2 weeks in - looking for more friends!

Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
My name is Heather, im 35 and this is my story in a nutshell...

I was a skinny active young adult. I ate everything i wanted.. burgers, fries, pizza, pasta.. the greasier the better! I never gained an ounce! I never worked out a day in my life, and never dieted, but even after 2 kids i had a smooth tummy without even the slightest pooch, and not one stretchmark. I was happy and thought I was healthy.

One afternoon while at work (i was a part owner and lead mechanic in a small shop) I started feeling bad. I typically kept a cold, and had broncitis alot (i have SEVERE allergies) but this was different. I decided to take a short break.. after all, it was really hot that day.. and when i walked into the office and went to sit down, i missed the chair. that was the last thing i rememered for 3 days. I

I was 24 years old, weighed 125 pounds and suffered from my first stroke from a blocked artery. I had a blood clot go to my brain.

I was on bedrest for about one year, while doing therapy, learning different aspects of my life all over again. I could walk, i could talk, and i could feed myself, ect.. but my stregnth was GONE and so was alot of my memory. I cannot remember one thing about my youngest daughters birth... Depression set in.

11 years later, and 110 pounds later, here i am... but i am here! Ready to make a change!

I dont do excuses anymore. I have COPD, but i bust my tail to exercise. I have a hard time with balance and with hand eye coordination (and with things like learning steps, and remembering them) but i throw my arms in the air.. kick my legs, and still move to that exercise video for 15 minutes.. even though i dont get one step right!

Im looking for more people who are POSITIVE, and DRIVEN! I have deleted more people off my facebook in the last two weeks.. i was even told i would FAIL! NO WAY. No negative people in my life anymore!!

If you would like someone to give you compliments, to tell you how beautiful you are and to push you in a gentle way, ADD ME!

If you want someone who will tell you to stop your whining, get off your *kitten* and MOVE! ADD ME!

I am very proud to say i have lost 9.2 pounds and 9 inches in 2 weeks!!! I have a bunch more to go too, but I GOT THIS!! I have been asked my goal, and ultimately, i dont know. I try to focus on short term goals and i do not desire to be "that skinny girl" again, but i WILL be the healthy girl! If i had to choose, i would say my "ultimate" goal is to be in the best shape of my life by the time i am 40.

Looking forward to lots of friendship and motivation!

~Heather =)


  • tberend
    tberend Posts: 91 Member
    What a story! Add me. I'm new, but I'm addicted to MFP!
  • GodsGirl37
    GodsGirl37 Posts: 348
    awesome story heather

    you are welcome to add me:)
  • trish1206
    trish1206 Posts: 8
    Wow, what a story!!! Add me! I need more MFP friends, too!!
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    Wow! Glad you're here! It's amazing to me to see everyone with such different stories and reasons for being here! Welcome :flowerforyou:
  • leighscimeca
    I am so sorry to hear about your health problems. I'm also sorry to hear that you have had negative people discouraging you.
    You are doing your best and that's AMAZING!!
    I have had people tell me that I should just resign myself to being a fat person. I care about my weight for vanity reasons...yes...
    but most importantly, I care about my HEALTH!
    I think we would make great pals, encouraging eachother and sharing ideas.

  • angiezturn
    angiezturn Posts: 49
    What a fantastic lady you are!! You've over-come so many obsticles and still maintain your ambition and drive!! I've had similiar negative people in my life including my own husband!! So I fully understand the erasing people aspect. I think many are intimidated by others when they succeed and it's an instict to want to keep them away from anything they cannot achieve themselves.

    I will add you! I would love to keep a friend who has drive and motivation. I have enough for 5 people!!
  • Sue_Smiles
    Sue_Smiles Posts: 1,001 Member
    FR sent! :)
  • auzziecawth66
    auzziecawth66 Posts: 479 Member
    Such an inspirational story!! Dont you listen to the naysayers, you can do anything you put your mind to!! (I'm trying to be more positive and cut the negative out of my life too.)
  • urbansmamma
    urbansmamma Posts: 202 Member
    Well you are in the right place!! There are so many positive people in all walks of life. The one thing I can tell you is you WILL do this! Congrats on your AMAZING success!!! You are headed for a brand new life of health and long life!!! WELCOME :)
  • VeganZombie13
    Wow you are an inspiration!! Adding you for sure. Congrats on the weight loss, it's mind over body and I think you have the Mind beat on this one.!!!
  • antsw123
    antsw123 Posts: 22 Member
    Hi Heather

    I also am very positive. Having been overweight for many a year (early 1990s) have now made a conscious decision having looked at myself in a hotel mirror that enough is enough.

    Am losing weight slowly but surely and MFP is assisting greatly (to be honest I am addicted both to the website and weighing myself) . Previously when losing weight I have apparently not been eating enough.

    Almost 25% of the way there in 6 weeks. Looking forward to being my target weight by the end of the year.

    As I have MD am having to do most of my effort through diet control rather than exercise which can be difficult as my favourite foods are curries and pizzas and drink is beer.

    Have never really asked for friends I do not know already but would be good to have a few to share journeys.

    Feel free to add me if you wish.

  • bjfmade
    bjfmade Posts: 543 Member
    Love your story, if you are still looking for new friends, add me!
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    Thank you to everyone for reaching out! i will add each of you (time allowing, i didnt know you couldnt add but 5 people every 10 minutes! LOL!)

    I also wanted to say THANK YOU for the amazing compliments, and the messages you have sent me. It brought tears to my eyes knowing so many people could support you!! I guess a life of negative people have taken a toll on me!

    I also LOVE my beer, as someone mentioned.. but thats okay! I reserve my Saturdays for my liquid calories, and i will ALWAYS go over... Saturday is the one day that i eat what i want, and drink about 18 beers. lol.. its one day, and if ididnt have it, i would not continue this journey. I am a firm believer that you can still be healthy and have fun!! =D

    Again, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! Its going to truly be an honor to get to know you all!!
  • Fairysoul
    Fairysoul Posts: 1,361 Member
    Your amazing and I am here to motivate you and be positive!!
  • Timmyttt418
    Timmyttt418 Posts: 103 Member
    I am 2 weeks in as well and love this website, feel free to add me.
  • MsTanya77
    MsTanya77 Posts: 357 Member
    Add me! I'm also 35!!! You have amazing story! :happy:
  • abacorica
    abacorica Posts: 29 Member
    Friend request sent! Thanks for sharing your story. I am 38 and have been on MFP since March. It has really helped me to have motivational friends too!
  • EmilyT1994
    EmilyT1994 Posts: 33
    Whoever told you you would fail clearly hasn't logged into MFP.
    Have you seen the weight losses on here?
    Some people have lost like 100lbs!
    So I have absoloutley NO DOUBT you will succeed!
    You sound like an achiever!
    I wish you all the best =D
  • BettyIW
    BettyIW Posts: 103
    What an AMAZING story!!!! Please add me as a friend. We'll be an uplifting support to each other.
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    Add me! I'm also 35!!! You have amazing story! :happy:

    Ill add you, but your weight loss ticker sucks. LMAO!! :wink:

    GO SKINS!! :heart: