Raspberry Keytones?



  • laus_8882
    laus_8882 Posts: 217 Member
    He's a cardiothoracic surgeon that graduated from Columbia, one of the prestigious medical schools in the country.

    However . . . that means he only specializes in one field, and probably only has a general grasp of everything else. His educated guesses seem to be getting farther and farther away from the actual truth. Medical science isn't always happy truths, and the fact he's selling his educated guesses like the actual truth isn't good practice for a doctor. Even doctors make mistakes, and he's been getting plenty of money and ratings for them, he's not looking too credible anymore . . .

    He's banking on his speciality to lend him credibility. The public see a man who deals with patients suffering the complications of a fast food diet and inactivity and assume that he's the sort of rebel willing to stand up and say "I won't take this anymore, I may be a surgeon but I don't think medicine is the answer to the health problems the US is facing". Obviously not in as many words, but that's the idea he's getting across to his viewers. Viewers love it because here's a well educated man turning his nose up at a world they couldn't dream of entering, bringing himself down to their level and then offering them a chance to dispense with the services of medicine altogether if they'd just shell out $79.95 for this or that flavour of the month scam pill and eat more salmon.

    I find the man repellent on every level.
  • mskimber99
    mskimber99 Posts: 30
    i bought them july 4th and haven't lost a thing..of course i bought 14.99 bottle and the salesgirl said i needed to buy the 29.99 bottle...that almost made me say forget it right then and there.. anyway i don't notice any difference in energy or appetite.
  • judo_lover
    judo_lover Posts: 1 Member
    i tried them. i wasn't hungry and didn't crave sweets like i normally do. there have been a few things from his show that have been worth trying and some not.
  • HausfrauB
    HausfrauB Posts: 104 Member
    I have trouble taking anything with such a ridiculous name seriously.

    If you want to stop sweet cravings, stop eating sugar and simple carbs...they create a cycle that goes something like this:

    carb/sugar ingestion-->high blood sugar-->insulin response-->low blood sugar-->carb/sugar craving-->carb/sugar ingestion-->high blood sugar--> (cycle repeats)

    Of course no one would be able to make money off such a simple concept, so they make it seem impossibly complicated and then offer you a "simple" solution.
  • dansls1
    dansls1 Posts: 309 Member
    "When given to mice in very high doses (up to 2% of body weight), raspberry ketone has been shown to prevent high-fat-diet-induced elevations in body weight.[8] However, no effects on body weight were observed with doses up to 200 times greater than the estimated intake in humans."

    (From wikipedia with reference). So to the OP - unless you are planning on taking almost 5 pounds a day, there is no scientific evidence they do anything.
  • noirnatural
    noirnatural Posts: 310 Member
    Wow...I had never heard or read a bad thing abot Dr. Oz until I joined MFP, and I get it everybody is entitled to an opinion...
    so with that said I will give mine, I am a fan of Dr. Oz. I recorded and watched his show for a year..and still try and watch it when I can this year.
    .I am not saying that everything he promotes will work for me, but what I have observed is he gives information about the latest trends or some that have been around for ever. I love his demonstrations because they put things in a way that are easy to understand and they visual.
    When he did his show on HCG I was acutally considering (before the show) signing up with a local Doctor to try it, but after his show where he had a group that used it and group that didnt, I decided not to do it, he provided me with more information than I had already found on my own. Also some of the remedies he has done for pms, migranes, stress and vitimans, my own Docotors had recommend the same things.
    His website is good too, I have done his 48hour cleanse, which was also in the O magazine and it was really helpful. The articles and information he provides is good too.
    I choose not look at it as he promoting anything but that he is giving you the information about the latest . Everyone is different . I worked in the weight loss industry for several years for a top company, that promoted a healthy diet, they had critics too because the food was packaged...but the thing is you have to meet people where they are.
    When I first started with my weight loss journey over 8 years ago, I started with WeightWatchers, I got some basic information and moved on it worked for a little while although I had no major weightloss I got information, then I joined a site where the focus was exercise and tracking(aolweightlossbuddies) I started to lose major weight, then I read somewhere that sleep was beneficial and started getting more rest, and more weight came off....Dr. Oz has talked about all the things I have learned along the way...although I dont agree with everything, the things that speak to me I research and make decision..
    To the OP good luck, I have a bottle of them in my desk at work(complimants of my boss..lol) I took them for a couple of days...cant say if they work or not because I cant be bothered with taking pills...LOL..good luck.:wink:
  • eaglemama70
    I'm selling snake oil for 25% off what you paid for the raspberry keytones. I accept paypal.

    ^ LOL
  • laulyn
    laulyn Posts: 70
    Dr Oz? Here's what you do when you watch his show... ignore everything except the advice to eat more fruit and veg, lean protein and low fat dairy (is that still his thing? The man was way into salmon and berries at one point), and only eat these foods because they taste good, provide you with fibre and protein, vitamins and minerals and make it easier to achieve to a calorie deficit.

    Everything else is garbage. He's a total quack pushing homeopathy, naturopathy, etc and supplements whose safety is unproven. If you want to be a guinea pig for what could be a capsules of powdered goat vomit, then hey, who am I to judge how you get your kicks? But don't kid yourself into thinking that this witchdoctor and his sponsors will help you lose weight.

    I actually don't watch Dr. Oz, it was literally, the only thing I had heard about the supplements. I go to work everyday to make a living. I was simply curious.
  • laulyn
    laulyn Posts: 70
    Lotsof varying opinions. Very interesting. I will finish up the bottle and see what I think. I take other supplements, which I know are legit, like iron and vitamin D. Lol. Either way, my mom means well, and it is her version of support, so I will gladly accept it. Don't tell her about the other bottles of things in my medicine cabinet I didn't want to try, including, but not limited to snake oil. :laugh:

    Vitamin pills aren't just expensive placebos (although they frequently are). You should be taking iron if blood tests indicate that your levels are too low. You should be retested regularly to monitor your blood levels. Taking in an excess of iron can sometimes have very unpleasant consequences.

    I do have my levels checked. I am a vegetarian and have always been borderline anemic.
  • SteffieMark
    SteffieMark Posts: 1,723 Member
    When I first started this lifestyle change on February 24, 2012, my mom wanted to start too. She asked how was I going to do it. I told her about eating well, logging food, exercising and being accountable. She said it sounded like too much work. She saw some new thing on the Dr. Oz show Raspberry Ketones, and was ordering it. Dr. Oz said it was great and would definitely work.

    Skip ahead 4.5 months. Mom has not lost any weight, although she took the Raspberry Ketones and followed the directions for 3 months. She has now moved onto another Dr. Oz recommendation, still not losing. I, on the other hand, after logging everything I eat, exercise and being totally accountable, in the same time, have lost 55.2 pounds.

    I'll have more of what I'm doing please. Dr. Oz's only redeeming factor (To me), is that he reminds me of old Tiger Blood himself, Charlie Sheen.
  • laulyn
    laulyn Posts: 70
    Thanks for all the input. I am still thinking I will finish up the bottle, not thinking I will get anymore myself, though.