One 5'3 chick and Cheesecake.

Ha! Got you to open this post. :P Sorry, I lied. No cheesecake...

My name's Andrea and I'm not new to MFP, but I've recently had to weed out my friends list and am looking for more awesome motivational people to add. Preferably if youre on here pretty much daily and have an open diary.

I'm 5'3 and currently weigh 150 pounds. Looking to get down to 125 or so. It's a constant struggle and I am so up and down sometimes. : /

I live on the coast in way Northern California, close to the Oregon border. I have a gorgeous 5 year old german shepherd named Trinity. I am just recently engaged. :) All the more reason to lose this bloody weight. I live a pretty stationary life right now. I just recently lost my job as an administrative assistant at a local university so I've been "enjoying" being a lady of leisure, but getting bored of it fast. I love and practice photography. Been a passion of mine for about 12 years. I like most types of art. I dream of travelling, though I havent had the luxury to do it much at all. I love books. I love being outdoors and would like to do more outdoorsy things. I'd like to gain some endurance and strength to go on a hardcore weekend backpacking trip. There's a lot of beautiful hiking areas around where I live. Maybe that'll be my reward for when I reach my goal weight. :)

Feel free to send a friend request, just please leave a short message in the request.
I look forward to meeting you all! :)


  • Kenzieb07
    Kenzieb07 Posts: 207 Member
    I'm glad I finally get to know about you -- we've been buddies on here for a while but I've never known your story! Congrats on your recent engagement -- that is so exciting!

    I'm 5'3 and started at 132 and my goal was 125 too! I've surpassed that now (by .2lbs, haha) and still goin'. What are you doing to lose the weight?? Glad to call you my MFP friend!!
    Ha! Got you to open this post. :P Sorry, I lied. No cheesecake...

    My name's Andrea and I'm not new to MFP, but I've recently had to weed out my friends list and am looking for more awesome motivational people to add. Preferably if youre on here pretty much daily and have an open diary.

    I'm 5'3 and currently weigh 150 pounds. Looking to get down to 125 or so. It's a constant struggle and I am so up and down sometimes. : /

    I live on the coast in way Northern California, close to the Oregon border. I have a gorgeous 5 year old german shepherd named Trinity. I am just recently engaged. :) All the more reason to lose this bloody weight. I live a pretty stationary life right now. I just recently lost my job as an administrative assistant at a local university so I've been "enjoying" being a lady of leisure, but getting bored of it fast. I love and practice photography. Been a passion of mine for about 12 years. I like most types of art. I dream of travelling, though I havent had the luxury to do it much at all. I love books. I love being outdoors and would like to do more outdoorsy things. I'd like to gain some endurance and strength to go on a hardcore weekend backpacking trip. There's a lot of beautiful hiking areas around where I live. Maybe that'll be my reward for when I reach my goal weight. :)

    Feel free to send a friend request, just please leave a short message in the request.
    I look forward to meeting you all! :)
  • pambaron5
    pambaron5 Posts: 8
    Nice to meet you shutterbabe. I am 5'2" and have about 20- 25 to lose. I sometimes feel wierd coming to places like this with so little to lose next to others but as a person of smaller stature yourself, you know what 20 lbs means!!! I am from RI and have neglected myself for many years while raising 3 kids, taking care of a home, 2 dogs and trying to work 2 jobs. Just recently lost a job myself. Love not going there anymore but bored...not really knowing what to do with the free time. After taking care of people, you definately lose yourself. So, figured it's time for me.

    I would love to hear what you're doing to get in shape!

  • shutterbabe
    shutterbabe Posts: 125 Member
    Well right when I was getting my health groove on and a good steady routine going my gym closed for renovations so I kinda fell off the wagon for about a month and gained a couple pounds. : /

    BUT. I've recently started back into my routine again and have lost 3 pounds in just this past week. :)!

    My new goal and what I've been doing for the past week is to do an hour of cardio (30 on elliptical and 30 on treadmill with a 3.5 incline) 5 or 6 days a week, full body strength training via the machines and some free weights about 3 days a week, and Pilates 4 days a week. It's tough some days, like today. When I just want to sit in my pj's and watch movies. But I force myself to go and I'm always glad and feel better after I do. Yesterday I did some 30 day shred and online POP pilates because I just did not want to make the trek to the gym (I walk or ride my bike; its only like a 15 minute walk). I didnt burn as much as I do at the gym but I was proud of myself for doing SOMETHING lol. :)

    Seeing that I've lost 3 pounds in just a week has kind of lit a fire under my *kitten* too. :) I wanna see it drop more! :)

    And THANKS Kenzieb07! The feeling is mutual. You've been one of my favorite and most inspirational MFP friends. :)
    I also forgot to mention that, of course, I've been watching what I eat or at least my portion control.
  • theamazingcoolme
    I am 5'2 and 148lbs my goal weight is also 125. I have not started any diet yet just downloaded the MFP app and I am going to start tracking what I eat tomorrow. I also started the C25k programs and will finish my second week on Sunday. I really need to find others that have similar frames and goals.
  • pambaron5
    pambaron5 Posts: 8
    Nice to meet you theamazingcoolme! Extra weight is a challenge when you're of smaller stature. I just started tracking calories last week and have already dropped 5lbs. Of course it's probably the infamous 5lbs. of water we supposedly all have! But it's a start. I started Jillian Michaels 30 day shred at the advice of a friend and it packs a pretty hard punch for a 25 min workout! At least for someone like me who has virtually done nothing besides life for the past 20 yrs! I am not close to any type of gym....don't think I would opt for it anyway. I'd prefer something that gets me outdoors. 30 day shred is perfect for the time deprived!

    Good luck with your adventure! Having children is a wonderful thing but does make losing weight hard in more ways than one. Getting a handle on it early is a good start.