5'10" 1200 calories is far too low. 1200 is the average that the World Health Organization came up with for Female adults in the industrialized world back in the early 90's. It actually doesn't correlate all that well with women in the United States these days. Unless you're considered obese, your minimum number of calories to keep you out of starvation mode is USUALLY somewhere around your BMR, there's a cushion for everyone, some people can handle a bigger deficit, and some a smaller one (usually largely influenced by genetics), the only way to tell for sure is to tweak your numbers. And don't forget to take into account any health issues you may have that could effect your metabolic rate (thyroid, diabetes...etc)

    Some women can get by without eating exercise calories at all, some need to eat all of them or they won't lose a pound, it's a little different for everyone. I know this though, if you don't do your homework, it's more likely than not that you'll end up, at some point on this journey, spinning your wheels, becoming frustrated with the process, and even stopping all together.
  • cryslynn1980
    cryslynn1980 Posts: 111 Member
    THANKS guys! I am gonna try to unlock my food log so yall can see it. I slacked off on exercising this last week but wanna start back in the morning. I got my calories from this program that had me enter my height and weight and current activity level. 1200 is what it told me. I can tell I dont eat as much as I use i guess thats good! I just figured Id lose atleast 1lb. oh well I will continue to stick with what MFP tells me and see what happens. I dont have any health problems. I have lost 60 lbs in the past really quick (coming off of a BP med) but i hardly would eat at all then. I hope I didnt mess up my metab. by doing that. who knows Im also under alot of stress and I guess that could be a factor. well thank you for all your help.:ohwell:
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    I just wanted to say - 6 days isn't very long. And the body is a peculiar thing.... it can change from day to day.

    My first week trying to lose weight, I lost 3.4 pounds. The second week, I was only down .4 pounds (even though I ate FAR better the second week than the first week). I'm trying to lose about 1.7 pounds per week, but there are weeks I lose 3 pounds or more, and weeks I don't lose a thing. Don't let it get you down- it takes time. :)
  • Above all, patience is needed, for many people, especially those who don't start out in the obese category, it can take a month or more to see any substantial numbers, 6 days is a very short time as far as changes in your body and health are concerned.

    Thanks for bringing that up cause it was starting to drive me crazy how people are saying they lost like 15 pound in a week or 2. Now I realize they probably have a lot more weight to lose than me.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Above all, patience is needed, for many people, especially those who don't start out in the obese category, it can take a month or more to see any substantial numbers, 6 days is a very short time as far as changes in your body and health are concerned.

    Thanks for bringing that up cause it was starting to drive me crazy how people are saying they lost like 15 pound in a week or 2. Now I realize they probably have a lot more weight to lose than me.

    that's right, and it's an important thing to emphasize. Someone who is looking to lose 30 lbs or so is going to travel a far different route than someone looking to lose 130 lbs, you can't gauge your results based on others results, it's just not relevant.
  • Above all, patience is needed, for many people, especially those who don't start out in the obese category, it can take a month or more to see any substantial numbers, 6 days is a very short time as far as changes in your body and health are concerned.

    Thanks for bringing that up cause it was starting to drive me crazy how people are saying they lost like 15 pound in a week or 2. Now I realize they probably have a lot more weight to lose than me.

    that's right, and it's an important thing to emphasize. Someone who is looking to lose 30 lbs or so is going to travel a far different route than someone looking to lose 130 lbs, you can't gauge your results based on others results, it's just not relevant.

    I totally get that now, and it made me feel much better. Thought i was doing something horribly wrong not to be losing all that weight like them. Now I see I shouldn't compare myself to others. I read those other links you were talking about in the other post. They were also very helpful to put everything into perspective for me. Thanks :flowerforyou:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I just took a little peek at your food diary (back until Sunday) and I think you need to track your sodium.
    Go to your food tab, then to "settings' then change the nutrients (or add nutrients) to track.

    MFP gives an allowance of 2500mg/day which is pretty high for someone eating 1200 calories a day. I think you're going to be floored by how much sodium you're taking in. Don't forget that in order to get a realistic total for your sodium intake, you have to count every shake of salt, every seasoning that contains salt, every diet soda, etc.

    I've been watching my sodium intake pretty closely for a couple of weeks now. I try to keep my intake around 1500mg but usually end up taking in somewhere between 1500mg and 2000mg each day. If I eat a high sodium meal (mexican food, chinese take out, etc), my weight will jump up 2 or 3 pounds the next day because I'm retaining so much water from all the sodium! Things like fast food and canned soups (2 of the things I saw in your diary) generally contain copious amounts of sodium.

    I also noticed most days you're not even making it up to 8 cups of water. To me, 8 cups is a bare minimum especially when you're taking in so much sodium. I'd be willing to bet if you watch your sodium and make sure you drink at least 80oz of water each day, you'll lose a few pounds of water weight alone in just a few days.
  • cryslynn1980
    cryslynn1980 Posts: 111 Member
    Thanks for the info but I already watch my sodium (I use to have HBP). I make sure I keep it at around 1300-1500 if possible. Ofcourse somedays I go alittle higher but I NEVER use a salt shaker or any xtra seasonings that have salt. I am gonna just play with it alittle and see how it goes. I will change the settings to add the sodium so anyone can see...cause I need all the help I can get.(lol) I think I might be having to many carbs but Im Just going by what MFP told me. we will see and I thankyou for keeping an eye out on me! I had a horrible day yesterday (life in general) and did not get to track everything but I made sure I made good choices. Any thoughts on good low carb snaks?
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    Sodium is the bane of my existance!!!!

    For today (after having planned all my meals) I'm at 1,453/2,500. So it looks like I'm doing pretty well there. Did OK yesterday, too. But it's definitely something I've been having trouble with. It's hard to believe how much sodium goes into EVERYTHING!

    When I prepare my own food, I use very little salt. I'm actually more of a pepper fan, to be honest.... but if I eat anything pre-made, I wind up eating way more salt than I'd like. Another reason I avoid fast food (aside from the terrible gut pains!)....
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