Looking for Friends with 50+ to Lose



  • KatieCbugg
    KatieCbugg Posts: 4 Member
    I'm in the same boat! Feel free to add! :)
  • ahoag_83
    ahoag_83 Posts: 54 Member
    You can add me. My goal is to lose 53 pounds and I am almost half way there. I'd be happy to encourage you along your way. =)
  • nade0069
    nade0069 Posts: 109 Member
    feel free to add me! Good luck!!!!!!!
  • norse1965
    norse1965 Posts: 44 Member
    I need to lose 100.. :-( at least.. Add me!
  • drusilla126
    drusilla126 Posts: 478 Member
    Over 50 to go here. It's a steep mountain to climb but we can do it! (BTW the dietician I spoke to said not to be too hung up on the BMI thing because technically a bodybuilder with huge muscles would be classified as obese on that)
  • mayflower1478
    mayflower1478 Posts: 2 Member
    HI My name is Stacy. I have more then 90 lbs to lose. I started this weight loss plan last summer and unfortunately I did not stick with it. I wound up weighing more then when I started leaving me even more determined this time around. I have no friends here on MFP and I think that maybe having a few might increase the chance of success. I have lost 5 pounds in the past 2 weeks! Would love to keep the forward momentum going. Feel free to friend me! :-)
  • Hi my name Michele and I am hoping to loose 50 before February. I was at the gym today and one of my work out partners told me about this app. It says to add friends so I figure I would start in this forum!
  • meeksfour
    meeksfour Posts: 59 Member
    Count me in, we have about the same to lose. It's always easier to talk with somebody who Understands your journey. As you can see I joined MFP in jan 2011.... That is when my husband and I started he lost 40 lbs and has kept it off. I on the other hand have yo-yo'd about 15 lbs worth. This week on Monday I had enough and started to track on MFP again. I plan on making this work, joined a gym since it too hot to workout outside.and have decided to take it daily.

    Friend me if you would like ( anyone else as well too)
  • hi there to all that read this please add me to ur list and I will do my best to help you in your journey my goal is to lose 100 so I will need yall help in this too and thanks and have a great day
  • cserg
    cserg Posts: 31 Member
    I have about 50 to lose as well. Love the app and decided to try the community. Anyone can add me too!
  • I totally understand where you are coming from, and would love to have you as a friend!:smile:
  • NancyyyM
    NancyyyM Posts: 1
    I have 50+ to lose.
    Need the motivation to stay on track after multiple fails.

    Needs some friends ppl.! :D
  • kettle_belle83
    kettle_belle83 Posts: 94 Member
    I've already lost almost 50! It can be done with hard work, dedication , and a lot of support. I need to lose another 30-40. Feel free to add me.
  • tmbf57
    tmbf57 Posts: 52 Member
    Feel free to add me that's my goal as well
  • cdbarger
    cdbarger Posts: 41 Member
    I've got about 70 lbs to lose, and could use more support! Feel free to add me. I'm a 28 year old stay at home mom with 2 toddlers. I'm using couch to 5k to get ready for a race in August!!!
  • Add me too! I have 50 to go :)
  • gemmalouise85
    gemmalouise85 Posts: 157 Member
    I have alot to lose too and just startng.. always happy to get new friends
  • Permbaby
    Permbaby Posts: 71 Member
    Add me. I'm always up for meeting new people.
  • staps065
    staps065 Posts: 837 Member
    Feel free to add me too!
  • lstone03
    lstone03 Posts: 57 Member
    I'm not 100% sure how much I should lose or what is realistic. I plan on losing somewhere between 50-75lbs. Feel free to add me! I'm having a hard time so far.